
Europe resists mounting US pressure on Huawei 5G technology

LONDON (AP) — The Trump administration is stepping up pressure on European allies to ban Chinese tech firm Huawei from s...
19:20 18 February 2022

[Lab4 Cisco] OSPF neighbor establishment process and LSDB analysis

Experimental requirements 1. According to the topology prompt, enable OSPF routing protocol for each route, divide corre...
14:36 5 December 2021

Practical exercise based on basic neural network - simple neural network construction

Reference books 95 - neural network and deep learning - Q...
0:52 4 December 2021

DOS command details

0DOS command DOS command, a computer term, refers to the command of DOS operating system, which is a disk oriented opera...
22:53 30 November 2021

Ansible chapter I installation and deployment of ansible

1, Installation of Ansible epel source dnf install ansible -y ansible --viersion Basic information of ansible: /etc/ansi...
15:39 29 November 2021

Super detailed how to configure advanced ACL

Configure advanced access control lists Princ...
19:09 24 November 2021

Teach you to write the first generative countermeasure network GAN

Friends, if you need to reprint, please indicate the source: After explaining so many...
17:43 4 October 2021

Week 5 assignment: convolutional neural network (Part3)

catalogue MobileNet HybridSN hyperspectral classification...
21:41 3 October 2021

YBTOJ: turret attack (network flow)

Title Description Xiao Ming is playing a very...
21:30 20 September 2021

Android Dropdown Refresh Dropdown Load More, PullToRefresh Third Party

Don't say anything but the picture above I'm using a third party that relies on PullToRefresh to do this This is just ...
11:12 14 July 2020

An algorithm for searching all paths between two points based on a graph's contiguity list implementation

The algorithm is implemented in C++. Why write this algor...
11:20 2 July 2020

An algorithm for searching all paths between two points based on a graph's contiguity list implementation

The algorithm is implemented in C++. Why write this algor...
11:19 2 July 2020

iOS uses scripting to automate target replication

When some projects are mature, there will be a need to automate configuration to generate a completely new project, no n...
12:17 1 July 2020

Using Netty to implement RPC

As an asynchronous event driven network application framework, Netty can be used to rapidly develop maintainable high-pe...
0:00 30 June 2020

Fake TCP tunneling with scapy to improve transmission performance

Does TCP have to be TCP?It might be a trick! It's raining...
20:22 29 June 2020

STM32+ESP-01 docking with Alibaba Feiyan platform

STM32+ESP-01 docking with Alibaba Feiyan platform In recent years, with the rapid development of microelectronics techn...
21:26 28 June 2020

[CV12] how to use Mask R-CNN for target detection in Keras

Article catalog 1. Mask R-CNN for Object Detection 2. Matterport Mask R-CNN Project 3. Object Detection With Mask R-CNN...
21:03 28 June 2020

Encapsulating rapid JSON for database and network data transmission

background I want to complete json as the dat...
21:28 27 June 2020

A course of neural network based on DGL library Diagram -- basic drawing operation

Recently contacted with graph neural network, I feel that this device can provide multi granularity perspective. After a...
20:46 27 June 2020

Configuration of static Ip under centOS7.

Configuration of NAT static network card under centOS7 ...
19:53 27 June 2020

Why does intent inherit the parseable or serialized interface when passing data, and does not implement any methods

1) Permanently save the object and save the byte sequence of the object to the local file; ...
3:51 27 June 2020

Multithreading - thread pool

Application of pooling Technology: thread pool, database connection pool, http connection pool, etc. ...
1:59 26 June 2020

Linux system running analysis tool - Summary of the use of the sarcommand

catalog sar introduction sar usage sar installation and...
23:21 25 June 2020

Simulation of alarm mode control for Proteus sensor + gas concentration detection

catalog Simulation of alarm mode control for Proteus sensor + gas concentration detection 1 understanding of experim...
21:57 25 June 2020

Linux system security management

Article catalog 1, Account security control 1.1: basic measures for account security 1.1.1: system account cleaning 1...
23:16 24 June 2020

Word2Vec development and code implementation

Word2Vec Language model calculation shortcoming Hypothesis based on Markov n-gram models Construct language model Wo...
3:39 24 June 2020

Elasticsearch Series - Best Practices for Performance Tuning

outline Performance tuning is an essential to...
19:58 23 June 2020

Shell programming syntax and Application

brief introduction Shell scripts are similar ...
18:11 21 June 2020

Docker-swarm for Container Technology

In the previous section, I talked about the simple use and basic principles of docker machine, refer back to https://www...
12:53 20 June 2020

[case] simple picture and paragraph up and down typesetting

[case] simple picture and paragraph up and down typesetting ...
4:29 20 June 2020