One server of front and back end separation project is online
I. purchase server Here are some notes When you choose to configure linux system, you'd better choose centos7 + instead of centos6+ To configure ...
ovn implementation of container Internet access, nat, fip
Experimental topology Physical topology Logical topology is the fip of pod step Get ready Create logical router ovn cluster ov...
CentOS 7 Build Source Pack Build LNMP Environment
1. Install epel source yum install -y epel-release 2. Install the required software yum install -y gcc automake autoconf libtool make gcc-c++ glibc li...
centos server deploys flask project.
Installed environments nginx, Python 3, mysql, uwsgi, virtualenv 1. Create a virtual environment virtualenv -p python3 myblog 2. Enter the Virtual Env...
format of nginx default configuration syntax and log
nginx default configuration To see which default configuration files are available for nginx, open the / etc/nginx/nginx.conf file to see the end line...
Faster than NGINX: nginx-1.15.5 vs mongols-1.2.3
nginx is an excellent representative of multi-process web server. This article is to be used. mongols -1.2.3 implements a multi-process web server fas...
Ffmpeg combat course (9) under windows ffmpeg Command + nginx + rtmp to achieve push and pull.
Summary Nginx is a lightweight Web server/reverse proxy server and email (IMAP/POP3) proxy server. nginx-rmtp-module is a streaming media plug-in for...
The usage of vrrp_script, track_script and notify in keepalived
A script defined in the keepalived.conf file can be used to implement a detection function.Example: Check if the down file in the / etc/keepalived dir...