Article. Page 40

Array lookup algorithm, array, a + b = c

subject Given an unordered array, such as int...
10:36 4 July 2020

Pre-declarations in C++.

Forward declaration is occasionally required when writing C++ programs.In the following program, the commented line is t...
12:15 3 July 2020

100% Perfect Friend Sharing

Step 1: go Federation Official Website Register an account to create an application (the application name matches the p...
11:10 3 July 2020

Initial use of QSerialPort, a QT5 serial port class

I mainly use the serial port class here. The function is to open the serial port read and write, click the Send Data but...
11:01 3 July 2020

Initial use of QSerialPort, a QT5 serial port class

I mainly use the serial port class here. The function is to open the serial port read and write, click the Send Data but...
11:00 3 July 2020

Initial use of QSerialPort, a QT5 serial port class

I mainly use the serial port class here. The function is to open the serial port read and write, click the Send Data but...
11:00 3 July 2020

Beego Learning Notes 10: Easyui Use

EasyUI use 1> Download EasyUI. Download address: http:...
12:03 2 July 2020

Slim studied Note 5's dependency on the injection container (below)

In the previous section, we learned about several necessary methods for implementing the ArrayAccess interface in the Pi...
12:02 2 July 2020

An algorithm for searching all paths between two points based on a graph's contiguity list implementation

The algorithm is implemented in C++. Why write this algor...
11:20 2 July 2020

An algorithm for searching all paths between two points based on a graph's contiguity list implementation

The algorithm is implemented in C++. Why write this algor...
11:19 2 July 2020

jquery, js knowledge

jquery selector Jquery selector requires two backslashes...
10:44 2 July 2020

iOS uses scripting to automate target replication

When some projects are mature, there will be a need to automate configuration to generate a completely new project, no n...
12:17 1 July 2020

Django studies a love poem

   Django is one of the most representative frameworks for Web development in Python. This article will give y...
12:05 1 July 2020

Django studies a love poem

   Django is one of the most representative frameworks for Web development in Python. This article will give y...
12:04 1 July 2020

Three methods of transferring values between parent and child forms in JS

1, In the process of development projects, it is often necessary to transfer values between parent page and child page t...
11:54 1 July 2020

Separation of dynamic and static state by Nginx+Tomcat

Add group groupadd www Add user WWW: useradd - G www under www group Modify configuration file nginx.conf : user www ww...
11:01 1 July 2020

JavaScript learning - Array object

Defining arrays Array objects are used to store a series of values in separate variable names. We use the keyword new t...
10:33 1 July 2020

A logic problem: who is the killer

Previous articles in this series: Simple implementation ...
4:20 30 June 2020

Necessary knowledge points of MySQL development log file

Necessary knowledge points of MySQL log file development ...
2:24 30 June 2020

User defined OAuth2.0 token issuing interface address

Login implementation Take the example of a we...
1:46 30 June 2020

User defined OAuth2.0 token issuing interface address

Login implementation Take the example of a we...
1:32 30 June 2020

Design Richter substitution principle

Richter substitution principle is one of the basic principles of object-oriented design. According to the principle of R...
1:12 30 June 2020

lc75 quick sort

Given an array of n elements including red, white and blue, sort them in place so that the elements of the same color ar...
0:19 30 June 2020

Using Netty to implement RPC

As an asynchronous event driven network application framework, Netty can be used to rapidly develop maintainable high-pe...
0:00 30 June 2020

Spring security

The mind map is as follows RBAC authority analysis RBAC is the full name of role-based permission control. This sectio...
23:20 29 June 2020

Multithreaded thread pool

The start and end of each thread consumes time and resources. If a lot of threads are used in the system, a large number...
22:49 29 June 2020

[reinforcement learning] example 1 of implementing q-learning in python

Author: hhh5460 Address:
22:14 29 June 2020

Fake TCP tunneling with scapy to improve transmission performance

Does TCP have to be TCP?It might be a trick! It's raining...
20:22 29 June 2020

uni-app+springmvc calls JSAPI to complete H5 WeChat official account payment.

1. The application process and background development configuration of wechat service account merchants are brief. Follo...
5:28 29 June 2020