Article. Page 30

Error prone point of Java knowledge: object transformation

1. Object transformation concept Type conversion (automatic conversion and coercion) can be performed between basic data...
19:03 2 October 2021

Introduction to Java jps, jstat, jinfo, jmap, jhat and jstack tools

JPS: virtual machine process status tool You can list the running virtual machine processes, and display the name of the...
18:45 2 October 2021

Knowledge system of Web front end development engineer_ 33_JavaScript jQuery

1, Add / remove / replace / Clone 1. Add a new element (1...
17:47 2 October 2021

ESP-IDF teaching WiFi of ESP32 -- TCP communication of LwIP

This article comes from the secondary column WiFi and Lwip protocol stack on ESP32 under the original column ESP32 teach...
14:24 2 October 2021

Analyzing the invariance of Integer type parameter value to understand Java value parameter passing

Analyzing the invariance of Integer type parameter value to understand Java value parameter passing Previously on java T...
13:26 2 October 2021

How to use Elasticsearch to implement pre input search

See four different ways to implement pre input search using Elasticsearch for a better end-user experience. Pepper shell...
22:31 1 October 2021

2021-10-02 Linux Operating System Experiment 3: network programming and file operation

Experiment 3 of Linux operating system: network programming and file operation ...
21:34 1 October 2021

Business data collection_ Zero drift processing method (Flume+Kafka+HDFS)

I am a non college student. I can find a big data post after graduation. Although I major in big data, I basically rely ...
20:24 1 October 2021

1278 thread design, thread mutual exclusion and synchronization experimental report

Write before: The topics of this article are all made up by myself. The teacher did not give the topic selection of this...
19:42 1 October 2021

Task task control

Write a simple shell script Automatically add 3 users and ask: a b c #!/bin/bash #This line is only a comment and has no special meaning for i in a b...
19:19 1 October 2021

[Linux] take the matching system as an example to get started with the Thrift framework

[Linux] take the matching system as an example to get started with the Thrift framework Reference blogs / articles: Deta...
15:02 1 October 2021

Inheritance in JS

The so-called inheritance, as we know, is that a son inherits his father's estate and so on; In js, the subclass inherit...
14:01 1 October 2021

Inheritance in JS

JS inheritance Inheritance: inheritance in JS...
13:40 1 October 2021

Multithreaded Printing ABC Problem

AB thread printing 1 to 10 alternately synchronized+notifyAll+wait: indirect access by AB threads using num++. public cl...
13:11 1 October 2021

Unity notes - 12 - exercise item weapon module - Second Edition

Unity notes - 12 - exercise item weapon module - Second Edition ...
16:52 30 September 2021

Credit scoring with Python

Project introduction Credit risk: the risk of economic loss caused by non performance of contractual obligations. Scorec...
16:01 30 September 2021

Let's learn RabbitMQ2: Basic applications of the six modes of RabbiMQ

Let's learn RabbitMQ2: Basic applications of the six modes of RabbiMQ ...
13:14 30 September 2021

JAVA Today - Exercise 11

JAVA Practices Everyday [Packaging and Inheritance] ...
13:06 30 September 2021

Python opencv realizes Meitu XiuXiu video editing effect [special effects]

preface Recently, I learned some simple image geometric transformation and wanted to find something to practice. So I th...
18:04 29 September 2021

css to achieve unilateral oblique cutting effect

demand In the UI diagram, there is a need for oblique cutting patterns. A progress bar with variable progress items is a...
17:29 29 September 2021

Dart learning notes List Set Map details

List Set Map details Properties and methods commonly used in List Common attributes: lengthreversed flip (note that this...
16:58 29 September 2021

Data structures (stacks and queues)

Relationship between stack and queue and linear table ...
16:34 29 September 2021

[luogu U137467] flying chess (dfs) (search pruning)

Flight chess Title Link: luogu U137467 ...
15:19 29 September 2021

Understanding XML,DOM parsing, SAX parsing, DOM4J parsing

XML usage, command space, constraints, parsing ...
14:44 29 September 2021

One Linux command a day (20): sed command

This article is an original article of Joshua 317. Please note: reprinted from Joshua 317 blog One Linux command a day (...
14:40 29 September 2021

Basic concepts and installation of hive learning

Basic concepts and installation of hive learning ...
12:43 29 September 2021

odoo14-Ubuntu20 installation odoo14

In order to facilitate the ultimate experience of the later spectators, I will write the path in the code. I hope you wi...
23:50 28 September 2021

Look straight at ta! Look straight at ta! You must learn the interface well!

catalogue 1. Introduction: 2. Interface features: 3. Memb...
22:10 28 September 2021

Interpretation of label propagation algorithm

Interpretation of label propagation algorithm The original author writes very well in case he can't find it in the futur...
16:31 28 September 2021