Java. Page 15

Teach you how to use native JS+CSS3 to realize lucky fruit machine game from scratch

Project experience addressFree video tutorial ...
23:49 21 June 2020

Re learn the Java design mode: the actual command mode "simulate the eight major cuisines of high-end restaurants, and the cooking scene of the single chef at the second place"

Author: little brother FuBlog: -Original series of special articles Precipitation, sharing, growth, ...
22:13 21 June 2020

Understanding of volatile and code demonstration

    Volatile is a lightweight synchronization mechanism provided by java virtual machine. It has three major f...
6:17 21 June 2020

UnavailableSecurityManagerException in Spring Boot integration shiro

Spring boot uses spring security by default. Spring security is a powerful security framework, needless to say. However,...
2:28 21 June 2020

[emergency shelter] mybatis can use XML and annotation at the same time

[emergency shelter] mybatis can use XML and annotation at the same time Put the conclusion first How do you use it? Mo...
2:13 21 June 2020

Data Structure and Algorithm21 Diagram Structure Depth First Traversal Width First Traversal

chart concept vertex Edge edge Route Undirected graph: the connection between vertices has no direction Directed grap...
22:12 20 June 2020

Simple Distributed Cluster Cluster Setup for HDFS

Simple Distributed Cluster Cluster Setup for HDFS Preface ...
21:56 20 June 2020

5, Factory mode

Take the pizza shop as an example: You can order pizza i...
3:06 20 June 2020

The second part of MyBatis series: building Maven project operation database table

1, ORMpping interpretation ORMpping: object relationship mapping. Object: refers to the object in Java, object-oriented ...
1:58 20 June 2020

Leetcode-125. Verify palindrome string

Verify palindrome string subject Train of thought 1 code result Train of thought 2 code result Official double pointer ...
23:38 19 June 2020

Optimistic lock of Java multithreading sharing model (CAS and Atomic classes)

Optimistic lock of Java multithreading sharing model (CAS and Atomic classes) ...
5:40 19 June 2020

Simple Http server based on Java

Last time I saw a Java based http server code, its function is very simple, but it uses a lot of knowledge learned, whic...
22:01 18 June 2020

Introduction and Use of Qiniuyun _Tool class for uploading Qiniuyun files

1. Picture Storage Scheme intro...
21:30 18 June 2020

SpringCloud version Hoxton SR5 - Lecture 5: zuul routing, filtering, fault tolerance and fallback, clustering, high availability

Port: SpringCloud version Hoxton SR5 - Lesson 1: Understanding First look at what Zuul can do, or his positioning and ro...
21:06 18 June 2020

Spring Learning Notes 05 - Inject Details

Injection Details There are two types of inje...
20:56 18 June 2020

What is the Watcher mechanism in Zookeeper?

Article catalog What is the watcher mechanism Notification state (KeeperState) Event type Client implementation of Eve...
7:06 18 June 2020

A brief analysis of the starting process of Deno source code

start Here we start from the start of Deno to...
4:14 18 June 2020

Analysis of SpringBoot configuration class

This article starts with WeChat official account of vivo Internet technology. Link:
4:13 18 June 2020

Java agent pattern explanation

1, What is agent mode The proxy mode provides...
3:09 18 June 2020

Redis -- what data structures does redis have

Redis (3) - what are the data structures of redis ...
0:28 18 June 2020

How to build multi page template scaffold with vue-cli 4.0!? This article teaches you

multipage Github address multi page template scaffold based on vue-cli 4.0! Launch proje...
23:48 17 June 2020

Getting started with java | Loop structure

Introduction to java (7) | Loop structure Start from scratch!!! Last issue was an explanation of the basic use of meth...
20:51 17 June 2020

Implementation of JAVA Query Based on ipv6 Static Data File of zxinc Website

Recently there is a need to resolve ipv6 addresses. Because of the large amount of data, it is not possible to request a...
12:29 17 June 2020

Introduction to Spring MVC

Introduction to Spring MVC It is better to ha...
3:45 17 June 2020

Design mode -- single case mode (multiple implementation modes)

Singleton mode and multiple implementation methods introduce Several implementation methods Slovenly Hungry Han style ...
3:02 17 June 2020

Python 3 basic environment configuration

About python Python origins ...
2:27 17 June 2020

Detailed explanation of Dubbo SPI mechanism

From the principle of java spi in the previous article, we can see that java spi mechanism has the following disadvantag...
1:21 17 June 2020

[15] kotlin object oriented [abstract class, interface]

Basic concepts In essence, it i...
1:07 17 June 2020

Introduction to java | Definition and use of methods

Introduction to java (6) | Definition and use of methods Start from scratch!!! In the previous period, we explained a...
22:25 16 June 2020