Spring. Page 10

Are you still copying object properties with BeanUtils?

When doing business, in order to isolate changes, we will separate DO queried by DAO from DTO provided by front end. About 90% of the time, their stru...
19:08 6 November 2019

Configure a custom fastJson serialization tool class for Redis

alibaba.fastjson has provided a tool class GenericFastJsonRedisSerializer for serializing Redis storage objects, but the tool returns to Object when d...
16:58 6 November 2019

Spring series six: the use of spring JDBC template in Dao

concept The main function of JDBC template in Spring is to realize data interaction. Next, we will use JDBC template to write test cases in dao layer ...
10:00 6 November 2019

spring cloud microservice architecture b2b2c e-commerce - common service project construction process

We will analyze the whole project of common service, record the whole construction process, and let more people to learn. First, before building the c...
9:59 6 November 2019

Spring Boot cache technology (ehcache, SpringData Redis)

Spring boot integrates Ehcache Spring boot integrates spring dataredis I. spring boot integrates Ehcache 1. Import related maven dependencies <pro...
14:18 5 November 2019

Deep analysis of thread pool in java thread series

(it's more convenient to see the source code on the horizontal screen of mobile phone) Note: java source code analysis part is based on java ver...
8:51 5 November 2019

How does SpringBoot start?

This article is about the spring boot startup process sorted out by looking at the spring boot source code. The overall direction is to start with sim...
3:20 5 November 2019

Spring cloud responsive microservice series tutorial (Chapter 10): complete code example of responsive RESTful service

This is the tenth chapter of the series of practical spring cloud responsive microservices. This chapter gives a complete code example of responsive R...
22:51 4 November 2019

springBoot rapid integration Druid

brief introduction Druid is a database connection pool. Druid is currently the best database connection pool. Druid is a database connection pool dev...
17:04 4 November 2019

Mengxin's 2019 Hackergame trip to CUHK

Mengxin's 2019 Hackergame trip to CUHK Sign in problem White and night ~~Cyberpunk ~ ~ information security 2077 The ultimate problem of the uni...
1:49 27 October 2019

Spring boot XXL job task scheduling

I. Introduction to XXL job Take a paragraph XXL-JOB is a lightweight distributed task scheduling platform. Its core design goal is to develop quickly...
9:14 25 October 2019

springboot - Integrated druid

Configuration of pom.xml <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boo...
11:21 4 October 2019

Configure Maven 3.6 and Springboot to build Java Web projects

The latest Maven 3.6 build Java Web project in conjunction with Spring boot is very convenient, just download Maven 3.6 to start building. First, mak...
1:18 16 April 2019