Apache. Page 2

Kafka Core API Producer

Producer sends demos asynchronously stay Above The use of the AdminClient API was introduced, and now we know how to man...
13:35 17 May 2020

Docker data management and network communication, port mapping

Bibliography: 1. Data management of docker 1. Data Volume...
22:16 16 May 2020

Notes on writing ssm project

catalog matters needing attention: Output station scrambling a link submitted as post Form validation before submission...
1:44 15 May 2020

Machine Learning Model Training Scheme in Mass Data Scenarios

It is very difficult to train the machine learning model by single point in the process of actual processing and solving...
23:50 11 May 2020

Source code interpretation of SLF4J binding log implementation principle

1, Guide reading When we use the log4j framework, we often use the slf4j API. When running, you often encounter the fol...
4:50 11 May 2020

Apache(httpd) source installation

pache is the name of a foundation. httpd is the package we want to install. In the early days it was called apache. Apac...
12:26 10 May 2020

Analysis of Hadoop YARN ResourceManager crash caused by data limit of ZooKeeper node

This problem makes us encounter again. It happens infrequently, but once it happens, it will cause resource manager serv...
10:38 10 May 2020

Several ways of reading and writing spark articles by HBase

1. Overview of how HBase is read and written ...
23:05 9 May 2020

scala and java mixed development package

How to package the mixed development of scala and java? F...
10:19 9 May 2020

Use of Maven (dependency conflict)

1.1Maven coordinate Coordinates: each jar pa...
8:10 7 May 2020

Java build tools Maven and Gradle

What is a build tool? A build tool is a program that aut...
20:20 5 May 2020

Welcome to ZK etcd config

https://github.com/houyijun/zk-etcd-config Welcome to ZK etcd config ZK etcd config is a lightweight dynamic attribute c...
17:14 4 May 2020

Configuring Apache(httpd) with php

The main Apache configuration file is: / usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf ...
20:33 3 May 2020

Reader's Letter | Just after the cluster of HBases was built, Phoenix started and HBases completely collapsed. What was the cause? (Resolved)

Foreword: Some friends and friends have discussed some problems with me before, and I think these problems are very valu...
23:53 6 April 2020

Probe into ReadType of scan in HBase

background knowledge Linux level linux provid...
17:10 4 April 2020

Using allatori to obfuscate and encrypt the spring boot project code under maven

preparation in advance springboot project Download the jar package of allatori. The specific address is http://www.alla...
10:06 19 February 2020

Request Zuul gateway error

I started the eureka, config, zuul, a microservice, and used postman to test whether the gateway worked. ...
10:54 12 February 2020

Gson full resolution (middle) - the use of TypeAdapter

About TypeAdapter Ahead Gson complete analysis (I) We understand and use JsonSerializer and JsonDeserializer to transfor...
6:50 12 February 2020

Remote call using Http connection pool

Explain http request is the most commonly use...
23:51 9 February 2020

Shiro - Detail the Official Starting Cases from scratch!!!

First go to shiro's official website to download the source code http://mirror.bit.edu.cn/apache/shiro/1.5.0/shiro-root-...
21:08 8 February 2020

Annotation configuration for MyBatis

In the past, MaBatis added, deleted and modified queries, associated mapping, dynamic SQL statements and other knowledge...
5:30 8 February 2020

How does Dubbo support local calls? Analysis of injvm mode

Dubbo is a framework for remote calls. For a service provider, an interface is exposed for external consumers to call, D...
6:36 4 February 2020

saltstack - Automated Operations and Maintenance Layout Tool

brief introduction Salt is an underlying plat...
22:21 3 February 2020

Pooling Technology for Java Data Persistence Series

In the last article Java Data Persistence Series JDBC In, we learned that creating a Connection using JDBC executes the ...
21:32 3 February 2020

Hands on interface for external security (improvement)

Article directory Last blog Preface show you the code get processing method post processing method Reference blog ...
7:07 3 February 2020

MapReduce program practice advanced of Hadoop cluster big data solution (custom partition&sort&group)

Get ready                   &...
4:45 3 February 2020

Getting started with dubbo (zookeeper is the registry)

1, To build a zookeeper in the registry, first download the zookeeper package ...
4:47 2 February 2020

Java realizes SMS function through SMS platform

Preface This paper records the use of SMS platform built by China net, which needs to be registered before use. Here, only the use of SMS interface i...
4:27 16 January 2020

The first lesson of big data on the cloud: MaxCompute authorization and appearance operation hidden pit Guide

1, Sub account creation, AK information binding If you are the first time to log in to digital plus platform and use DataWorks with a sub account, you...
2:57 13 January 2020

Basic script attempt

Try the script for the first time. Go by and correct it! syeteminfo system profile command #!/bin/bash #Descrition:show system information #filename:...
12:44 12 January 2020