JDK. Page 2

Java collection source code analysis of LinkedList based on JDK 1.8

In the last part, we analyzed the underlying implementation of ArrayList, and learned that the underlying implementation...
6:42 2 February 2020

Using Netty to implement simple RPC framework

The underlying layer of Dubbo uses Netty as the network communication framework. [network transmission problem]: compare...
4:25 2 February 2020

Winter vacation learning progress 1 (Android configuration environment and hello world)

Today's Learning Content: Watched the Android teaching video on Belly Mile to get a brief understanding of the basic kno...
12:10 1 February 2020

Take a look at LockSupport and AQS

This time, we can see the principle of lock in concurrency. We will talk about AQS, ReentrantLock, ReentrantReadWriteLock and the newly added StampedL...
4:48 1 February 2020

Steps of installing JDK in linux

1. Check the jdk version in the system (some systems have their own jdk) [root@localhost software]# java -version If there is no jdk, there will be n...
4:02 13 January 2020

The use of Spring @Async annotation

Premise of use If there is an asynchronous method in the current class a.class and @ Async is used, it must be called by other classes (such as b.clas...
18:45 4 December 2019

Implementation principle of ArrayList (JDK 1.8)

Implementation principle of ArrayList (JDK 1.8) public class ArrayList<E> extends AbstractList<E> implements List<E>, RandomAccess, ...
17:22 4 December 2019

Learn from me the factory mode of design mode

The Factory mode is widely used. It can be seen everywhere in the JDK underlying source code and major mainstream frameworks. Generally, classes named...
18:00 3 December 2019

Some pits of Object to Map

Here, three methods of Object mapping are summarized 1. Use reflection getDeclaredFields and getFields /** * Clean the data of the incoming object, re...
0:12 3 December 2019

Spring boot integrates mybatis and mapper interface to scan source code analysis

AutoConfiguredMapperScannerRegistrar public void registerBeanDefinitions(AnnotationMetadata importingClassMetadata, BeanDefinitionRegistry registry) {...
15:28 2 December 2019

Take a look at the new feature of Java 8 -- lambda expression

What is a lambda expression? Lambda expressions can be understood as a concise way to express transitive anonymous functions: it has no name, but it ...
7:36 10 November 2019

Custom named thread pool

Let's take a look at the DefaultThreadFactory used by java.util.concurrent.Executors in JDK1.6: /** * The default thread factory */ static class ...
4:55 8 November 2019

Java12 Collectors.teeing you need to understand

Preface There is a very useful function in Java 12, but it is not published in the official JEP, because it is only a small change in the collector, a...
23:13 6 November 2019

The birth of J.U.C

Preface J.U.C is a shorthand for java package java.util.concurrent, which is abbreviated in Chinese and contracted. It is a new basic api for writing ...
21:51 20 October 2019