Spring. Page 5

Unexpectedly, Java operation Excel is so simple!

preface In the work, using excel to process d...
6:28 19 June 2020

Five minutes to integrate elastic search in springboot

Elasticsearch is an open-source distributed RESTful search and analysis engine, which enables you to store, search and a...
1:52 19 June 2020

SpringCloud version Hoxton SR5 - Lecture 5: zuul routing, filtering, fault tolerance and fallback, clustering, high availability

Port: SpringCloud version Hoxton SR5 - Lesson 1: Understanding First look at what Zuul can do, or his positioning and ro...
21:06 18 June 2020

Spring Learning Notes 05 - Inject Details

Injection Details There are two types of inje...
20:56 18 June 2020

Java EE final project assignment management system

Java EE final project - activity management system Based on MyBatis+springboot+jsp 1, About MyBatis MyBatis benefits 2...
6:42 18 June 2020

Analysis of SpringBoot configuration class

This article starts with WeChat official account of vivo Internet technology. Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/NvPO5-FWL...
4:13 18 June 2020

Introduction to Spring MVC

Introduction to Spring MVC It is better to ha...
3:45 17 June 2020

Detailed explanation of Dubbo SPI mechanism

From the principle of java spi in the previous article, we can see that java spi mechanism has the following disadvantag...
1:21 17 June 2020

Alibaba Nacos configuration center of Spring Cloud series

Introduction to Nacos ...
3:16 16 June 2020

Spring AOP Learning Notes 03: Acquisition Enhancer for Core Implementation of AOP

Above Describes how spring opens AOP, simply by registering the AnnotationAwareAspectJAutoProxyCreator class with the co...
22:49 15 June 2020

SpringMVC Chapter 3 (Request redirection and forwarding, exception handling, interceptor, SSM integration)

I am a sophomore major in Internet of Things Engineering, and a small wave in the Internet. Blogging is to record my lea...
21:41 15 June 2020

Spring Boot Global Profile

2.1.5 Global Profile The global profile can m...
18:19 15 June 2020

The reentrant distributed lock commanded by the boss was finally perfectly implemented ~

Redo is always easier than transform Recently...
20:26 14 June 2020

The reentrant distributed lock commanded by the boss has finally been perfectly implemented!!!

Redo is always easier than transform Recently, I am working on a project to fully integrate an implementation system from another company (hereinafter...
19:46 14 June 2020

Spring source code analysis 10: automatic configuration of Mybatis in spring boot

Article catalog 1, Foreword 2, MybatisAutoConfiguration 1. Declaration of mybatisautoconfiguration. 2. SqlSessionFacto...
5:41 14 June 2020

From springboot to proficient in springboot file download

springboot file download catalog 1 IntroductionInitial experience of 2springboot3springboot integrated jsp4springboot attribute injection5 springboot...
1:32 14 June 2020

Junior sister learning java IO: using Selector to send good person card

brief introduction NIO has three treasures: B...
21:15 13 June 2020

Stage 5: microservice system development: Spring Cloud getting started operation manual (day01)

Stage 5: distributed system development: microservice system development (day01) http://doc.canglaoshi.org/ Article ca...
6:18 13 June 2020

Spring Data Elasticsearch4.0.1 Chinese translation document (sections 8-11)

8. Elasticsearch Repositories This chapter in...
4:11 13 June 2020

druid monitor configuration -- springBoot project

Cause: one day, my colleague's project connection pool burst ...
3:30 12 June 2020

Responsibility chain model of common design patterns

concept Chain of Responsibility Pattern is to treat each node in the chain as an object, each node processes different r...
0:52 12 June 2020

12-SpringBoot Cross-domain Problem

1. Overview 1. What is Cross-Domain Request (CORS) ...
23:19 11 June 2020

[SpringCloud] 12 Hystrix Fuse

1. What is Hystrix and why do I need him? 1. In the micro-service architecture, services are split into individual servi...
21:46 11 June 2020

springboot-redis spring cache mid-story

1.spring cache parsing 1.1.RedisCache and RedisCache Manager 1.1.1. Structure 1.1.2. Resolution RedisCache uses ...
21:08 11 June 2020

JPA multi data source distributed transaction processing: two transaction schemes

preface Transaction processing of multiple da...
0:37 11 June 2020

Build distributed project practice based on SpringBoot+Dubbo+Zookeeper+Maven+IDEA

1, Explanation of terms (from Baidu Encyclopedia): Spring Boot is a new framework provided by the Pivotal team, which is...
0:02 11 June 2020

Add a SpringBootAdmin monitoring

0. Preface In the previous chapters, we first...
21:43 10 June 2020

Summary of three cross-domain scenarios in Spring Boot

Article Directory 1. What is cross-domain 2. Solutions 2.1 Problems 3.SpringSecurity 3.1 Mode 1 3.2 Mode 2 4.OAuth2 5...
20:48 10 June 2020