Java. Page 25

Basic commands of Hbase Shell

Article directory 1, Enter HBase command line 2, Operation of HBase table 3, create 4, View table list 5, View table de...
5:22 5 February 2020

Ajax&Ajax asynchronous verification of user name in Java

Ajax Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) is a web development technology that creates in...
4:23 5 February 2020

Select the text in the element (similar to highlighting with the mouse)

I want the user to click on a link and then it selects HTML text in another element (rather than input). ...
2:07 5 February 2020

Condition annotation of automatic configuration in SpringBoot @ condition

The once bloated and cumbersome Spring configuration really makes people feel big, and the new automatic configuration b...
22:50 4 February 2020

Springboot project integration xxl-job

XXL-JOB is a lightweight distributed task scheduling platform whose core design goal is to develop quickly, learn simply...
19:30 4 February 2020

layer picture preview adaptive window

Recently, when using layer to preview pictures, we encountered a problem. If the size of the picture is larger than the ...
13:49 4 February 2020

jQuery - Pentagram scoring case

Pentagram scoring case 1. When the mouse pass...
13:07 4 February 2020

ReactiveCocoa use details-1

Reactive cocoa (referred to as RAC) is a functional responsive programming framework for iOS and OS development, which i...
8:58 4 February 2020

How does Dubbo support local calls? Analysis of injvm mode

Dubbo is a framework for remote calls. For a service provider, an interface is exposed for external consumers to call, D...
6:36 4 February 2020

Implement a synchronizer based on AQS

As mentioned above, we can try to implement a synchronizer ourselves. We can simply refer to the implementation of Reent...
23:58 3 February 2020

UDP and TCP 2 for Network Programming

TCP TCP: A connection-oriented, reliable, byte-stream-based transport layer, communication protocol Features: Connection...
23:02 3 February 2020

Pooling Technology for Java Data Persistence Series

In the last article Java Data Persistence Series JDBC In, we learned that creating a Connection using JDBC executes the ...
21:32 3 February 2020

The installation of hook framework frida and a simple practical case

1. Download address ...
10:16 3 February 2020

Hands on interface for external security (improvement)

Article directory Last blog Preface show you the code get processing method post processing method Reference blog ...
7:07 3 February 2020

MapReduce program practice advanced of Hadoop cluster big data solution (custom partition&sort&group)

Get ready                   &...
4:45 3 February 2020

(Java) Date Action Class

Date, Calendar in the java.util package, and SimpleDateFormat in the java.text package are used primarily in program dev...
19:50 2 February 2020

Synchronization of java11_Threads

Synchronization of threads - taking 100 tickets sold in three windows as an example (1) Problem: Double and wrong ticket...
13:35 2 February 2020

Daily 18 / 07 / 22 your design mode! Finally have time to write ~~

1/24: Strategy pattern First, I will give ...
12:11 2 February 2020

Java collection source code analysis of LinkedList based on JDK 1.8

In the last part, we analyzed the underlying implementation of ArrayList, and learned that the underlying implementation...
6:42 2 February 2020

Python review notes

Start with python review Simple data types and variable naming conventions are the same as others, starting from differ...
4:40 2 February 2020

Detailed explanation of 23 design patterns

Types and relations of design patterns There ...
4:20 2 February 2020

Winter vacation learning progress 1 (Android configuration environment and hello world)

Today's Learning Content: Watched the Android teaching video on Belly Mile to get a brief understanding of the basic kno...
12:10 1 February 2020

JavaScript self study notes: using JS to realize floating window of web page

Recently, I made a small project to add a floating window to the web page, which tested the basic CSS and JS technology....
11:33 1 February 2020

PAT class a 1044 Shopping in Mars (JAVA version)

Simple analysis of this question The so-called "binary search" is investigated, but I use JAVA to realize the ...
10:47 1 February 2020

Take a look at LockSupport and AQS

This time, we can see the principle of lock in concurrency. We will talk about AQS, ReentrantLock, ReentrantReadWriteLock and the newly added StampedL...
4:48 1 February 2020

Java learning 5 - looking at the factory method pattern from Spring source

Java learning 5 - looking at the factory pattern from the Spring source code What is the factory method mode Factory method pattern is to define an i...
4:41 1 February 2020

Comparison of traversal methods of HashMap

Table of Contents Comparison of traversal methods of HashMap 1, Several ways to get value from HashMap traversal Two, code Three, result Four, thinki...
20:43 31 January 2020

Sort: bubble sort

Algorithm steps: 1) Compare adjacent elements. If the first is bigger than the second, exchange them. 2) Do the same for each pair of adjacent element...
18:08 31 January 2020

Minimum turnaround -- traversal of Graphs

Original Xiaoming and Xiaogang are flying to travel together. They are now located in No. 1 city. Their goal is No. 5 city. However, No. 1 city has no...
14:41 31 January 2020

jQuery -- small rocket back to top case

Small rocket back to top case 1. Scroll the page. When the distance between the page and the top exceeds 1000px, the small rocket will be displayed. E...
14:12 31 January 2020