Article. Page 26

SpringBoot Web development and source code analysis

SpringBoot quick start For conceptual things,...
16:22 15 October 2021

Experiment 3 of Database Principle -- data integrity and security control

Experimental purpose Master various integrity definition methods of basic tables.Master the creation and use of users.Ma...
16:17 15 October 2021

[data structure] stack and queue common test interview questions [detailed explanation Part 4]

Stack and queue frequently test interview questions ...
15:28 15 October 2021

The distributed reservation registration platform Zheng Yibao data dictionary uses Spring Cache + Redis technology to realize the caching function of data dictionary

The purpose of caching is to improve query speed. Fixed and frequently queried data that is not frequently modified is s...
3:16 15 October 2021

The register of 32 turns on the water flow lamp

Content of this article: This article mainly introduces the address configuration mode of the register and the code call...
23:14 14 October 2021

JS output function call stack

Recently, I was writing a JS reverse hook plug-in, and then I need to get the location of the current code execution to ...
21:13 14 October 2021

Chapter 5 grep and regular expression of three swordsmen in Linux text processing

3. Text processing three swordsmen The grep command mainly filters the (regular expression) lines of text based on patte...
19:50 14 October 2021

Design of different business messages for order receiving

1, Business scenario Messages are distributed...
18:45 14 October 2021

Convolution neural network learning notes (taking handwritten numeral recognition as an example)

1, Several knowledge points 1. Difference between convolu...
18:42 14 October 2021

Linked list related interview questions

First question Problem Description: speed poi...
18:02 14 October 2021

hash, list and set operations in redis

1, hash operation Data structure: key: similar to the dic...
17:28 14 October 2021

Day_12_ Polymorphism, Object, abstraction, interface

1. Six principles of software design:           1) Single responsibility principle: single fu...
15:36 14 October 2021

Day4 - branch and loop summary

Today's talk includes if multi branch structure, ternary operator, for loop, while loop, continue and break. ...
15:02 14 October 2021

The first line of code, Third Edition - Chapter 2 (notes)

Explore new languages and get started with Kotlin programming ...
14:30 14 October 2021

Python of AI training camp

The main contents of this paper: functions, Lambda expressions, classes and objects, magic methods. 1, Functions ...
3:49 14 October 2021

Autofac (dependency injection container) in. NET

Autofac concept Autofac is an IOC container. Many beginners don't understand IOC and DI. Brief summary: IOC: instead of ...
2:34 14 October 2021

05 - micro service topic 03 - Introduction to micro Service Framework

1. Monomer architecture vs microservice architecture 1.1 single machine architecture 1.1.1 what is a single architecture...
23:47 13 October 2021

[crazy God says JAVA notes] P51~P59 Arrays, multidimensional Arrays, Arrays class (to_string, sort, fill)

Video online class: station B, crazy God says JAVA: P51~P59 array array ...
21:41 13 October 2021

d agent mode

One. Proxy mode:     &nbs...
17:08 13 October 2021

Union FS of container core technology

summary Federated file system (unifs) is a lightweight high-performance hierarchical file system, which supports the int...
14:38 13 October 2021

[Spring Boot] Spring Boot Security REST + JPA + Hibernate + MySQL example | interface security verification and CRUD

This page will introduce examples of Spring Boot Security REST + JPA + Hibernate + MySQL CRUD. When we use Spring Boot t...
14:12 13 October 2021

Introduction and implementation of asymmetric encryption algorithm

1, Introduction and implementation of asymmetric encryption algorithm ...
8:58 13 October 2021

How to achieve code specification

code-norm with TypeScript Based language ...
8:54 13 October 2021

E. divide a class

Time limit: 1000ms   Memory limit: 65536kb ...
8:53 13 October 2021

Redis related commands and usage scenarios

1. Redis related commands and usage ...
20:56 12 October 2021

Chapter V VIM, the God of Linux text editing tools

1. VIM, the God of text editing tools ...
20:02 12 October 2021

java operation rabbitmq consumer example

    rabbitmq, as a message queue, is very common in practical applications. Producers send messages to a queue...
16:59 12 October 2021

meethigher - Configure Debezium Connector for Oracle

Configure Debezium Connector for Oracle 1. Treadpit Collection Environmental Science Operating system: centos7.9Oracle v...
13:01 12 October 2021

_02 Strings and Characters

string literal let someString = "Some string literal valu...
12:30 12 October 2021