Java. Page 30

Optimization of construction speed of vue-cli2

For the front-end projects created by using Vue cli scaffolding, compiling and publishing are almost necessary operations, some of which only need sec...
21:05 2 December 2019

Verification code algorithm

Verification Code: This verification code is developed by myself with reference to other people's ideas. The printing effect is general and not ...
20:20 2 December 2019

Handwritten code of front-end written test

1. Flat nested array / flat implementation Description: expand and tile a nested array into an array with only one layer. let array = [1, [1, 2, 3], [...
20:08 2 December 2019

Use form create to dynamically generate vue components, supporting json format

[github] | [description document] Example let rule = [ { type:'row', children:[ { type:'i-col', props:{ span:12 }, children:[ form...
19:06 2 December 2019

Differences between CountDownLatch and join

When the ants were asked this question, they really couldn't imagine the difference when they realized the same function. When they came back to...
17:42 2 December 2019

Write custom parameter validation

This article has been published for more than two months since I left my previous company two months ago (the reason may be at the end of the year, th...
16:54 2 December 2019

Spring cloud microservices Zuul cross domain issues

At present, the project structure is VUE as the front-end, and the back-end uses the micro service architecture. When developing, the front-end needs ...
16:49 2 December 2019

Implementation of paging query in weUI

This paper introduces the implementation of h5 paging query in mobile terminal 1. front end html Front end implementation based on weui style library ...
16:12 2 December 2019

layui-v2.4.5 compatibility tuning

It has been written in the community of layui, but the community editor is really not good. Write it again here, just to consolidate it table.js Descr...
15:51 2 December 2019

Two way binding with Proxy

We need to use Proxy to implement two-way binding in vue3.0, so let's try to implement it first. 1 implementation of object.definepropertyThe ori...
14:54 2 December 2019

Common code set

I. jquery returns to the top $("html , body").animate(,'slow'); Second, jQuery judges the sliding direction of the mobile screen ...
14:43 2 December 2019

Appearance mode of design mode (structural type)

[TOC] I. model definition Appearance mode: appearance mode is to provide a unified interface to access a group of interfaces of subsystem. The facade...
11:57 2 December 2019

vue wechat sharing (actual battle)

Today, I met the demand of wechat sharing. Generally speaking, it's relatively simple, but I still met a hypothetical pit (really hypothetical) a...
11:39 2 December 2019

Spring Data JPA must master 20 + query keywords

WeChat public number: an excellent wasterIf you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a message in the background. I will try my best to sol...
9:59 2 December 2019

React form element

Let's talk about the form elements of react today.Controlled elementLet's see how to get the value of the input box import React, { Componen...
9:42 2 December 2019

Effective alphabetic words

Organizing thoughts: I am mentally retarded now, so no matter how simple the topic is, I will share it. My idea is to define two dictionaries (such a...
9:39 2 December 2019

Java collection series - HashSet

Original article, reprint please mark the source: Java collection series - HashSet I. overview HashSet is a set set set based on Hash implementation....
9:31 2 December 2019

Python basic (string) day two

1. Single quotation mark and escape Guide 2. Splicing string 3. Format string 4. Common methods #Remove spaces and special symbols #Search and replace...
7:02 2 December 2019

The meaning and implementation of virtual DOM

This article comes from "An essay on the meaning and implementation of virtual DOM" , if you think it's good, welcome to Star Github wa...
6:59 2 December 2019

Gracefully register events in the React component

Preface In the development of React, we often need to register some events on the window, such as pressing Esc to close the pop-up window, pressing up...
5:43 2 December 2019

Summary of Handlebars, a front-end template engine

I. escape of Handlebars template 1. template Escape, output HTML string when {}} is used When {{}}} is used, html is output without escaping (identif...
5:30 2 December 2019

Noseparte says: How is a gateway thread pool created in online games

Correct Posture for Java Thread Pool Definition of ThreadPool thread pool and how to create it? Configure ThreadPoolExecutor Manage Task Queue Blockin...
4:53 2 December 2019

Realization of Js rotary lottery

Samples Address: Source code: II. Implementation method 1: buil...
4:33 2 December 2019

Solve the disorder of A6 avant media player

My wife's Audi A6 avant, from my itunes, from music library COPY to SD card, inserted into the media player, checked that the songs in each albu...
4:02 2 December 2019

Spring Boot get configuration file value

In the process of program development, some values that may be modified are often put into the configuration file. How to get the values of the config...
3:41 2 December 2019

mybatis automatically fills in the time field

For the created ﹣ on and updated ﹣ on entities, it is unnecessary for developers to intervene, because it is enough to explain the use scenario, that ...
3:07 2 December 2019

Detailed introduction to Spring

Preface This article is followed by the detailed introduction to spring (1). It is recommended to read the first article before reading this article. ...
2:41 2 December 2019

ES6 Foundation - ES6 class

Author| Jeskson Source|Dada Front End Bistro ES - Class Classes and Object Oriented: Object-oriented, that is, everything is object. Object-oriented ...
2:02 2 December 2019

Brush the front end of the book

1. The following recursive functions are at risk of stack overflow. How to optimize them? function factorial(n){ return n*factorial(n-1) } Answer: fun...
1:55 2 December 2019

Solve Jackson 2 deserialization LocalDateTime error

Today, when integrating redis and spring boot, I encountered an error. Record it. The error is reported as follows: Could not read JSON: Cannot constr...
1:51 2 December 2019