Java. Page 20

WIFI debugging assistant Two Use guide

This code only supports hexadecimal sending and receiving, mainly referring to the WiFi client modified by the hexadecim...
7:03 19 May 2020

5-commands commonly used by JVM

Commands commonly used by JVM jps...
5:01 18 May 2020

Graph theory -- ring determination and matrix algorithm

Graph is an important part of classical computer algorithm. It has a wide range of applications from Internet structure ...
3:06 18 May 2020

Leetcode:NO.210 Schedule 2 Topological ordering and enrollment

subject Topic link:
1:43 18 May 2020

Spring MVC advanced functional programming

1. Preface Last right Functional interface programming of Spring MVC A simple introduction, so that many students do not...
21:59 17 May 2020

js-Flexible and Splittable Responsibility Chain Model

Refer to JavaScript Design Patterns and Development Practices, which has been explored and strongly recommended. ...
20:22 17 May 2020

Data Structure and Algorithms in JavaScript Version--Foundation

This is a sequel to the previous one. Data Structure and Algorithms in JavaScript Version--Basic (1) This article was fi...
20:10 17 May 2020

Day 32 of egg Learning Notes: Integrate pages and static resources into the eggjs project

1. The structure of the static page resource directory is as follows (some login and privilege static pages and static r...
13:40 17 May 2020

Kafka Core API Producer

Producer sends demos asynchronously stay Above The use of the AdminClient API was introduced, and now we know how to man...
13:35 17 May 2020

FeignClient annotation and parameter problems -- spring cloud microservices

1, Foreword Feign client is a common annotati...
4:59 17 May 2020

Spring boot exception handling in five ways, Junit unit test, hot deployment

First of all, the version of Springboot 2.2.6.release is used here. Since the iteration of Springboot is very fast, pay ...
3:00 17 May 2020

Spring Batch Batch Practice for Spring Boot

Practice content Read 100,000 records from a ...
12:48 16 May 2020

@RequestParam annotation parsing

There are two main ways to get parameters in the spring MVC background control layer: one is request.getParameter("...
10:51 16 May 2020

Java decoration mode

You look at the scenery on the mountain. People who look at the scenery look at you on the mountain. The moon decorates ...
7:15 16 May 2020

Notes on writing ssm project

catalog matters needing attention: Output station scrambling a link submitted as post Form validation before submission...
1:44 15 May 2020

UI Library of aui mobile terminal

aui brief introduction ...
1:18 14 May 2020

If you want to make a million yuan a year, can Alibaba Sentinel support RESTful interfaces?

Recently, I was preparing to use Alibaba Sentinel, and found that the RESTful interface does not support very well. Some...
22:44 13 May 2020

Talk about debezium's snapshot change record emitter

order This paper mainly studies the snapshot ...
12:03 13 May 2020

First line kotlin series kotlin button click event

Button findViewBuId <Button android:id="@+id/mButton...
11:50 13 May 2020

When the springboot / error page status is 999, 80% of the people will not

to configure server: port: 8000 servlet: context-path: "/api" compression: enabled: false Just contacted with SpringBoo...
10:17 13 May 2020

Implementation of formula library based on groovy

formula Formula library based on groovy impl...
11:17 12 May 2020

mica 2.0.1 release and add the best ip2region boot station

mica (mica) mica evolved from the lutool with...
10:04 12 May 2020

Principles of ConditionalOnClass annotations in SpringBoot

The auto-configuration classes in SpringBoot have many ConditionalOnClass annotations, and @ConditionalOnClass matches w...
3:50 12 May 2020

How do two threads execute alternately, one even and one odd?

Author: Mona Rudow It is interesting for the landlord to see this topic on the fac...
22:57 11 May 2020

Function instances used by spring boot using Thymeleaf +layui

1.input tag echo Use the th:value tag for back-up, and th...
13:01 11 May 2020

jQuery implements simple on() and trigger() methods

#jQuery events - 1.on() ```js //1. Event type 2.selector 4.handle $('ul').on('click', 'li', function(e){ alert($...
11:28 11 May 2020

Java sets text rotation and skew in PDF

This paper introduces the method of setting text rotation and tilt in PDF document by Java program. When setting text sk...
10:27 11 May 2020

Using bpmn custom platter in vue project

Content overview This series of "using bpmn XXXX in vue project" is divided into seven parts, all of which are...
5:45 11 May 2020

Source code interpretation of SLF4J binding log implementation principle

1, Guide reading When we use the log4j framework, we often use the slf4j API. When running, you often encounter the fol...
4:50 11 May 2020

Java adapter mode - are you jealous? ... let you remember the adapter pattern with the most vivid examples

Busy! Busy! Busy! I haven't updated the article all the time. Alas, the number of visitors has dropped dramatically! Fan...
4:05 11 May 2020