Article. Page 45

Avoid flooding (min line tree)

There are countless lakes in your country, all of which are empty at first. When the nth Lake rains, if the nth lake is ...
6:09 21 June 2020

. NET Core Options

ASP.NET The core introduces the Options mode, which uses classes to represent related setting groups. To put it simply, ...
4:55 21 June 2020

MyBatis Series Part 5: MyBatis cache

1. What is MyBatis caching? Using MyBatis cache can reduce the number of interaction between java application and databa...
2:58 21 June 2020

UnavailableSecurityManagerException in Spring Boot integration shiro

Spring boot uses spring security by default. Spring security is a powerful security framework, needless to say. However,...
2:28 21 June 2020

[emergency shelter] mybatis can use XML and annotation at the same time

[emergency shelter] mybatis can use XML and annotation at the same time Put the conclusion first How do you use it? Mo...
2:13 21 June 2020

Detailed derivation of codeforces round (Div. 2) e. memory and casinos

Title Link What's more, a gambler is in nnn casinos. He has PIP in every casino_ The winning rate of IPI, if it wins, it...
0:40 21 June 2020

Getting started with Spring Cloud components -- Security

brief introduction Spring Cloud Security prov...
23:53 20 June 2020

Deploy Hexo to ECS

preface See a lot of people in the group ask ...
23:36 20 June 2020

FlutterFlutter interacts with Android native activities and delivers data

Recommended reading Flutter (2) Android integrates Flutter projects and jumps to the Flutter interface Flutter (1) Insta...
23:07 20 June 2020

Data Structure and Algorithm21 Diagram Structure Depth First Traversal Width First Traversal

chart concept vertex Edge edge Route Undirected graph: the connection between vertices has no direction Directed grap...
22:12 20 June 2020

Simple Distributed Cluster Cluster Setup for HDFS

Simple Distributed Cluster Cluster Setup for HDFS Preface ...
21:56 20 June 2020

Docker-swarm for Container Technology

In the previous section, I talked about the simple use and basic principles of docker machine, refer back to https://www...
12:53 20 June 2020

Spring Boot multi module development and pit drainage guide none in history

Recommended reading: How to improve the core competitiveness of Java engineers who have worked for 1-5 years Ali archit...
4:52 20 June 2020

[case] simple picture and paragraph up and down typesetting

[case] simple picture and paragraph up and down typesetting ...
4:29 20 June 2020

Get ip address resolution home

Get ip address resolution home ...
3:51 20 June 2020

Parameters, local variables, global variables and anonymous functions of function application

Functions are organized, reusable code snippets that implement a single, or associated function. Function can improve th...
3:40 20 June 2020

linux raw socket grabs network packets

Packet capturing based on linux 1, Get data ...
3:21 20 June 2020

5, Factory mode

Take the pizza shop as an example: You can order pizza i...
3:06 20 June 2020

Using Keras to build story generator based on LSTM model

Schematic diagram of LSTM network operation What is an LSTM network? LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) is a kind of specia...
2:54 20 June 2020

The second part of MyBatis series: building Maven project operation database table

1, ORMpping interpretation ORMpping: object relationship mapping. Object: refers to the object in Java, object-oriented ...
1:58 20 June 2020

Using Flink Metric Reporter to monitor flink task indicators

Since flink1.8, the reporter supports writing index data to influxdb, and users can read the data in influxdb for visual...
1:41 20 June 2020

Single mode and factory mode

Design pattern 1.Singleton mode The singleton pattern ensures that there is only one instance of a class, which can no...
1:22 20 June 2020

TSO process analysis

1. TSO(transimit segment offload) is for tcp. It refers to the ability of the protocol stack to offload the tcp segment ...
1:21 20 June 2020

Introduction to CAT minimalism (application monitoring platform)

1. Overview Lazy tips: CAT official documents - simplicity It's been written very well. Here's a great way to use direc...
0:40 20 June 2020

Finish MySQL (all) 3A in half A day

Finish MySQL in half a day (all) Finish MySQL (all) 1 in half a dayFinish MySQL (all) 2 in half a dayFinish MySQL (all) ...
0:32 20 June 2020

Leetcode-125. Verify palindrome string

Verify palindrome string subject Train of thought 1 code result Train of thought 2 code result Official double pointer ...
23:38 19 June 2020

Spring Boot+Element files are uploaded synchronously with form upload files

Business logic needs to add records first and then generate corresponding unique file names by adding the IDS returned b...
22:45 19 June 2020

Heap Sorting/JAVA for Algorithms

0.5 Priority Queue and Heap Sorting What is a priority queue?A priority queue is a data structure that supports deletin...
21:43 19 June 2020

Spring boot auto configuration principle

Spring boot auto configuration principle For ...
7:43 19 June 2020

Python alien invasion source code

Python project alien invasion This project is a project that our teacher asked us to do after contacting Python for one ...
6:46 19 June 2020