Article. Page 101

How to integrate google/pprof into existing services?

Last week, I received the R & D requirements from the leaders and wrote a monitoring service monitor server to analyze the status of the services ...
4:55 4 November 2019

Automatic building brush Taobao meow coin! It's the basic quality of programmers to be able to do nothing automatically!

In recent days, did the double 11's activities toss you around? If not, there are only two possibilities: first, you don't have a girlfriend...
7:45 3 November 2019

socket programming based on UDP protocol

Catalog Simple example of UDP socket Server side Client UPD socket non stick package problem Server side Client qq chat Server side Client 1 Client 2...
2:12 2 November 2019

Vue.js conditions and loops

Source: Alibaba cloud University - Developer class - Vue.js self study manual Conditional judgement v-if Condition judgment uses v-if instruction: v-...
16:34 1 November 2019

Mengxin's 2019 Hackergame trip to CUHK

Mengxin's 2019 Hackergame trip to CUHK Sign in problem White and night ~~Cyberpunk ~ ~ information security 2077 The ultimate problem of the uni...
1:49 27 October 2019

Spring boot XXL job task scheduling

I. Introduction to XXL job Take a paragraph XXL-JOB is a lightweight distributed task scheduling platform. Its core design goal is to develop quickly...
9:14 25 October 2019

Firewalld firewall advanced configuration - (real world chapter!!)

Experimental topology Experimental requirement 1. Intranet users of the company need to share the Internet through the gateway server2. Internet user...
13:10 21 October 2019

The birth of J.U.C

Preface J.U.C is a shorthand for java package java.util.concurrent, which is abbreviated in Chinese and contracted. It is a new basic api for writing ...
21:51 20 October 2019

Introduction to the battle of URLOS - making LAP Website Environment

1. Make LAP image1.1. Log in to the host machine using ssh, create the Dockerfiel file and fill in the following contents FROM php:7.2.16-apache-stret...
11:45 19 October 2019

Pgpool-II + PostgreSQL one main source and two standby source compiling environment

Host IP Virtual IP server1 server2 server3 Item Value Detail PostgreSQL version 10.10...
12:23 17 October 2019

ovn implementation of container Internet access, nat, fip

Experimental topology Physical topology Logical topology is the fip of pod step Get ready Create logical router ovn cluster ov...
12:32 15 October 2019

8086 assembly basic masm compilation source file

IDE : Masm for Windows Integrated experimental environment 2015 OS : Windows 10 x64typesetting : Markdown blog : gitee : g...
10:03 15 October 2019

Weblogic domain Start, Set Default User Name and Password, and Problems encountered

Weblogic's domain instance is starting and needs to set default passwords, etc. If the default password is not set at startup, an exception will...
22:43 7 October 2019

Analysis of Mysql 5.7 Error Reporting 1546, 1577 and 1682

Environmental description:The backup data of xtrabackup on MySQL 5.6.40 is imported into MySQL 5.7.24 instance, the service of MySQL 5.7 is started, ...
15:52 4 October 2019

springboot - Integrated druid

Configuration of pom.xml <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boo...
11:21 4 October 2019

CentOS 7 Build Source Pack Build LNMP Environment

1. Install epel source yum install -y epel-release 2. Install the required software yum install -y gcc automake autoconf libtool make gcc-c++ glibc li...
5:21 4 October 2019

Interaction between Android Q Private Directory and Public Directory Files (Read, Copy, Save, etc.) - Pittkai

Android Q is about to launch its official version. This article is based on beta 6, which is close to the final version of Q. It would be better if i...
17:22 3 October 2019

The use of pymysql module

I. Connecting to MySQL Server import pymysql # Connect to the database and call the Connect function (the Connect function returns an object of Connec...
15:28 3 October 2019

centos server deploys flask project.

Installed environments nginx, Python 3, mysql, uwsgi, virtualenv 1. Create a virtual environment virtualenv -p python3 myblog 2. Enter the Virtual Env...
10:08 3 October 2019

Set the Mysql character set to UTF-8 to solve Chinese garbled.

Article directory When the public number is developed, the user nickname is garbled. The result of the investigation is the encoding problem of the d...
2:33 3 October 2019

EF Data Migration

EF automatic data migration is always a failure. At the beginning, it is all right. It can migrate automatically and fail to know why it always fails...
18:30 2 October 2019

python interacts with database mysql

Operate mysql through pycharm's concise code block to help us understand The concrete steps can be divided into five steps. 1. Install and insta...
9:46 2 October 2019

Netty implements synchronous "request-response" communication mechanism

demand Implementation of Netty-based "request-response" synchronous communication mechanism. Design thinking Netty provides a unified implem...
10:15 26 September 2019

Kylin configures Spark and builds Cube

HDP version: version: 2.5.1 Machine: Three CentOS-7,8G memory In addition to MapReduce, Kylin's computing engine also has a faster S...
12:08 24 September 2019

Details Python operation Excel files

Preface This article summarizes the third-party libraries and methods for working with Excel files using python. Introduction to Common Libraries 1.x...
22:15 2 September 2019

Computing the Memory Occupied by object in android jvmti Application

The day before yesterday, I was aware of the question: What is the principle of Apply Changes provided by Android Studio 3.5? One responded to JVMTI,...
9:34 22 August 2019

django - Editing Students

Adding Editor Links to Student List Page Write routes so that the path corresponds to the view function skill, quickly create view functions Editing ...
4:59 9 August 2019

C3P0&Druid: Two Methods of Using Database Connection Pool

Database Connection Pool-C3P0 & Druid (1) Database connection pool Everything has its existence significance. When we first learn jdbc, we set up ...
7:51 8 August 2019

Mybatis Initial Learning Notes

Mybatis Initial Learning Notes (II) 1. Mybatis implements the development of traditional dao 2. Development of mapper interface 3. Output ResultMap 3...
6:14 6 August 2019

JDBC: You always have to learn to connect to a database!

BWH_Steven: Love you again with JDBC (1) Getting started with JDBC (1) Overview Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is an application interface in the J...
0:02 4 August 2019