vim. Page 2

On Kubernetes Cluster Deployment

Summary There are several ways to deploy K8S clusters: ku...
11:33 10 February 2020

GPU server troubleshooting

1. GPU log collection On the system with GPU ...
4:09 10 February 2020

Linux configuration deploy multiple tomcat

Configure the / etc/profile environment variable. Change to your tomcat path. ...
15:37 9 February 2020

Haproxy Builds a Web Cluster

Article Directory 1. Common Web c...
12:48 8 February 2020

kubernetes load balancing deployment

(next to the previous article, kubernetes multi node deployment) k8s deployment planning (load balancing deployment): ...
7:12 8 February 2020

Implementation of redis replication, sentinel and cluster

1. redis.conf configuration parameters configuration parameter Effect demonize Set to yes, which can be executed in ...
7:57 5 February 2020

LVS load balancing: DR mode + preserved

Article directory 1, keepalived (...
6:11 5 February 2020

keepalived+nginx to build dual host active standby + Dual host hot standby

Preparation One is, the other is Install nginx, modify index to distinguish 1, Insta...
1:54 5 February 2020

Mysql High Availability Cluster - MHA

Article directory 1, MHA introduc...
23:18 3 February 2020

saltstack - Automated Operations and Maintenance Layout Tool

brief introduction Salt is an underlying plat...
22:21 3 February 2020

Install geent4 software developed by CERN on Ubuntu 18.04

Installing Geant4 on Ubuntu 18.04 GEANT 4 is ...
11:01 3 February 2020

PX4 reads the message sent by STM32F4 serial port through serial port and publishes the UORB topic

PX4 reads the message sent by STM32F4 serial port through serial port and publishes the UORB topic This small project is to read the data sent by STM...
4:35 1 February 2020

Operation and maintenance project training - Hadoop distributed file system HDFS

1, Hadoop distributed file system HDFS single data storage node 1. Install and deploy Hadoop Specific steps:
18:22 31 January 2020

Ubuntu startup script or command

Background In the development process, sometimes some sh scripts, python scripts, commands, etc. need to be executed automatically when the machine i...
9:41 16 January 2020

Cluster Load Balancing Setup--LVS-DR Cluster Deployment

Article Directory Preface I: How LVS-DR works 1.1: Overview of DR mode 1.2: How to analyze LVS-DR packet flow direction? 3.3: ARP Problems in LVS-DR ...
22:41 15 January 2020

Teach Application Module 3 of Fishing-Operations and Maintenance Platform (Vmware Customization Specification Paper)

###A K8S-like orchestration function enables Vmware to be automatically scaled up and resilient (by triggering resilient expansion through monitoring...
20:32 15 January 2020

MHA High Availability Architecture Deployment Configuration Instance

1. Preface 1.1What's MHA?--An introduction to the principles MHA - Master High Availability, currently a relatively mature solution for MySQL hi...
12:43 14 January 2020

Basic script attempt

Try the script for the first time. Go by and correct it! syeteminfo system profile command #!/bin/bash #Descrition:show system information #filename:...
12:44 12 January 2020

Tomcat access project changed from http to https settings

1. Mr. Cheng's certificate # First switch to the certificate file path: $ cd /app/tomcat-8.5.39/ # Generate certificate file: $ keytool -genkey ...
0:13 11 January 2020

nginx+tomcat for dynamic-static separation+load balancing

1. Introduction to static-dynamic separation and load balancing Dynamic and Static Separation of Nginx+Tomcat:The so-called dynamic-static separation...
22:28 22 December 2019

Practice of fdisk and parted partition under centos

Requirement: add a 100M hard disk and permanently mount it to / data01, write out the detailed operation steps Method 1: [root@localhost ~]# fdisk -l...
11:29 4 December 2019

LNMP schema access log, log cutting, static file not recording and expiration time setting

November 27 mission 12.10 Nginx access log 12.11 Nginx log cutting 12.12 static files do not record logs and expiration times Nginx access log Modify ...
9:23 4 December 2019

C pointer principle (15)-C pointer basis

Simple C pointer Pointer to integer and pointer to pointer myhaspl@myhaspl:~ % vim test1.c #include <stdio.h> int main(void){ int x; x=128; int...
6:08 4 December 2019

Full text collection of vimrc file configuration (most complete in history, with Chinese explanation)

I. differences between vi and vimVI is similar to the notepad of windows, which is more suitable for editing ordinary text, but it is not suitable fo...
5:58 4 December 2019

Storm profile format exception

Storm's configuration file format is prone to errors, which causes Storm to fail to start correctly. The error messages caused by the format are...
2:30 4 December 2019

Kubernetes deployment: CA certificate production

Make CA certificate manually 1. Install CFSSL [root@node-01 ~]# cd /usr/local/src [root@node-01 src]# wget
10:42 3 December 2019

Application instance of rewrite Module of Nginx service (actual combat! Can do with it!)

Experimental environment Linux CentOS7 virtual machine (IP: virtual machine (as test machine) 1. Install Nginx and bind services...
21:57 2 December 2019

IV. introduction and basic use of Git

16. Organize consecutive multiple commit into one commit ce587039661c88fd508035fd103a012e33c057ac (HEAD -> temp) Author: Jone <[email protected]...
13:35 2 December 2019

Saltstack user guide 03 configuration management

1. Host planning Matters needing attention If the configuration file of master or minion is modified, the corresponding service must be restarted. 2....
10:06 2 December 2019

zabbix monitoring mysql survival and performance

The Zabbix environment has been deployed:Zabbix_aget: installed in / etc/zabbix1. Open port 10050 firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=10050/tcp --p...
9:56 10 November 2019