Article. Page 103

Those things about broadcasting in Android development

I remember when I was a child, everything in the village would be notified through the loudspeaker of the village radio station, which is still the c...
19:33 5 April 2019

Copy Set of MongoDB

Overview of Replication Set Functions The replica set is a group of MongoD processes used by MongoDB to maintain the same data set. The replica set p...
21:42 4 April 2019

Ubuntu Server 18.04 configuration rsync (system ctl)

[Server Configuration] System version # lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS Release: ...
13:12 2 April 2019

2. Introduction and Practice of React Native Flex Layout

I haven't written a blog for a long time. I have been recording some problems with my impression notes. In 2017, I want to write my blog again. ...
17:12 1 April 2019

Use webmagic to crawl recruitment information and enter it into Hbase database

First look at the website httprclyrcnet CompanyzpaspxPage1 we're going to crawl to Okay, it's time to check that the data we're going ...
16:18 1 April 2019

Android-Intent delivers data

I. briefly Intent can carry data. The common data that Intent can carry can be divided into the following categories: intent.putExtra(String name, boo...
23:33 31 March 2019

Viewpager Sliding Animation Notes

google has opened an interface for viewpager, PageTransformer, to implement viewpager animation. Developers can implement this interface, define the ...
17:24 31 March 2019

Configuration of Struts 2 Verification Framework and validation.xml Verification Rules

Reference resources: Naming rul...
9:09 31 March 2019

Detailed usage of Android XML shape Tags

Detailed usage of Android XML shape Tags _An android developer must know how to define a Drawable using xml, such as defining a rect or circle as the...
16:21 30 March 2019

Linux-Day3-Installation Software

There are three ways to install software in Linux: 1.rpm # is equivalent to clicking on windows to install next step 2.yum # is equivalent to one-cli...
9:03 30 March 2019

Backstage of Guge's Primary School (21) - DBUtils

Exploring the Difficulties of Android Soft Keyboard Deep Exploration of Android Asynchronous Essence Handler Detailing the indispensable cornerstones...
0:12 30 March 2019

CentOS 7 Installation Discuz 3.3 (Pit Filling)

Official Installation Method Released First Official Installation Method The following is the normal installation method: 1. Install CentOS 7 Server ...
3:03 29 March 2019

Use of HttpClient and Notices

First, introduce some good websites: Introduction to httpclient: HTTP client certificat...
14:39 28 March 2019

Operations Note 28 (deploying ip, http, storage, etc. on the cluster)

Summary: We have already assumed cluster and deployed fence power management before, so we just need to put the service up and run away. We take http ...
8:03 28 March 2019

Regular Introduction_awk

Mission 18 October 9.6/9.7 awk awk tools It has more functions than grep and sed tools and can be operated in segments. Basic use Segment operation # ...
5:03 31 January 2019

Faster than NGINX: nginx-1.15.5 vs mongols-1.2.3

nginx is an excellent representative of multi-process web server. This article is to be used. mongols -1.2.3 implements a multi-process web server fas...
18:12 29 January 2019

Construction process of managed server of third weblogic master page

third Server Construction,with10.151.0.159Server example 1. First, create a new server name on admin master server 1.1 1.2 1.3.server_third_0_169 1.4...
20:33 28 January 2019

android implements a spring-like server-side framework based on annotations

Anyone who has used spring or Retrofit knows that binding and decoupling functions and http requests is very convenient. Here's a simple annotat...
0:12 28 January 2019

C/C++ TCP/IP Protocol Cluster Checksum Computing Method (tcpip checksum)

This article will provide a really usable TCP/IP protocol checksum calculation, that is, it is not the theoretical TCPIP checksum calculation method,...
0:42 10 January 2019

Gradle Series I -- Groovy, Gradle and custom Gradle plug-ins

1. overview The construction process of Android project is implemented by Gradle framework, which is implemented in Groovy language, and Gradle plug-i...
4:48 9 January 2019

linux module export symbol EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL EXPORT_SYMBOL

Turn from The'/ prob/kallsyms'file of Linux 2.6 corresponds to the symbol table of the ...
15:48 8 January 2019

Decompiled Android APK on MAC - apktool, dex2jar, jd-jui installation (with manual signature)

This paper introduces the process of decompiling APK with powerful APK-Multi-Tool on Windows platform
23:51 2 January 2019

Oracle 11g r2 migrates from CentOS to Windows 10 using Data dump

****** Expdp Export, Impdp Import **** 1 Source system: Operating System: CentOS Oracle database version: Oracle 11g Enterprise Edition Release 11.2.0...
20:42 25 December 2018

Default Sorting Behavior and Query of NULL Value in PostgreSQL Database, Index Definition Specification - nulls first last, asc desc

Label PostgreSQL, NULLS FIRST, NULLS LAST, ASC, DESC, default behavior, sort background In the database, NULL value refers to the value of UNKNOWN, wh...
15:51 24 December 2018

Mybatis's <where><foreach><set> etc. tag details and mybits configuration file resultMap tag configuration

1. Details of Mybatis's <where><foreach><set> and other labels In the where condition of sql statement, some security judgment...
14:48 24 December 2018

Introduction to the most complete iOS data storage methods: FMDB, SQLite3, Core Data, Plist, Preference preference settings, NSKeyed Archiver archiving

For reproducing, please indicate the address of this article: objective The project is going to use Core Data fo...
13:39 24 December 2018

demo of a simple express+jade+mysql+bootstrap+nodejs

Nodejs With the rapid development of Nodejs, the hottest framework for Nodejs construction is not express. Github It can be proved by 32 K star. Let&#...
5:18 24 December 2018 Unexpected end of file from server exception resolution

The company needs a similar version of the web application. When the project is deployed, the project files are the same (but the configuration is di...
1:09 23 December 2018

Ffmpeg combat course (9) under windows ffmpeg Command + nginx + rtmp to achieve push and pull.

Summary Nginx is a lightweight Web server/reverse proxy server and email (IMAP/POP3) proxy server. nginx-rmtp-module is a streaming media plug-in for...
7:54 21 December 2018

File and directory permissions chmod, change owner and group chown, umask, hidden permissions lsattr/chattr

chmod command Look at the file information and use the ls-l command. After execution, the results are as follows: [root@test-01 ~]# ls -l Total dosage...
15:48 20 December 2018