Java. Page 19

ES7 learning notes GEO location search

The basic content of ES is almost introduced. At last, let's take a look at GEO location search. Now most apps have loca...
3:43 29 May 2020

Case study of intelligent recognition of voice synchronization in wechat applet

catalog 1, Background 2, Introduction to simultaneous interpretation plug-ins 1. Add plug-ins in the background of wec...
2:03 29 May 2020

Spring Boot 2.3 gracefully closes the new pose, which is really fragrant!

The latest Spring Boot 2.3 is almost half a month old: h...
23:47 28 May 2020

js converts string to double to avoid the loss of multi bit number and calculation precision.

Tidy up, when we write js code, we often have a headache because of the decimal operation. Because it will produce many ...
10:39 28 May 2020

Multithreading: (priority, daemons)

1. Priority of thread (1) Concept A thread scheduler is p...
0:58 28 May 2020

Persistent preservation of object flow using very hard-core JAVA serialization

Catalog background The concept of object flow Object Flow Instances Introduce an Organization Chart Define Classes fo...
21:44 27 May 2020

A reusable distributed transaction message architecture based on RabbitMQ

premise Distributed transaction is a more dif...
6:21 27 May 2020

One Day Pattern - Observer Mode

1. The concept of observer mode The observer...
13:10 26 May 2020

Java fresh e-commerce platform - purchase order and inventory solution in fresh e-commerce (Applet / APP)

Java fresh e-commerce platform - purchase order and inventory solution in fresh e-commerce (Applet / APP) ...
12:00 26 May 2020

[LeetCode] 20 word Jielong II

subject Given two words (beginWord and endWor...
5:04 26 May 2020

Custom Spring Boot starter

When we use spring boot to develop applications quickly, we often introduce many libraries that start with spring boot s...
8:53 25 May 2020

Lessons Learn JavaIO: Files Write That

brief introduction The little sister asked F ...
18:57 24 May 2020

Single chain table of Java data structure and algorithm

02. Single chain table of Java data structure and algorithm ...
7:40 24 May 2020

Video learning notes of "basic data types in binary and Java" on

Video address: Introduction: as we all know, computers are stored in binary. Learnin...
5:46 24 May 2020

Day 18: Python higher-order functions

by small touch shrimp Functional programming is now grad...
5:43 24 May 2020

state mode of JAVA design pattern

State mode: Action based on status When the action is ce...
11:42 23 May 2020

Configuring Maven skills in Eclipse

Configuring Maven in Eclipse Specify the path to configure and install maven Mavan local warehouse with Eclipse: Instea...
12:14 22 May 2020

Measuring piece of Android UI drawing process

After the analysis of the previous prelude, we know that the performTraversals method of ViewRootImpl has officially ent...
3:54 22 May 2020

Submit forms and upload pictures using FormData form data objects

Using FormData form data objects in H5, the name and value of all form elements in the form form form can be combined in...
12:37 21 May 2020

[2020Python cultivation] Bootstrap, a front-end framework for front-end development

1, Introduction The framework has written many page styles for you. If you need to use it, you only need to download it...
8:09 21 May 2020

Divide and conquer policy - choose k th largest number - Java implementation

Title requirements: Write a program that outp...
20:15 20 May 2020

Maven combines JaCoCo Co and Sonar to see if you've written enough tests

1 Introduction Unit testing is an important p...
12:50 20 May 2020

Hibernate Learning (5) Hibernate Many-to-Many Mapping

When it comes to the many-to-many relationship, the most impressive thing is the optional courses in universities.A stud...
12:38 20 May 2020

Spring Boot tutorial - Mybatis

1. What is Mybatis? MyBatis is an excellent p...
11:42 20 May 2020

spring cloud integrates spring boot admin monitoring center

Admin monitoring application The monitoring i...
10:40 20 May 2020

Getting started with java | branch structure

Starting at: Getting started with java | branch structure java entry series, from scratch!!! ...
10:12 20 May 2020

Redis list [4] - quicklist of data structure

1. Overview As mentioned earlier, before vers...
6:41 20 May 2020

Is exception handling still disabled by your c + + team?

There are many disputes about c + + exception handling on the Internet. This article will introduce the use of c + + exc...
3:33 20 May 2020

Java implementation sends Get and Post requests

preface I haven't written a blog for several...
11:01 19 May 2020

Java Experiment 4 -- employee information management system

preface Time: Two 0 Two 0.5.18 Note: I haven't typed the code seriously for a long time. I started to move myself when ...
10:27 19 May 2020