Article. Page 7

Didi x StarRocks: high speed multidimensional analysis creates greater business value

As a leading enterprise in the field of life services, Didi group is comprehensively testing and launching StarRocks. Af...
5:44 29 November 2021

Is AOP in Spring Boot JDK dynamic proxy or Cglib dynamic proxy?

As we all know, the underlying layer of AOP is dynamic agent, and there are two ways to implement dynamic agent in Java:...
5:25 29 November 2021

Maven, Redis, and Kafka installation and configuration

Maven installation and configuration ...
3:57 29 November 2021

Use systemd timer instead of cron job

I'm working on putting my   cron   The job is migrated to the systemd timer. I have been using timers for many...
2:53 29 November 2021

Introduction and use of spring cache

1. Introduction Spring has defined org.spring...
2:02 29 November 2021

About C# understanding packing and unpacking

catalogue 1. Understand packing 2. Understand unpacking 3. Generated IL code 4. Practical application 5. Summary ...
1:35 29 November 2021

Chapter 4 templates and generics - Section 4.4 of learning notes for C + + new classic courses

The knowledge points reviewed in this section are member function template, explicit instantiation and declaration. ...
23:43 28 November 2021

SQL Server - (CDC) monitoring table data (translation)

1, Contents involved in this articleContents involved in this articleBackgroundsRealizationSupplementary description (Ad...
23:21 28 November 2021

SQL Server Database -- creation and use of stored procedures

1, Stored procedure       1. Stored procedure ...
22:43 28 November 2021

Try catch finally understood by bytecode

Try catch finally understood by bytecode sceneFor the fol...
22:14 28 November 2021

Python syntax - multiprocess, multithreading, coroutine (asynchronous IO)

Related concepts Concurrency and p...
21:02 28 November 2021

Complete collection of npm commands

catalogue ...
20:54 28 November 2021

Python can meet any API you need

Abstract: the concepts and techniques learned in this tutorial will allow you to practice with any API you like, and use...
20:43 28 November 2021

devops practice: continuous integration with teamcity

What problems have been solved? Fast ci cd; Higher team collaboration efficiency, faster integration and faster delivery...
20:30 28 November 2021

Kubernetes detailed tutorial -- detailed explanation of Service

7. Detailed explanation 7.1 Service introduction ...
18:56 28 November 2021

Content and usage of allure

Introduction to allureAllure is a lightweight and very flexible open source test reporting framework. It supports most t...
16:19 28 November 2021

Ethernet transceiver of STM32H750 HAL Library

problem Recently, after debugging STM32H750+LAN8720, LwIP has been transplanted for most of the day. ping can also pass ...
13:26 28 November 2021

D3.js Create Force Directed Map (V4)

D3.js Create Force Directed Map (V4) _Reference for this article:
12:57 28 November 2021

c Language Functions

  When writing code to create a larger module, it is usually necessary to break a large module into several small m...
12:46 28 November 2021

Hive common functions, window functions, UDF, UDTF

1. System built-in function View the functions provided by the systemhive> show functions; Displays the usage of the...
12:21 28 November 2021

07 - Figure 4 Harry Potter's test (25 points)

07 - Figure 4 Harry Potter's test (25 points) Harry Potter is going to have an exam. He needs your help. This course is about the ability to chan...
10:06 28 November 2021

Experiment 3 transfer instruction jump principle and its simple application programming

1. Experimental task 1 use any text editor to enter the 8086 assembler source code task1.asm. ...
9:21 28 November 2021

The differences between hive query statement and mysql

These are the two tables emp and Dept often used in online database examples. The first is dept and the second is emp ...
8:59 28 November 2021

The sixth sort -- quick sort

void quickSort(vector<int>& v, int left, int right) { if (left >= right)return; int pirot = v[right]; int l...
8:58 28 November 2021

[Linux] interprocess communication mechanism -- Pipeline

Interprocess communication mechanism Interprocess communication mechanism, also known as IPC mechanism, includes pipelin...
6:38 28 November 2021

Code works round #756 (Div. 3)

Code works round #756 (Div. 3) [1611A]. Make Even Idea: there are only four cases. If the last person is even, you need ...
6:17 28 November 2021

[high concurrency] deeply analyze the source code of ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor class

original text In the column [high concurrency topics...
6:00 28 November 2021

nfs server building and client mounting under CentOS 7 & Firewall opening with fixed port

1, Environmental preparation Server client 2, Set up NFS server Set up nfs on server 192...
4:44 28 November 2021

uaf logic questions BUUCTF hacknote

First, the title is a menu title. Manually identify and rename the title in ida, as shown in the figure: ...
4:16 28 November 2021