Article. Page 77

layer picture preview adaptive window

Recently, when using layer to preview pictures, we encountered a problem. If the size of the picture is larger than the ...
13:49 4 February 2020

ThreadX * TX * thread * suspend thread

The execution thread can call "TX" thread "suspend itself, Or call "TX" thread "suspend to...
13:47 4 February 2020

Simplification of insert sort exercises in java arrays

Title: There is a set of unsorted letters in ascending order. To add a new letter, insert it into the alphabetical seque...
13:25 4 February 2020

jQuery - Pentagram scoring case

Pentagram scoring case 1. When the mouse pass...
13:07 4 February 2020

Sword finger offer exercise set

1, Search of two dimensional array In a two-dimensional array (the length of each one-dimensional array is the same), e...
12:23 4 February 2020

Writing Gobang in C language

1, Build chessboard First of all, a two-dimen...
12:21 4 February 2020

An example analysis of python automatic test exception and log operation

An example of this paper describes the exception and log operation of python automatic test. To share with you for your ...
11:15 4 February 2020

CentOS 7 uses Ngrok to build intranet penetration service

CentOS 7 uses Ngrok to build intranet penetration service Dependent installation Install go locale sudo yum install...
10:50 4 February 2020

FreeRTOS list and list items

FreeRTOS list and list items Definition analysis list...
10:22 4 February 2020

Spring boot web application practice

I have been using springboot for some time, and I always want to make a summary. Before the Department training, I just ...
9:15 4 February 2020

ReactiveCocoa use details-1

Reactive cocoa (referred to as RAC) is a functional responsive programming framework for iOS and OS development, which i...
8:58 4 February 2020

Deep learning decision tree

1, What is a decision tree? Decision Tree is a kind of decision analysis method, which is based on the known probability...
6:42 4 February 2020

How does Dubbo support local calls? Analysis of injvm mode

Dubbo is a framework for remote calls. For a service provider, an interface is exposed for external consumers to call, D...
6:36 4 February 2020

List crawling of Jianshu blog

I am learning to use xpath to parse web pages recently! Try to crawl the blog of Jane book! First is the individual user...
5:59 4 February 2020

Insert and merge (PAT)

1. Title Description: According to Wikipedia:Insertion sorting is an iterative algorithm, which obtains the input data ...
5:39 4 February 2020

Find - binary sort tree (find, insert, delete)

Question: In order to maintain the order of t...
4:36 4 February 2020

Python -- the function of tkinter window

About tkinter Tkinter is a window design modu...
2:31 4 February 2020

Analysis of STIX 2.0 example

What is STIX? STIX [1], Structured Threat Inf...
2:30 4 February 2020

Linux -- shell programming summary for loop, while loop, until loop

1. For loop: for loop will assign one parameter to var for loop format: for var in parameter do commands done Example: ...
1:27 4 February 2020

dart: function part

2. function Function is the first citizen and...
0:27 4 February 2020

Implement a synchronizer based on AQS

As mentioned above, we can try to implement a synchronizer ourselves. We can simply refer to the implementation of Reent...
23:58 3 February 2020

nginx worker process loop

When the worker process starts, it first initializes the environment it needs to run, then it enters a cycle in which it...
23:18 3 February 2020

Mysql High Availability Cluster - MHA

Article directory 1, MHA introduc...
23:18 3 February 2020

UDP and TCP 2 for Network Programming

TCP TCP: A connection-oriented, reliable, byte-stream-based transport layer, communication protocol Features: Connection...
23:02 3 February 2020

saltstack - Automated Operations and Maintenance Layout Tool

brief introduction Salt is an underlying plat...
22:21 3 February 2020

Pooling Technology for Java Data Persistence Series

In the last article Java Data Persistence Series JDBC In, we learned that creating a Connection using JDBC executes the ...
21:32 3 February 2020

C++ Implements Neural Network from Zero

Long text warning: a total of 22727 words Note: All sourc...
20:40 3 February 2020

ios learning notes 04 use of local storage and realm mobile database combined with todo project

lebus tutorial 04 p67-75: store coredata and realm locally Introduce cs/bs architecture cs does not need a large numb...
12:12 3 February 2020

JS achieves three-level linkage

The so-called linkage is the change of itself affected by the upper and lower elements. Common multi-level actions are u...
11:56 3 February 2020

50 Linux Basic Operations Commands Must Be Mastered

Explain: Based on the author's usage in peacetime and som...
11:43 3 February 2020