Java. Page 33

Adding, deleting, modifying and querying cookies in Java

Adding, deleting, modifying and querying cookies in Java Cookie attribute Name: the name of the cookie Value: the value of the cookie maxAge: the expi...
10:18 4 November 2019

Swoole and thinkp5 develop WebSocket online chat communication system

To use Swoole in ThinkPHP, you need to install the think Swoole composer package, provided that the system has installed the Swoole PECL extension* T...
9:58 4 November 2019

Automatic building brush Taobao meow coin! It's the basic quality of programmers to be able to do nothing automatically!

In recent days, did the double 11's activities toss you around? If not, there are only two possibilities: first, you don't have a girlfriend...
7:45 3 November 2019

Vue.js conditions and loops

Source: Alibaba cloud University - Developer class - Vue.js self study manual Conditional judgement v-if Condition judgment uses v-if instruction: v-...
16:34 1 November 2019

The birth of J.U.C

Preface J.U.C is a shorthand for java package java.util.concurrent, which is abbreviated in Chinese and contracted. It is a new basic api for writing ...
21:51 20 October 2019

Weblogic domain Start, Set Default User Name and Password, and Problems encountered

Weblogic's domain instance is starting and needs to set default passwords, etc. If the default password is not set at startup, an exception will...
22:43 7 October 2019

Netty implements synchronous "request-response" communication mechanism

demand Implementation of Netty-based "request-response" synchronous communication mechanism. Design thinking Netty provides a unified implem...
10:15 26 September 2019

Kylin configures Spark and builds Cube

HDP version: version: 2.5.1 Machine: Three CentOS-7,8G memory In addition to MapReduce, Kylin's computing engine also has a faster S...
12:08 24 September 2019

Computing the Memory Occupied by object in android jvmti Application

The day before yesterday, I was aware of the question: What is the principle of Apply Changes provided by Android Studio 3.5? One responded to JVMTI,...
9:34 22 August 2019

C3P0&Druid: Two Methods of Using Database Connection Pool

Database Connection Pool-C3P0 & Druid (1) Database connection pool Everything has its existence significance. When we first learn jdbc, we set up ...
7:51 8 August 2019

JDBC: You always have to learn to connect to a database!

BWH_Steven: Love you again with JDBC (1) Getting started with JDBC (1) Overview Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is an application interface in the J...
0:02 4 August 2019

Parsing xml files using SAX

SAX parsing using JAXP (XMLReaderFactory, XMLReader, SAXParserFactory, and SAXParser) 1. We do this through XMLReaderFactory, XMLReader, as follows 1....
13:49 13 July 2019

Java Basic Tutorial - Conversion Stream

Conversion flow Usually, the default encoding method for Window s is GBK, and UTF-8 encoding is generally recommended for Java projects. At this time,...
18:11 12 July 2019

KVC and KVO in Javascript and variable listening

KVC and KVO in Javascript and variable listening KVC(Key Value Coding) and KVO(Key Value Observing) are terms in Objective-C (Swift is also supported...
15:13 4 July 2019

Several communication modes between React-Native and native modules

Each language has its own design concept, grammar and running environment, which also leads to the need for intermediaries to translate when different...
13:48 11 June 2019

Html Web Page Location Operation in Android WebView

Using the location API provided by HTML5 can help web pages to get the current location information of user equipment. But if we open a web page in a...
16:25 26 May 2019

Android comes with picture clipping (7.0, 8.0, and a millet phone)

A while ago I wrote how to get albums and photos after taking them and display and upload them. This time I made circular images. People who often re...
13:08 10 May 2019

Configure Maven 3.6 and Springboot to build Java Web projects

The latest Maven 3.6 build Java Web project in conjunction with Spring boot is very convenient, just download Maven 3.6 to start building. First, mak...
1:18 16 April 2019

Synchronizer for Java Multithread Programming

Synchronizer Solutions are provided for each specific synchronization problem Semaphore Semaphore controls access to shared resources through counters...
23:03 13 April 2019

Android-Intent delivers data

I. briefly Intent can carry data. The common data that Intent can carry can be divided into the following categories: intent.putExtra(String name, boo...
23:33 31 March 2019

Backstage of Guge's Primary School (21) - DBUtils

Exploring the Difficulties of Android Soft Keyboard Deep Exploration of Android Asynchronous Essence Handler Detailing the indispensable cornerstones...
0:12 30 March 2019

Construction process of managed server of third weblogic master page

third Server Construction,with10.151.0.159Server example 1. First, create a new server name on admin master server 1.1 1.2 1.3.server_third_0_169 1.4...
20:33 28 January 2019

Gradle Series I -- Groovy, Gradle and custom Gradle plug-ins

1. overview The construction process of Android project is implemented by Gradle framework, which is implemented in Groovy language, and Gradle plug-i...
4:48 9 January 2019

Mybatis's <where><foreach><set> etc. tag details and mybits configuration file resultMap tag configuration

1. Details of Mybatis's <where><foreach><set> and other labels In the where condition of sql statement, some security judgment...
14:48 24 December 2018

demo of a simple express+jade+mysql+bootstrap+nodejs

Nodejs With the rapid development of Nodejs, the hottest framework for Nodejs construction is not express. Github It can be proved by 32 K star. Let&#...
5:18 24 December 2018 Unexpected end of file from server exception resolution

The company needs a similar version of the web application. When the project is deployed, the project files are the same (but the configuration is di...
1:09 23 December 2018