SQL. Page 7

Mysql multi instance configuration

Multi instance configuration of MySQL In a physical machine, multiple test environments are needed, so multiple instances of building database are nee...
14:54 31 January 2020

Using mybatis generator to generate code in spring boot

Please create your springboot project first Add mybatis generator to the project 1. Add plugin in pom <plugin> <groupId>org.mybatis.gener...
14:29 31 January 2020

Performance comparison of mysql batch operation

1, When operating the database, using the prepared statement will greatly improve the performance advantages of operating the database as follows: 1)...
14:07 31 January 2020

mysql user management and permission setting under centos7

1.Get into mysql Command line, entering root And password [root@localhost ~]# mysql -u root -p Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands...
12:16 31 January 2020

Common functions in MySQL

1. String function length(a) gets the length of string a concat(a,b,c) splices multiple values into a string trim(a) remove the space at the beginnin...
0:42 19 January 2020

Desktop layout of Android 80go platform

1. File path vendor/go-gms/apps_go/GmsSampleIntegrationGo/res/xml/partner_default_layout.xml 2. Screen division The bottom and middle screens are sep...
12:01 18 January 2020

Spark.ml -- Naive Bayes

Preface Naive Bayes classifier is a classifier with low variance and high deviation. It assumes that there is conditional independence between each f...
10:05 16 January 2020

SqlServer common commands

Article directory 1, SQL Basics Two, enhance Three, function Four, actual combat 1.SELECT 2.Update 3. table / field 4. Index (add, delete, modify and...
7:32 16 January 2020

Dockerfile theory + practice!!!

Dockerfile overview Dockerfile is the description file of the image file in docker. The straight white point is exactly what the image file is compos...
3:25 15 January 2020

centos install LNMP environment

Article directory Install lnmp project deployment environment Installing the python environment Install mysql Install nginx Install redis redis boot ...
0:24 15 January 2020

New springboot + mybatis plus project

New springboot + mybatis plus project First, use idea to create a new SpringBoot [failed to transfer the pictures in the external chain. The source s...
0:05 15 January 2020

MHA High Availability Architecture Deployment Configuration Instance

1. Preface 1.1What's MHA?--An introduction to the principles MHA - Master High Availability, currently a relatively mature solution for MySQL hi...
12:43 14 January 2020

The first lesson of big data on the cloud: MaxCompute authorization and appearance operation hidden pit Guide

1, Sub account creation, AK information binding If you are the first time to log in to digital plus platform and use DataWorks with a sub account, you...
2:57 13 January 2020

Love buy back website optimization - Redis cache

Why cache? Reduce database pressure; Increase request speed. When the data is stored in the cache, it can be retrieved directly from the cache when i...
8:37 10 January 2020

RMAN Migration Library in ORACLE10G Non-archiving Mode

Environmental information: Source Library Target Library operating system WIN7 WIN SVR 2012 R2 IP x.x.x.216 x.x.x.112 Database Version - 6...
15:12 4 January 2020

postgresql connects to SQL server using odbc_fdw

Install and configure ODBC? FDW 1. Install unixODBC apt-get install unixodbc unixodbc-dev 2. Install Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server curl http...
12:05 28 December 2019

Using JPA in SpringBoot

In the last article, we used the JdbcTemplate to access the database. After all, we used the native SQL form. I'm sure that lazy people like me ...
19:49 7 December 2019

Create a jdbc connection

This paper introduces how to establish a jdbc connection for database query. Create a java project and import the jar package. Using mysql database, t...
2:08 7 December 2019

[JavaSE] JDBC programming of Java

JDBC creation process Load database driver Create database connection Create operation command Execute SQL statement Process return result set Close ...
13:23 6 December 2019

ASH production practice I of Oracle10G

ASH practice 1 of Oracle10G ASH is a new feature of Oracle 10g, which is very valuable for DBA. It is based on V $sssion and samples once a second, R...
13:37 4 December 2019

MySQL installation steps

MySQL installation steps Install dependency package yum -y install autoconf automake libtool cmake ncurses-devel openssl-devel lzo-devel zlib-devel gc...
12:28 4 December 2019

Storage - massive data - (mycat core concepts and advanced)

target Master big data processing scheme and HA of database Master why database middleware is needed and what is database middleware Master the charac...
11:52 4 December 2019

Nodejs operation Sql Server

Intro Recently, the project needs to crawl some data, the data is encrypted, the front-end js is confused, the ajax request is hook, some complex, and...
11:45 4 December 2019

GDB debugging Mysql source compilation and installation

Download source code git clone https://github.com/mysql/mysql-server.git cd mysql-server git checkout 5.7 Compilation and installation Installation de...
11:32 4 December 2019

TDengine+Grafana Data Visualization

The company's main business is to provide SMS mass distribution services to enterprise customers, with a strong internal operation monitoring pl...
5:06 4 December 2019

How does the line record length statistics come from GDB debugging Mysql priority queue sorting algorithm

background Next https://mengkang.net/1328.html We continue to kowtow.Last article GDB debugging Mysql practice (3) priority queue sorting algorithm re...
3:36 4 December 2019

Analyze the Gaud map api to obtain the provincial and urban areas, and generate the latest three-level linkage sql table

Preface: In the recent project, the three-level information of provincial and urban areas in China has been used, but the information found on the Int...
21:46 3 December 2019

Troubleshooting for abnormal downtime of nodes in Galera Cluster

background Before Group Replication was released, MySQL official replication had asynchronous and semi synchronous. At that time, most companies would...
20:42 3 December 2019

Add and query data table with object-oriented idea, JDBC code is super detailed

In this paper, the JDBC program is written with the object-oriented idea, and the java program is used to add the student information to the data tabl...
19:19 3 December 2019

Three states of Hibernate object

hibernate has three states: Transient, persistent, detached The following figure shows the state transition of objects in hibernate: Example 1 @Test ...
17:08 3 December 2019