Java. Page 14

Spring cloud Part 3: service provision and Feign call

In the previous article, we introduced the construction of the registration center, including that of the cluster enviro...
0:34 28 June 2020

AJAX_ Introduction & classic cases

AJAX_ Introduction & classic cases Getting started with AJAX AJAX introduction AJAX(Asynchronous JavaScript And...
22:50 27 June 2020

java source learning - Mybatis creates statement and result set generation

Mybatis creates statement and result set generation statementHandler Result set processing Postscript Previous: Myba...
5:40 27 June 2020

Why does intent inherit the parseable or serialized interface when passing data, and does not implement any methods

1) Permanently save the object and save the byte sequence of the object to the local file; ...
3:51 27 June 2020

Redis series - bloon filter

When we use Redis as cache, one of the problems we need to consider is cache penetration. There are many types of cache ...
2:42 27 June 2020

Some differences between Synchronized decorating method and code block at the bottom

Article catalog Decorated code block Modify instance method Modifying static methods summary Decorated code block ...
2:14 27 June 2020

spring data operation ES can't smell any more

introduction Elastic search (hereinafter refe...
0:31 27 June 2020

Beauty of Mybatis source code: 2.6. Analyze the typeAliases element to complete the registration of type aliases

Resolve the typeAliases element to complete the registration of type aliases > Click to see the usage of the typeAlia...
23:58 26 June 2020

Interface and monitor

Interface and listener in java 1, Definition of inheritance ...
23:19 26 June 2020

Sensitive word filtering: AOP + annotation + DFA algorithm

preface In terms of sensitive word filtering, we should say that it's big or small. Generally legal users will not have...
21:22 26 June 2020

Beego Learning Notes 13:Api Writing

Api Writing 1> The common data formats used by api are...
12:14 26 June 2020

Multithreading - thread pool

Application of pooling Technology: thread pool, database connection pool, http connection pool, etc. ...
1:59 26 June 2020

Integrating SSM's Demo

Article catalog 1. Version selection 2. Using maven to create a project (project structure) image-20200626115714873 3.p...
1:06 26 June 2020

Android build process - Part 2

Android build process - Part 2 Pre operation task list How to view a task class Task1: checkDebugClasspath 1. input/ou...
22:42 25 June 2020

Notes on Java learning

Notes on Java introduction 2 - Hao bin abstract class Abstract method abstract class Final keyword Final decorates t...
22:40 25 June 2020

Introduction and use of [Java] LocalDate/LocalTime/LocalDateTime class

background Briefly describe the background of these new date API s in JDK 1.8. As early as in the era of JDK 1.0, JDK in...
0:06 25 June 2020

Spring 7 -- developing spring based on annotation

Developing spring based on annotation There are two forms of spring IOC containers: (1) XML configuration file: applica...
23:02 24 June 2020

Deep analysis of Map source code

preface map set is the set of key value ...
22:22 24 June 2020

SQL Mathematical Functions, String Functions for Programmers

Article Directory Preface 1. Mathematical Functions 1.1 ABS 1.2 CEIL 1.3 FLOOR 1.4 MOD 1.5 RAND 1.6 ROUND 1.7 TRUNCATE...
12:55 24 June 2020

New features of Java syntax_ java5 to java11

1, Foreword I never thought, it's 0202, Sun i...
4:07 24 June 2020

Summary of Map set in java

In the Collection, the elements are isolated (understood as single), and the elements are stored in the Collection one b...
4:06 24 June 2020

The new colleague "optimizes" the if else with the strategy mode. The technical director said: can you think about it and then change it?

This article comes from the author's contribution, the original author: God loves apples ...
1:01 24 June 2020

3: 08: Android DataBinding from entry to advanced

Data binding is a framework officially released by Google. As the name implies, it is data binding. It is an implementat...
23:49 23 June 2020

Learning from Spring Security practice: creating a simple Spring Security Project

Reference course: Mr. Chen Muxin's "Spring Security practice" ...
22:44 23 June 2020

Design Mode - MVC Mode

Above (Design Mode - Visitor Mode): Catalog background What ...
12:11 23 June 2020

Research on JBOSS file free web shell

Author: wide byte securityOriginal link: article is the author's c...
5:12 23 June 2020

Full parsing of regular expressions

Regular expressions define patterns for strings that can be used to search, edit, or process text. ...
4:02 23 June 2020

[linux] learn operation and maintenance step by step - Basic chapter - file permission management

Write before: Blogger is a rebel who pursues freedom after 80's standard of devoting himself to education and training. ...
3:37 23 June 2020

The way to simplify Java code

preface ...
2:05 22 June 2020

JSON class library Jackson elegantly serializes Java enumeration classes

1. Preface In Java development, in order to avoid too many magic values, we use enumeration classes to encapsulate some ...
0:27 22 June 2020