Article. Page 14

Pygame actual combat: the front is burning high, and the alien base is once again "airborne".

  Introduction ​ "The universe is much larger than anyone can imagine. Wouldn't it be a waste of space if it w...
21:18 16 November 2021

Getting started with python django getting started with models operation

I have 10 years of java development experience and now work in Telecom. I need to learn python and record my learning re...
20:29 16 November 2021

C++ Primer 5th notes (chap 17 standard library special facilities) stream random access

1. Stream types usually support random access to data in streams. ...
19:28 16 November 2021

Java tool class is Apache's StringEscapeUtils escape tool class

Introduction This number is mainly the sharing of common ...
18:05 16 November 2021

Develop the first blockchain application (used by Fisco alliance chain)

Develop the first blockchain application This paper introduces contract compilation and how to deploy to blockchain Java...
11:55 16 November 2021

[C + + Experiment 3] understanding of C + + template and smart pointer

Getting started with C + +: templates and smart pointers In the daily programming process, whether it is to define varia...
11:53 16 November 2021

Oracle developer intermediate Lesson 8 (Merge) experiment

summary This experiment refers to the in DevGym Experimental guide. ...
11:24 16 November 2021

I used Python to make a mailbox bomber to send e-mail to the finance. Unexpectedly, she chased me and shouted six

A project in recent work has the requirement to automatically send some information emails to the specified mailbox, so ...
6:12 16 November 2021

Android system startup process 3 -- Construction of Linux root file system

After linux starts the kernel, the root file system will be built, and then the init process can be used to start other ...
4:51 16 November 2021

3 - [API open platform security design] - 3 interface secure encrypted transmission

1 URL transcoding 1.1 what is URL...
4:13 16 November 2021

Front end · deeply understand the calculation principle of transform function

When it comes to front-end graphics, it can hardly be avoided   transform   Property. ...
2:39 16 November 2021

Vue quickly learn and get started-5

Catalogue of series articles In the last issu...
22:42 12 November 2021

Find out when Vue should use computed and watch

The two important features of Vue framework, computed and watch, are similar before. Today, let's talk about why there a...
16:57 12 November 2021

C language quick sort

Quick sort is to find a number at random, and then arrange the remaining elements on the left and right according to the...
16:24 12 November 2021

Spring cloud upgrade 2020.0.x version - 33. Implementation of retry, circuit breaker and thread isolation source code

Code address of this series: the previous two sections, we combed the ideas of realiz...
16:01 12 November 2021

Python series pluggy topics

Python topic series (1) pathlib topic Python topic series (2) csv topic Python topic series (3) logging topic Python top...
15:43 12 November 2021

linux - shell conditional judgment statements, files, strings, numbers

1: Conditional judgment syntax format     Forma...
13:46 12 November 2021

Asynchronous notification in Linux device driver

Asynchronous notification in Linux device driver The signal is similar to the "interrupt" used in hardware, bu...
12:36 12 November 2021

Reproduce spconv v1.0 (commit 8da6f96) pit stepping record in clocks

I recently read a paper on 2D and 3D post fusion based on KITTI, clocks: camera lidar object candidates fusion for 3D ob...
12:25 12 November 2021

CANoe DLL programming - generate SendKey.dll through VS

Related articles CANoe DLL programming (I) -- creating DLL and dynamic calling by Visual Studio CANoe DLL programming (...
11:38 12 November 2021

Teach you how to import and export large amount of data with progress bar (Chapter 2)

summary Exporting a large amount of data is a...
10:45 12 November 2021

Segment tree training

Segment tree training P3372 [template] segment tree 1 - New Ecology of computer science education in Luogu (
9:27 12 November 2021

Python crawler from introduction to mastery: (45) JS reverse: Skynet reverse analysis: JS confusion_ Python Taoge

Let's look at the reverse analysis of the air network js...
8:44 12 November 2021

Interpretation of Tiny X8M remote control source code. 1

As we all know, I bought a remote control yesterday - > Full solution of Tiny X8M remote control , the article is her...
8:10 12 November 2021

GrowingIO Design icon library: from principle to implementation

With the development of front-end technology, icons in web pages are no longer limited to < img > tags. There are ...
7:51 12 November 2021

Spring Boot message

Learning objectives Quickly master the core logic of e-mail business and the daily service of enterprise e-mail. Quick...
3:34 12 November 2021

Bao Jianjia operation

requirement You need to enter dB by the given field_ Create their own mode under qingniuThe tables created need to meet ...
3:24 12 November 2021

python+appium automated test - element waiting

This article is mainly used to sort out several element waiting methods in the process of executing automated testing ...
2:14 12 November 2021

Big data Kafka

1Kafka definition Kafka is a distributed Mess...
23:26 11 November 2021