Java. Page 32

List content auto scroll up (native JS)

Effect display (mouse in, roll stop; mouse out, roll continue) Realization principle 1. html structure: the core is ul > Li, and the outer layer of...
14:15 6 November 2019

How to implement modular loading of Web pack

The module specifications supported by webpack are AMD ,CommonJS,ES2015 import Such norms. No matter what kind of specification, it can be roughly di...
13:14 6 November 2019

Notes - Java foundation advanced 2

Set set import java.util.*; public class HashSetDemo{ public static void main(String[] args){ //Features of Set interface //Is a collection without in...
12:52 6 November 2019 unexpected end of stream on Connection exception resolution

<-- HTTP FAILED: unexpected end of stream on Connection 05-23 10:16:51.955 W/System.err( 992):
11:37 6 November 2019

The design of Java immutable class

1.1 immutable class Immutable class refers to a class whose state cannot be modified after an instance is created. Their instance information is prov...
10:33 6 November 2019

Java annotates the specified string of Word

This article describes how to annotate a specified string in a Word document in a Java program. Preceding text In, it mainly introduces the methods of...
10:02 6 November 2019

spring cloud microservice architecture b2b2c e-commerce - common service project construction process

We will analyze the whole project of common service, record the whole construction process, and let more people to learn. First, before building the c...
9:59 6 November 2019

Redis -- delay queue

Redis's list data structure is often used as an asynchronous message queue. rpush/lpush is used to enter the queue and lpop/rpop is used to exit...
4:18 6 November 2019

[springboot development monomer web shop] 2. Mybatis Generator generates common mapper

Mybatis Generator tool After we start a new project, we usually have to write a lot of entity/pojo/dto/mapper/dao... Most of the R & D brothers wi...
19:42 5 November 2019

java design pattern ~ responsibility chain pattern

Responsibility chain, I feel that there are five steps for organizing work flow dynamically according to requirements, for example, to complete a thin...
15:40 5 November 2019

Spring Boot cache technology (ehcache, SpringData Redis)

Spring boot integrates Ehcache Spring boot integrates spring dataredis I. spring boot integrates Ehcache 1. Import related maven dependencies <pro...
14:18 5 November 2019

Talk about deadlock analyzer of elastic search

order This paper focuses on the deadlock analyzer of elastic search DeadlockAnalyzer elasticsearch-7.0.1/server/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/monito...
13:37 5 November 2019

Mycat distributed database architecture solution -- details of schema.xml

Echo editor, welcome to reprint, reprint please state the source of the article. Welcome to add echo wechat (wechat: t2421499075) for communication an...
11:18 5 November 2019

Deep analysis of thread pool in java thread series

(it's more convenient to see the source code on the horizontal screen of mobile phone) Note: java source code analysis part is based on java ver...
8:51 5 November 2019

iOS knowledge combing asynchronous programming - coobjc learning

Asynchronous programming is a hot topic in recent years. Today, we will talk about asynchronous programming and coobjc in iOS platform. First of all, ...
5:18 5 November 2019

How does SpringBoot start?

This article is about the spring boot startup process sorted out by looking at the spring boot source code. The overall direction is to start with sim...
3:20 5 November 2019

Spring cloud responsive microservice series tutorial (Chapter 10): complete code example of responsive RESTful service

This is the tenth chapter of the series of practical spring cloud responsive microservices. This chapter gives a complete code example of responsive R...
22:51 4 November 2019

The problem of a parseInt function found by javascript random number

A few days ago, I wanted to forge some data and used random numbers. I didn't write it myself, so I searched the Internet and found this article:...
22:41 4 November 2019

Solution of Mycat distributed database architecture

Echo editor, welcome to reprint, reprint please state the source of the article. Welcome to add echo wechat (wechat: t2421499075) for communication an...
21:49 4 November 2019

Java GC learning practice

Recently, I often go to the customer's site. If there is a problem on the site, I will send it to the company's leaders (I really don'...
20:09 4 November 2019

java array definition, usage, and array memory analysis

Preface This paper is mainly from the concept of container to the concept of array to the three definitions of array and the analysis of array memory ...
19:53 4 November 2019

Several benefits of using HooX to manage React state

HooX Is a lightweight React state management tool based on hook. It can be used to manage the global state of React application conveniently, with si...
18:08 4 November 2019

On node events module

Module overview In node, events module is one of the core modules. Almost all the common node modules inherit events module For example, net.Server wi...
16:50 4 November 2019

Native js implementation of each method

There is an each method in jquery to simplify and facilitate circular operation.Then es produced a forEach method. Although the two methods are simila...
15:59 4 November 2019

Jdbc Series VIII: batch processing

when records need to be inserted or updated in batches. The batch update mechanism of Java can be used, which allows multiple statements to be submit...
14:48 4 November 2019

One server of front and back end separation project is online

I. purchase server Here are some notes When you choose to configure linux system, you'd better choose centos7 + instead of centos6+ To configure ...
13:35 4 November 2019

Hibernate 4 + MySQL demonstration of Chinese naming

Recently, there is an opportunity to verify the feasibility of Chinese naming in a given development environment. The source code of the example is as...
12:20 4 November 2019

Prototype pattern of Java design pattern (creation pattern)

Definition: prototype pattern is to use prototype instances to specify the type of objects to be created, and to create new objects by copying these p...
12:12 4 November 2019

Sorting List in Java

scene Bean is defined as follows, with only one age field of type Integer. @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor(staticName = "of") @Data p...
11:38 4 November 2019

Thread sharing and collaboration in concurrent programming

For more advanced video learning of Android architecture, please click: article will discuss thread sharing and c...
10:39 4 November 2019