gin. Page 4

Docker_dockerfile nginx and tomcat

1, Classification of images 1. Three elements of docker 1) , Docker Image is a read-only template. An Image can be used ...
19:58 11 September 2021

SSL certificates configure Https based on Nginx

Little bird's personal blog has been officially launched and opened to the outside world ...
1:34 3 September 2021

Detailed installation directory for Nginx

1.Nginx Log Rotation, Log Cutting for logrotate Service | Profile /etc/logrotate.d/nginx 2.Nginx Home Profile|Director...
11:06 19 July 2020

Separation of dynamic and static state by Nginx+Tomcat

Add group groupadd www Add user WWW: useradd - G www under www group Modify configuration file nginx.conf : user www ww...
11:01 1 July 2020

Docker entry basic command

Article catalog 1, Overview 1. What is Docker 2. Differences between container technology and virtual machine technolo...
1:24 25 June 2020

Deploy Hexo to ECS

preface See a lot of people in the group ask ...
23:36 20 June 2020

Docker-swarm for Container Technology

In the previous section, I talked about the simple use and basic principles of docker machine, refer back to https://www...
12:53 20 June 2020

Introduction and Use of Qiniuyun _Tool class for uploading Qiniuyun files

1. Picture Storage Scheme intro...
21:30 18 June 2020

SpringCloud version Hoxton SR5 - Lecture 5: zuul routing, filtering, fault tolerance and fallback, clustering, high availability

Port: SpringCloud version Hoxton SR5 - Lesson 1: Understanding First look at what Zuul can do, or his positioning and ro...
21:06 18 June 2020

Linux system deployment ThinkPHP5+Workerman project

I wrote an article a while ago PHP obtains the K-line data of fire currency through URL and WebSocket , the development ...
23:39 17 June 2020

Using nexus3 to configure the docker private warehouse

1. Configuration starting 1. Create blob storage ...
3:40 13 June 2020

Container technology: Docker private image warehouse harbor

Earlier, we talked about the construction and simple use of docker distribution, a private image warehouse of docker. Pl...
23:55 7 June 2020

nginx installation and deployment

nginx installation 1. Pre install sudo Yum install Yum utils2. Create a / etc in the root directory of the server/ yum.r...
23:47 7 June 2020

Getting started with kubernetes to real-world resource management and Qos

1. Pod Resource Management 1.1 re...
12:29 7 June 2020

Retry of network elasticity

General Catalog Index: istio from getting started to giving up series 1. Introduction Network elasticity, also known as ...
13:00 2 June 2020

timeout of network elasticity

General Catalog Index: istio from getting started to giving up series 1. Introduction to network flexibility Network ela...
10:18 30 May 2020

Docker Builds Harbor Public Warehouse

Bowen catalog Differences between Registry and Harbor Adv...
13:14 29 May 2020

Nine cross-domain implementation principles (full version)

Preface Front-end and back-end data interacti...
21:03 28 May 2020

How to Build Rtmp Service and Develop Live APP with uni-app

Preface: Because you have an IM application, ...
13:06 19 May 2020

k8s+jenkins for Automated Deployment and application to k8s cluster

1. The jenkins environment prepares and starts the jenkins service 1) jdk environment configuration [root@centos7 ~]# ll...
13:45 17 May 2020

Introduction and principle analysis of flagger

brief introduction Flagger It can make the application publishing process running on k8s system fully automatic (unatten...
6:04 11 May 2020

ASP.NET Core on K8S in-depth learning (12) Ingress

This article has been added to the Index of.NET Core on K8S Learning Practice Series Articles , you can click to see mor...
22:39 10 May 2020

Ansible deployment source code nginx

Divide all deployed nginx hosts into nginx groups: vim /e...
10:28 10 May 2020

Don't understand asynchronous requests and calls in spring boot? Just read this one

1, The use of asynchronous requests in Spring Boot ...
0:06 8 May 2020

Unix Domain Socket

add by zhj: Unix Domain Socket is the optimization of network socket, which is applicable to the situation that the serv...
9:12 5 May 2020

K8S: Helm Deployment ELK 7.6

K8S: Helm Deployment ELK 7.6 scene Deploy a s...
9:25 2 April 2020

Docker Dig Into Series | Swarm Multi-Node Actual

Docker has been on the market for many years, which is not a new thing. Many enterprises or development classmates have ...
21:15 16 March 2020

Cobalt Strike record

Article directory 0X00 background 0x01 basic principle 0x02 about breaking the precepts Exit hidden pile 0x03 CDN + ant...
8:18 10 March 2020