Java. Page 31

Spring integrates RabbitMQ-03-SimpleMessageListenerContainer

SimpleMessageListenerContainer Simple message listening container. This class is very powerful. We can set many settings for it. For message configura...
1:39 2 December 2019

JavaScript essence advanced OOP object oriented programming

Reprint please indicate the source Original connection How do we simulate overloading? ...
1:13 2 December 2019

[Angular] component communication in Angula6

Angula6? Component communication This paper mainly introduces component communication in Angular6 I. parent child component communication 1.1 parent c...
0:55 2 December 2019

New features of Java 8 lambda expression

A functional interface is an interface that explicitly declares only one abstract method. To ensure that the number of methods is small, java8 provid...
18:52 30 November 2019

Java Self-Study-Collection Framework Binary Tree

Java Collection Framework Binary Tree Example 1: Binary tree concept A binary tree consists of nodes Binary Tree Features: Each node can have left and...
20:42 28 November 2019

Spring Boot 2.x Actual StateMachine

This article was first published on a personal website: Spring Boot 2.x Actual StateMachine Spring StateMachine is a state machine framework. In the S...
14:57 10 November 2019

java judge time difference month day tool class

I. Java time comparison requirements 1. From time a to time B, how many years, months and days is the difference. For example, from February 2, 2011 ...
10:48 10 November 2019

What is java serialization? When is serialization required?

Serialization: the process of converting Java objects into byte streams. Deserialization: the process of converting a byte stream to a Java object. Ja...
10:07 10 November 2019

Introduction to Kotlin 1 -- one sentence tutorial

1. Define function fun function name (parameter name: type, parameter name: type,...): return type{ ...... } such as fun sum(a: Int, b: Int): Int { r...
10:06 10 November 2019

I. Basic Introduction to scala

[TOC] I. overview of scala 1.1 INTRODUCTION Scala is a multi paradigm programming language. The original intention of its design is to integrate vari...
8:11 10 November 2019

Take a look at the new feature of Java 8 -- lambda expression

What is a lambda expression? Lambda expressions can be understood as a concise way to express transitive anonymous functions: it has no name, but it ...
7:36 10 November 2019

Programming questions - serialization and deserialization

Title Description Please implement two functions to serialize and deserialize binary tree Ideas: (1) first, we need to build a binary tree The idea o...
11:11 9 November 2019

Custom named thread pool

Let's take a look at the DefaultThreadFactory used by java.util.concurrent.Executors in JDK1.6: /** * The default thread factory */ static class ...
4:55 8 November 2019

Comparison of java replication methods

1. Background In the actual programming process, we often encounter this situation: there is an object A, at A certain time A already contains some va...
3:52 8 November 2019

Mybaits Source Parsing - The most detailed network, none: ResultSet automatically maps to entity class objects (last)

In the previous article, we sent SQL to the database and returned a ResultSet. Next, we automatically mapped the ResultSet to an entity class object.T...
22:55 7 November 2019

Front-end technology: how to execute methods in the UI after vuex state management action asynchronous call ends

1. Origin of the problem Recently, when working on the vue.js project, we encountered the problem of communication and interoperability between vuex s...
19:11 7 November 2019

JAVA basic arrangement

HashMap learning -- write a simple HashMap manually for understanding 1. Definition of Node public class Node { public int hash; public Object key; pu...
12:55 7 November 2019

js object-oriented design pattern inheritance

//Class inheritance // function Father(){ // this.fartherValue = true; // } // Father.prototype.getFartherValue = function () { // return this.farthe...
10:46 7 November 2019

Correct stopping of multithreading based on Concurrency

Principle introduction Use interrupt to notify instead of force. It's easy to start a thread in JAVA, but when we stop a thread we don't sto...
7:50 7 November 2019

Java abstract classes and interfaces, this is enough

This article talks about Java's abstract classes and interfaces. In the short song line, Cao Cao made an advertisement worth 100 million yuan for...
4:18 7 November 2019

Forged form data part of form builder random vehicle license plate

A few days ago, I recorded the mongodb part of the form data storage structure of the form builder, and then I wanted to forge some data. Why forge da...
23:42 6 November 2019

Java12 Collectors.teeing you need to understand

Preface There is a very useful function in Java 12, but it is not published in the official JEP, because it is only a small change in the collector, a...
23:13 6 November 2019

Java to edit multiple pictures and text into one picture

Java to edit multiple pictures and text into one picture Due to the need to generate a poster with multiple pictures and customized text in the busine...
23:10 6 November 2019

SpringBoot custom starter and automatic configuration

The core of spring boot is automatic configuration, and the starter projects support automatic configuration. In addition to the official starter, use...
20:56 6 November 2019

Distributed tracking system microservice monitoring based on SkyWalking

In the last article, we built a SkyWalking based distributed tracking environment. Today, we talk about using SkyWalking to monitor our microservices ...
20:02 6 November 2019

[springboot development monomer web shop] 3. User registration implementation

Catalog User registration ##Create database ##Generate UserMapper ##Write business logic ##Write user service Userserviceimpl? Finduserbyusername des...
19:49 6 November 2019

Are you still copying object properties with BeanUtils?

When doing business, in order to isolate changes, we will separate DO queried by DAO from DTO provided by front end. About 90% of the time, their stru...
19:08 6 November 2019

Those js that are often used but are not easy to write in the background -- multiple box event

jquery implementation Import jquery file // Online introduction <script src="" t...
17:23 6 November 2019

Configure a custom fastJson serialization tool class for Redis

alibaba.fastjson has provided a tool class GenericFastJsonRedisSerializer for serializing Redis storage objects, but the tool returns to Object when d...
16:58 6 November 2019

Using local storage as timing cache

background When the page uses ajax to get the data, it will send a request to the server to get the data every time it visits, however Some data updat...
15:54 6 November 2019