Java. Page 29

Java setting PDF document background color

Generally, the default document background color of the generated PDF document is white. We can change the background color of the document by some me...
12:03 3 December 2019

Length of JavaScript object

I have a JavaScript object. Is there a built-in or recognized best practice to get the length of this object? const myObject = new Object(); myObject...
11:54 3 December 2019

Probability of random number controlled by Js

Such as: Take the random number between 1 and 10, then their value range is: integer Section probability 1 [0,1) 0.1 2 [1,2) 0.1 3 [2,3) 0.1 4 [3,4) 0...
11:35 3 December 2019

The implementation of editable table by iView

create at: 2019-02-20 assembly <i-table highlight-row ref="currentRowTable" :columns="columns" :data="tableData">&...
10:35 3 December 2019

Java code generator

Full automatic code generator Project address The code template is located under resources and can ...
10:28 3 December 2019

Webback4. X configuration of vue project

These two days, I played with webback and lay in a lot of holes. Today, I read a blogger's article to solve this problem. He explains each part o...
10:14 3 December 2019

Encapsulate a super simple vue sharing component

Update: from May 2018, jithis will turn off sharing function. Please use Or search other social sharing Libraries When devel...
9:38 3 December 2019

Java - how to write multithreaded programs?

Share a Daniel's AI tutorial. Zero basis! Easy to understand! Funny and humorous! I hope you can join the team of artificial intelligence! Pleas...
9:03 3 December 2019

Support jsp+html jump in the whole contract of springboot 2.0

Spring boot project creation tutorial springboot2.0 jump to html tutorial https://blog.csd...
8:58 3 December 2019


The company assigned me a task to do the second phase development of a project. After taking over from other project teams, the test files are upload...
8:54 3 December 2019

It seems that it is not the most complete array de duplication method

In this article, we will talk about array de duplication. 1. The simplest and rudest way, double for loop let arr = [9, 5, 6, 5, '1', '...
7:38 3 December 2019

Analysis of processOptions processing Options and entry function of Web pack source code

Let's open bin/cli.jsAccording to the Options returned last time processOptions(options)This is easier to read because of the foundation of the l...
7:14 3 December 2019

Spring Boot from entry to mastery - project construction

Spring Boot greatly simplifies the development of Java projects. If you want to develop a java project before, you need to install tomcat or other co...
5:48 3 December 2019

HashTable principle and source code analysis

The copyright of this article belongs to feng lyh and blog park. Welcome to reprint it, but please keep this statement and give the original link. Tha...
4:44 3 December 2019

Using echarts to draw multidimensional histogram

Preface Before that, I've shared with you how to use echarts to draw line graphs, double line graphs and histogram. Today, I'd like to shar...
4:08 3 December 2019

web calculator based on Servlet+jsp

This time, in order to let us review the page Jump in the web, the boss gave us an unworthy task A big copy of the world's code depends on how yo...
3:30 3 December 2019

Java concurrent synchronized keyword and Lock interface

Welcome to read and communicate with us. Please leave a message if you have any questions. There are also open sources on GitHub JavaHouse , welcome ...
3:25 3 December 2019

vuex common practice code (synchronous + asynchronous)

vuex has been used in several projects of vue. To summarize, it is convenient to use Warehouse writing (store.js) 1. Introduction import Vue from &#03...
2:17 3 December 2019

Use React setState like this to develop a direct call line!

(Long time no see, title skin, content or conscience)As we all know, React realizes the management of components by managing state, and setState is th...
1:42 3 December 2019

Using form create to dynamically generate vue components

Using form create to dynamically generate vue custom components and nested form components [github] | [description document] maker.create Build custo...
0:34 3 December 2019

springboot custom exception

Spring boot custom exception and exception handling In a web project, we may need to return different prompt codes to the front end. For example, 401 ...
0:23 3 December 2019

Html reads the pictures in the local folder and displays

One purpose Select the local folder on Html, automatically read all pictures under the folder and subfolder and display them on the page. Technical a...
0:16 3 December 2019

Centos7 haproxy dynamic and static separation

Results achieved:When the client accesses haproxy, when the request is static file content, the request is transferred to static server, when the req...
0:13 3 December 2019

Some pits of Object to Map

Here, three methods of Object mapping are summarized 1. Use reflection getDeclaredFields and getFields /** * Clean the data of the incoming object, re...
0:12 3 December 2019

The use of higher order functions

problem Byte skipping: the original function, such as fetchData, is an asynchronous function, trying to get some information from the server and retur...
0:00 3 December 2019

Nine palace pattern of lottery component

Written in front I changed my career in the middle and bumped into the front end by mistake. It may be due to my 'laziness'. I have never pu...
23:56 2 December 2019

Java's new project learning online notes - day3(3)

2 new page 2.1 new page interface definition 1. Define response model @Data public class CmsPageResult extends ResponseResult { CmsPage cmsPage; publ...
23:52 2 December 2019

How H5 evokes Baidu map App

Recently, I took over a demand for hybrid development. After h5, the front-end embedded the page into ios and android, and the map navigation of Baidu...
23:33 2 December 2019

[tutorial] Java MySQL connection

Reprinted from In this chapter, we will show you how to use JDBC to connect to MySQL database. A d...
22:01 2 December 2019

Binary tree traversal algorithm

Preorder traversal Idea: first root node - > left subtree - > right subtree;The binary tree is as follows: /** * TreeSearch Brief description *...
21:19 2 December 2019