Docker_dockerfile nginx and tomcat
1, Classification of images 1. Three elements of docker 1) , Docker Image is a read-only template. An Image can be used ...
SSL certificates configure Https based on Nginx
Little bird's personal blog has been officially launched and opened to the outside world
Detailed installation directory for Nginx
1.Nginx Log Rotation, Log Cutting for logrotate Service | Profile /etc/logrotate.d/nginx 2.Nginx Home Profile|Director...
Separation of dynamic and static state by Nginx+Tomcat
Add group groupadd www Add user WWW: useradd - G www under www group Modify configuration file nginx.conf : user www ww...
Docker entry basic command
Article catalog 1, Overview 1. What is Docker 2. Differences between container technology and virtual machine technolo...
Docker-swarm for Container Technology
In the previous section, I talked about the simple use and basic principles of docker machine, refer back to https://www...
Introduction and Use of Qiniuyun _Tool class for uploading Qiniuyun files
1. Picture Storage Scheme
SpringCloud version Hoxton SR5 - Lecture 5: zuul routing, filtering, fault tolerance and fallback, clustering, high availability
Port: SpringCloud version Hoxton SR5 - Lesson 1: Understanding First look at what Zuul can do, or his positioning and ro...
Linux system deployment ThinkPHP5+Workerman project
I wrote an article a while ago PHP obtains the K-line data of fire currency through URL and WebSocket , the development ...
Using nexus3 to configure the docker private warehouse
1. Configuration starting 1. Create blob storage
[K8S] 10,000 words long, understand the continuous integrated delivery environment based on Docker+K8S+GitLab/SVN+Jenkins+Harbor
Overview of environmental construction 1.What is K8S?
Container technology: Docker private image warehouse harbor
Earlier, we talked about the construction and simple use of docker distribution, a private image warehouse of docker. Pl...
nginx installation and deployment
nginx installation 1. Pre install sudo Yum install Yum utils2. Create a / etc in the root directory of the server/ yum.r...
Getting started with kubernetes to real-world resource management and Qos
1. Pod Resource Management
1.1 re...
Retry of network elasticity
General Catalog Index: istio from getting started to giving up series 1. Introduction Network elasticity, also known as ...
timeout of network elasticity
General Catalog Index: istio from getting started to giving up series 1. Introduction to network flexibility Network ela...
Docker Builds Harbor Public Warehouse
Bowen catalog
Differences between Registry and Harbor Adv...
Nine cross-domain implementation principles (full version)
Front-end and back-end data interacti...
Quick Start for kubernetes - Getting Started with kubernetes to Practice [Getting Started + Advanced]
1. Basic concepts
1.1 Clusters an...
How to Build Rtmp Service and Develop Live APP with uni-app
Because you have an IM application, ...
k8s+jenkins for Automated Deployment and application to k8s cluster
1. The jenkins environment prepares and starts the jenkins service 1) jdk environment configuration [root@centos7 ~]# ll...
Introduction and principle analysis of flagger
brief introduction Flagger It can make the application publishing process running on k8s system fully automatic (unatten...
ASP.NET Core on K8S in-depth learning (12) Ingress
This article has been added to the Index of.NET Core on K8S Learning Practice Series Articles , you can click to see mor...
Ansible deployment source code nginx
Divide all deployed nginx hosts into nginx groups:
vim /e...
Don't understand asynchronous requests and calls in spring boot? Just read this one
1, The use of asynchronous requests in Spring Boot
Unix Domain Socket
add by zhj: Unix Domain Socket is the optimization of network socket, which is applicable to the situation that the serv...
Docker Dig Into Series | Swarm Multi-Node Actual
Docker has been on the market for many years, which is not a new thing. Many enterprises or development classmates have ...
Cobalt Strike record
Article directory 0X00 background 0x01 basic principle 0x02 about breaking the precepts Exit hidden pile 0x03 CDN + ant...