Java. Page 26

Spring - handwritten spring annotation version transaction, seven communication behaviors of spring things

I. annotations 1. What is built-in annotation (1) Add @ SuppressWarnings to the front of the program to remove warnings in javac compilation -- stage ...
21:53 19 January 2020

unipush implementation of ios and android push tutorial

Write before: 1.unipush supports many push templates. Friends who are interested in learning about it can Official website View: if you want to push ...
7:44 19 January 2020

Rejected our connection request

background When accessing the content platform, the content platform uses iframe to embed ugc's post details page, so that users can preview the...
6:08 19 January 2020

03 elastic log system - filebeat-kafka-logstash-elastic search-kibana-6.8.0 building process

03 elastic log system - filebeat-kafka-logstash-elastic search-kibana-6.8.0 building process 1. introduction 2. Preparations 2.1 software version 2.2...
4:46 19 January 2020

Project 4 product purchase

1: Merchant background - commodity management [commodity list] (in the merchant background, display the commodity list information of the merchant) T...
4:35 19 January 2020

Mr.Smile: three bug s of volume bar adjustment in Android P and Android 10 Google native settings

Let's look at the problem first First adjust the volume of a call, and then the volume of the ring tone and the volume of the alarm clock will b...
3:53 19 January 2020

Function and usage of Notification

Notification is a notification displayed in the status bar of the mobile phone - the status bar is located at the top of the mobile phone screen, whe...
0:15 19 January 2020

Android Beginner Series: what do you want to write? Phase I: ViewPager+fragment interface switch

What to think of and write the first issue: focus on simpler and understandable code to solve the problems encountered by Android Xiaobai viewPager+f...
13:04 18 January 2020

vue koa2 mongodb does the back-end part of the personal blog login registration function from scratch

0. Effect demonstration It's annoying to plug in a video.You can go out and turn right to Youku. Click on me!). 1. Backend Build 1.1 Project Stru...
12:49 18 January 2020

spring Boot integrated multi data source (with paging)

According to the needs of the project, the front end needs to be provided with data from different databases. Now a variety of data sources are integ...
10:20 18 January 2020

How to send verification code to mobile phone?

How to send verification code to mobile phone? I. Preface Technical name: Ali is greater than SMS verification (one of the ways to send SMS verificat...
7:43 18 January 2020

Extend ports generate test reports

1, Download dependency package <dependency> <groupId>com.relevantcodes</groupId> <artifactId>extentreports</artifactId>...
9:33 17 January 2020

[UE4] UE4 embedded web and communication with Web

UE4 is embedded in the Web and UE4 to Web communication. I use ue4.22.3, and take UE4 embedded in ECharts and communicating with ECharts as an exampl...
6:27 17 January 2020

HTML of Java Web Foundation

Overview of web concept * JavaWeb: *Using Java language to develop Internet based projects *Software architecture: 1. C/S: Client/Server client / ser...
8:57 16 January 2020

Java realizes SMS function through SMS platform

Preface This paper records the use of SMS platform built by China net, which needs to be registered before use. Here, only the use of SMS interface i...
4:27 16 January 2020

ByteBuddy manipulating Java bytes example: automatically removing spaces on both sides of a string

I learned a little bit about ByteBuddy today. Its official warehouse address is: Official description: Runtime co...
6:07 14 January 2020

js basic functions

1. Array API of javascript: //Defined array var pageIds = new Array(); pageIds.push('A'); //Array length pageIds.length; //shift: Delete th...
2:36 14 January 2020

Using Spring Boot and OAuth to build a secure SPA

Recently, I have been studying in a closed door, but the process is still a little hard. Fortunately, there are also teachers who take the excellent c...
22:21 13 January 2020

First day of Java Web comprehensive case (information display after registration, verification code, email verification, login, exit and successful login)

1, Building development environment -- tourism projects based on the separation of front and back ends Technology stack needed for the project Backen...
10:48 13 January 2020

The third day of micro HR: SpringBoot integrates Freemarker

Let's talk about how SpringBoot integrates Freemarker: You need to check web and Freemarker when creating a springboot project After the project...
4:43 13 January 2020

Steps of installing JDK in linux

1. Check the jdk version in the system (some systems have their own jdk) [root@localhost software]# java -version If there is no jdk, there will be n...
4:02 13 January 2020

Flink asynchronous contradiction - sharp Async I/O

Dimension table JOIN - a business scenario that cannot be bypassed In the process of Flink flow processing, it is often necessary to interact with ext...
14:23 10 January 2020

Prototype application in JS (inheritance and extension)

Prototypes in JS Prototype is a very important mechanism in JavaScript. Through [[prototype]], we can easily implement the inheritance and extension ...
13:18 8 January 2020

How to use EasyPermissions

Starting with Android 6.0 (API level 23), users begin to grant permissions to applications when they are running, rather than when they are installed...
7:05 4 January 2020

Create and get cookie s

Create and get cookie s Producer: heart and soul Cookie: in the Internet, a cookie is a small piece of text information generated on a web server and ...
4:14 31 December 2020

OOM problems caused by a MongoDB paging query

OOM Description: 2018-09-18 14:46:54.338 [http-nio-8099-exec-8] ERROR o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[.[dispatcherServlet] - Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherS...
10:10 30 December 2020

Getting started with the web front end to the real world: several ways to bind events with HTML tag pseudo elements

Here are a few simple ways to implement click pseudo elements for event handling, with example code attached. HTML structure First of all, HTML struc...
17:11 16 December 2019

Add emoticons to the applet

The native textarea has discarded the button of selecting expression, so it simulates an expression selector Here is the effect display Realization pr...
9:23 14 December 2019

Recommended collection: Node.js project architecture that should not be missed

Express.js is a great framework for developing the Node.js REST API, but it does not give you any clues about how to organize your Node.js project. I...
19:12 13 December 2019

Oracle Bpm 11g Approval Performance Optimization

background The project coordinates office work and workflow using Oracle Bpm products. Recently, it took a long time for the approval of complaints by...
13:41 8 December 2019