Spring. Page 4

Using @ controlleradvce and ErrorController interfaces in springMvc

Using @ controlleradvce and ErrorController interfaces in springMvc 1, Introduction ...
5:25 29 June 2020

Spring Boot & Restful API!

Author: liuxiaopeng https://www.cnblogs.com/paddix/p/8215245.html In the current development process, in order to achie...
4:21 29 June 2020

Spring Boot & Restful API!

Author: Liuxia openghttps://www.cnblogs.com/paddix/p/8215245.html In the current development process, in order to achie...
3:57 29 June 2020

After the upgrade of Spring Boot, the initialization SQL does not run?

Spring Boot unit tests automatically execute test scripts cause ...
3:22 29 June 2020

Spring cloud Part 3: service provision and Feign call

In the previous article, we introduced the construction of the registration center, including that of the cluster enviro...
0:34 28 June 2020

Java design pattern -- command pattern of behavior pattern

Source address: Command mode of design mode catalog Basic introduction Fundamentals Application cases 1. Demand 2. UM...
2:22 27 June 2020

spring data operation ES can't smell any more

introduction Elastic search (hereinafter refe...
0:31 27 June 2020

JFinal unpacking evaluation, I'm serious this time

introduction I met JFinal unexpectedly when I was looking at the server container yesterday. Before, my impression of JF...
22:44 26 June 2020

Sensitive word filtering: AOP + annotation + DFA algorithm

preface In terms of sensitive word filtering, we should say that it's big or small. Generally legal users will not have...
21:22 26 June 2020

Spring Source Series--Source Analysis of bean Components

brief introduction The spring-bean component ...
20:20 26 June 2020

My little goal

Made a project, maven+IDEA+MySQL Because of f...
2:24 26 June 2020

Integrating SSM's Demo

Article catalog 1. Version selection 2. Using maven to create a project (project structure) image-20200626115714873 3.p...
1:06 26 June 2020

RabbitMQ and SpringBoot integration

To integrate RabbitMQ with SpringBoot, first we need to create a new SpringBoot project, which is divided into two sub m...
0:47 26 June 2020

Source code analysis of Zhiyu dubbo

dubbo source code analysis file dubbo load profile dubbo service provision 1. Verify configuration information 2. Crea...
7:08 25 June 2020

Spring 7 -- developing spring based on annotation

Developing spring based on annotation There are two forms of spring IOC containers: (1) XML configuration file: applica...
23:02 24 June 2020

Property Injection

Injection in springboot Basic Property Injection @Value Object Mode Injection @ConfigurationProperties Comparison of tw...
22:41 24 June 2020

Learning from Spring Security practice: creating a simple Spring Security Project

Reference course: Mr. Chen Muxin's "Spring Security practice" ...
22:44 23 June 2020

Design Mode - MVC Mode

Above (Design Mode - Visitor Mode): https://blog.csdn.net/qq_16498553/article/details/106912484 Catalog background What ...
12:11 23 June 2020

SSM learning notes - (spring MVC + Spring + mybatis) configuration (eclipse)

I've heard the teacher said that the whole family bucket of spring framework has never known what it is. I read a lot wi...
4:20 23 June 2020

AOP development specification and steps of Spring framework based on AspectJ

Relationship between AOP and dynamic agent: AOP terminology: Horizontal focus: Functions to be added to the business...
1:11 23 June 2020

Application context context context of Spring key interface

catalog 1.ServletContextListener interface 2.ApplicationC...
3:30 22 June 2020

JSON class library Jackson elegantly serializes Java enumeration classes

1. Preface In Java development, in order to avoid too many magic values, we use enumeration classes to encapsulate some ...
0:27 22 June 2020

Introduction, installation and use of RabbitMQ

RabbitMQ RabbitMQ 1.MQ introduction 2. Use scenario 2.1. Peak shaving The origin of peak shaving 2.2 log processing 2...
6:42 21 June 2020

UnavailableSecurityManagerException in Spring Boot integration shiro

Spring boot uses spring security by default. Spring security is a powerful security framework, needless to say. However,...
2:28 21 June 2020

[emergency shelter] mybatis can use XML and annotation at the same time

[emergency shelter] mybatis can use XML and annotation at the same time Put the conclusion first How do you use it? Mo...
2:13 21 June 2020

Getting started with Spring Cloud components -- Security

brief introduction Spring Cloud Security prov...
23:53 20 June 2020

Spring Boot multi module development and pit drainage guide none in history

Recommended reading: How to improve the core competitiveness of Java engineers who have worked for 1-5 years Ali archit...
4:52 20 June 2020

Spring Boot+Element files are uploaded synchronously with form upload files

Business logic needs to add records first and then generate corresponding unique file names by adding the IDS returned b...
22:45 19 June 2020

Spring boot auto configuration principle

Spring boot auto configuration principle For ...
7:43 19 June 2020