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[Paddle competition] iFLYTEK title - academic paper classification challenge 0.8+Baseline

[Paddle competition] iFLYTEK title - academic paper classification challenge 0.8+Baseline 1, Project introduction ...
0:08 8 November 2021

kvm installing windows virtual machine

Author: SRE operation and maintenance blog Blog address: Article address:
23:59 7 November 2021

HTML | actual combat record of the first week

Actual combat record of the first week 1, HTM...
23:00 7 November 2021

MyCAT configuration details

MyCAT configuration resolution server.xml Mycat configura...
21:15 7 November 2021

C3-Qt realize Gobang games 2021.11.08

Qt Gobang games (II) Steps: ...
21:14 7 November 2021

C Language Programming Chapter III summary

Example 3.1 calculate the Celsius temperature corresponding to Fahrenheit temperature ...
19:14 7 November 2021

Build Lamp environment for Ubuntu (Linux+apache+mysql+php)

Test environment: System: Youqilin 20.04 Network: 127.0.0...
19:12 7 November 2021

GoLang design pattern 13 - observer pattern

Observer pattern is a behavioral design pattern. This pattern allows one instance (which can be called a target object) ...
17:40 7 November 2021

Application of policy and state mode - when the tab is switched, the chart content changes (two to one)

Note: this blog does not talk about the principle. If you don't understand it, please supplement the relevant contents s...
17:04 7 November 2021

Binary tree and its recursive routine

definition A finite set T composed of multiple nodes with and only one node is called root Structural features Nonline...
16:53 7 November 2021

What if there are too few JetPack Compose theme colors?

Author: Petterp ...
15:37 7 November 2021

Problem solving [CF932F Escape Through Leaf]

Original question link Given a tree, each point has a value \ (a,b \). Each time you can go from a point \ (x \) to a po...
15:32 7 November 2021

Implement. NET gateway through Kong in 30 minutes

What is Kong Openretry is a high-performance ...
14:36 7 November 2021

C language array operation and array supplementary knowledge, and some knowledge supplement

Foreword: I've been learning the basis of java background development (judgment, loop,), so this week's C language only ...
14:04 7 November 2021

Using Dev-C + +, EGE graphics library, write a small program for music playback, picture display and text bullet screen.

visual stdio code is not installed on the computer. So use dev-C + + to write a small program to make your girlfriend ha...
12:25 7 November 2021

kubernetes Practice 2

1. Sample message boards deployed on Kubernetes ...
11:45 7 November 2021

Introduction to react components====

catalogue assembly content characteristic classification ...
23:15 6 November 2021

Experiment 2 compilation and debugging of assembly source program of multiple logic segments

1. Experimental task 1 Task 1-1 task1_1.asm source code ...
22:20 6 November 2021

Elasticsearch_ Aggregate query of data

The aggregation framework helps to provide aggregated data based on search queries. Aggregation query is an important fe...
21:10 6 November 2021

Design mode - responsibility chain mode and its application

Handling a thing in daily life often requires a series of processes, and the processes are direct and sequential. For ex...
21:00 6 November 2021

After reading the three questions of Redis cache, make sure you can talk to the interviewer.

In daily development, database is used to store data. Since there is usually no high concurrency in general system tasks...
20:05 6 November 2021

Missing number in Java circle

preface Learn the application of heap arrangement, hash array, hashMap and XOR through the number lost in the circle. 1,...
18:28 6 November 2021

Solid - fallback function

catalogue Cause of event Problem description problem ana...
8:13 6 November 2021

Leaving aside forms and controls, from vb to c language

Leaving aside forms and controls, from vb to c language Visual Basic (VB for short) is a general object-based programm...
7:24 6 November 2021

Spring boot simple access to Ali SMS interface

Preparations are as follows: We need to open SMS service ...
6:49 6 November 2021

[Python] Why use multithreaded crawlers

preface In the crawler, it is often necessary to request data (network I/O) from other servers. When requesting data, or...
5:53 6 November 2021

Linux expansion root directory

View disk size and format df -hT ➜ ~ df -hT file system type Capacity used available used% Mount point udev devtmpfs 43...
5:24 6 November 2021

Java 8 has been out for so long. How about the Stream API?

Java 8 introduces a new Stream API, which can process data in a declarative way, which greatly facilitates the collectio...
3:59 6 November 2021

Learning notes for Chapter 5 of Unix/Linux system programming

Timer and constant service Summar...
3:47 6 November 2021