xml. Page 4

Android Development: use TabLayout+Fragment to realize the bottom bar switching function

thinking First of all, you need to know the b...
2:19 9 February 2020

JavaWeb -- Servlet, Mapping problem, ServletContext

1. Introduction to Servlet Servlet is a tec...
6:48 8 February 2020

Spring boot unit testing tool Mockito

Mockito is a Java mock framework. It is mainly used for mock testing. It can simulate any Spring managed bean, the retur...
6:16 8 February 2020

Write IntelliJ IDEA plug-ins from scratch

When you write Java code, repetitive operations are often involved, so it's good to think of a plug-in like this. If it'...
21:51 7 February 2020

Install R & D server

It's really a process of energy consuming to reinstall the server, especially the whole data backup with ghost, the snai...
5:15 7 February 2020

The use of jpaspecification executor interface of SpringDataJPA

The use of jpaspecification executor interface of SpringDataJPA Jpaspecification executor: this interface cannot be used...
9:19 5 February 2020

Andoird development - bottom navigation bar with shards and radiogroups

Set the navigation bar at the bottom. Click this item to highlight it. According to the way of small white dots in the V...
4:43 5 February 2020

Ajax&Ajax asynchronous verification of user name in Java

Ajax Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) is a web development technology that creates in...
4:23 5 February 2020

Two ways to implement Spring AOP: annotation and XML configuration

What is AOP? AOP (aspect oriented programming) is face-to...
1:19 5 February 2020

Spring boot web application practice

I have been using springboot for some time, and I always want to make a summary. Before the Department training, I just ...
9:15 4 February 2020

Workflow process instance migration

Absrtact: version 6.5 of Flowable provides the migration API for process instances. Developers can migrate process insta...
7:33 2 February 2020

Getting started with dubbo (zookeeper is the registry)

1, To build a zookeeper in the registry, first download the zookeeper package ...
4:47 2 February 2020

Analysis of the execution process of Mapper interface of MyBatis

Mabtis, as an excellent persistence framework, not only improves our development efficiency, but also has the characteri...
1:48 2 February 2020

Winter vacation learning progress 1 (Android configuration environment and hello world)

Today's Learning Content: Watched the Android teaching video on Belly Mile to get a brief understanding of the basic kno...
12:10 1 February 2020

How to make the corner circle of the button?

I want to round the corner of the button. Is there an easy way to do this in Android? ...
10:48 1 February 2020

Java learning 5 - looking at the factory method pattern from Spring source

Java learning 5 - looking at the factory pattern from the Spring source code What is the factory method mode Factory method pattern is to define an i...
4:41 1 February 2020

Operation and maintenance project training - Hadoop distributed file system HDFS

1, Hadoop distributed file system HDFS single data storage node 1. Install and deploy Hadoop Specific steps: https://blog.csdn.net/Hannah_zh/article/...
18:22 31 January 2020

Using mybatis generator to generate code in spring boot

Please create your springboot project first Add mybatis generator to the project 1. Add plugin in pom <plugin> <groupId>org.mybatis.gener...
14:29 31 January 2020

Getting data from python's restful api (flask)

The Advanced Rest Client, an extension program of Google browser, is required for simulation request 1. Code directly 1 from flask import Flask 2 from...
9:43 31 January 2020

Android Beginner Series: what do you want to write? Phase I: ViewPager+fragment interface switch

What to think of and write the first issue: focus on simpler and understandable code to solve the problems encountered by Android Xiaobai viewPager+f...
13:04 18 January 2020

Desktop layout of Android 80go platform

1. File path vendor/go-gms/apps_go/GmsSampleIntegrationGo/res/xml/partner_default_layout.xml 2. Screen division The bottom and middle screens are sep...
12:01 18 January 2020

Extend ports generate test reports

1, Download dependency package <dependency> <groupId>com.relevantcodes</groupId> <artifactId>extentreports</artifactId>...
9:33 17 January 2020

SqlServer common commands

Article directory 1, SQL Basics Two, enhance Three, function Four, actual combat 1.SELECT 2.Update 3. table / field 4. Index (add, delete, modify and...
7:32 16 January 2020

New springboot + mybatis plus project

New springboot + mybatis plus project First, use idea to create a new SpringBoot [failed to transfer the pictures in the external chain. The source s...
0:05 15 January 2020

Bash & Python processing application translation table for international import Excel into string.xml table

The company's business development must be internationalized. In the process of internationalization, the most headache is to write an internati...
4:13 14 January 2020

Tomcat access project changed from http to https settings

1. Mr. Cheng's certificate # First switch to the certificate file path: $ cd /app/tomcat-8.5.39/ # Generate certificate file: $ keytool -genkey ...
0:13 11 January 2020

Android - Custom external shadow, internal transparent canvas mask layout

Explain: A simple requirement, the external shadow, the internal layout is transparent, and the camera is opened at the bottom (here only the layout ...
11:00 5 January 2020

JAVA | Spring + quartz to implement timing tasks

WeChat public number: an excellent wasterIf you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a message in the background. I will try my best to sol...
6:53 4 December 2019

Spring MVC file upload

I. step summary Import jar package Configure web.xml Create configuration file mvc.xml in src directory Create the front page fileupload.jsp Create co...
0:39 4 December 2019

CentOS 7.5 deploy the latest stable version of jenkins and configure ldap authentication

Reference document https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Installing+Jenkins+on+Red+Hat+distributions https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/LDAP+P...
0:00 4 December 2019