Article. Page 31

shell script learning

12, Regular expression 1. Introduction to regular expressions ...
6:47 28 September 2021

Hi3861 basic function summary of Hongmeng OS2.0 equipment development

This is a summary of common functions of Hi3861 developed in Hongmeng 2.0 full source code, which can help us quickly co...
23:51 27 September 2021

Introduction to Redis -- five data types and usage scenarios

redis Xiaobai beginner level Install redis See the installation tutorial here Simp...
21:03 27 September 2021

Gilde picture request execution process -- into()

Glide's request execution process To understand the request execution process, we first need to know the following quest...
14:14 27 September 2021

Django + Vue Vue project creation

1. Installation of vue environment 1. Install NodeJS at:h...
12:51 27 September 2021

[development experience] SpringBoot log SLF4j+Logback log modularization

         If you read this article, you must have been tortured by checking logs ...
10:07 27 September 2021

Network packet capture data file (. pcap/.cap) parsing tool (Java implementation)

preface pcap/.cap file is a commonly used dat...
7:20 27 September 2021

Spring: AOP aspect oriented programming

Transfer case Requirements: use spring framew...
5:14 27 September 2021

Five common time crossing and continuous login problems in HIVE

This article is intended to record learning experience and facilitate communication. The blogger's level is limited. If ...
3:55 27 September 2021

Vue: a simple understanding of Vue

1. The framework is to solve the complexity of development. Vue framework is to simplify template rendering, event bindi...
0:40 27 September 2021

Java annotation and reflection

Annotation and reflection ...
0:36 27 September 2021

Introduction to crawler

preface This blog is used to record the learning process. It will be updated and corrected continuously. I hope you can ...
21:24 26 September 2021

Java learns data storage, data types, variables, and operators

1.1 data type 1.1.1 data storage ...
15:53 26 September 2021

linux Installation and configuration jenkins

linux Installation and configuration jenkins ...
6:54 26 September 2021

Mongodb -- addition, deletion, modification and query of Java

1: jar packages to be referenced: <!-- mongodb Link p...
3:20 26 September 2021

Shiro Learning - MD5 Encryption and Salt Value

Preface The previous article described how sh...
13:04 25 September 2021

Java_ Object oriented programming-2

catalogue primary coverage Learning objectives Section 1 ...
8:30 25 September 2021

Source code of transaction suspension and transaction recovery of spring transaction

When learning spring transactions, we will certainly involve a concept that cannot be avoided, that is, transaction susp...
8:10 25 September 2021

The bottom layer implements the K-means + + algorithm and is used to find data outliers

preface In this article, we solve the problem of outlier screening using the data of the overall dimension based on our ...
7:42 25 September 2021

Data structure -- c language implementation of sequence table (super detailed notes / experimental report)

Data structure - c language implementation of sequence table (super detailed notes / experimental report) ...
3:42 25 September 2021

STM32F4 RTC details

1, Introduction to RTC RTC(Real Time Clock): real time clock. The RTC is a separate BCD timer / counter. RTC provides a ...
1:23 25 September 2021

Netty practice and source code analysis -- on NIO programming

1 Preface I wanted to write a blog related to...
0:37 25 September 2021

Gin source code reading - how do http requests flow into gin?

This article is the second in the gin source code analysis series. In this article, we mainly clarify a problem: how doe...
11:10 24 September 2021

Mybatis plus implements database curd operation

Mybatis plus implements database curd operation What is mp MyBatis plus (MP for short) is an enhancement tool for MyBa...
9:52 24 September 2021

rabbitmq implementation of spring boot for message reliability

1. The producer module realizes message reliability through publisher confirm mechanism 1.1 producer module import rabbi...
9:19 24 September 2021

First knowledge of cgroups principle

cgroups subsystem cpu subsystem, which is used to limit t...
8:09 24 September 2021

Java learning -- JavaSE -- exception handling

Abnormal mechanism Java treats exceptions as objects and defines a base class java.lang.Throwable as the superclass of a...
5:21 24 September 2021

[Spring Boot] usage example of Spring Boot + HikariCP connection pool

This page will introduce examples of Spring Boot and HikariCP. HikariCP is a fast, simple, reliable and production ready...
4:10 24 September 2021

Front end authentication implementation in vue project (menu permission, button permission)

During this period of time, I was busy. I participated in the research and development of a new B-end project of the com...
3:33 24 September 2021

[Spring Boot] Spring Boot Filter

This page will introduce an example of Spring Boot filter. Filters can be registered using the FilterRegistrationBean cl...
3:22 24 September 2021