Article. Page 51

Guess how JS encoding the audio stream?lower

Next, when it comes to getting local audio streams as the first step, we all know that H5 has a new interface dedicated ...
22:39 11 June 2020

2020-06-11-ASP.NETProblems with data synchronization of parent components of Core Blazor subcomponents

Last Write Data Binding The article left a hole at the end.When a child component binds a field of the parent component ...
22:11 11 June 2020

[SpringCloud] 12 Hystrix Fuse

1. What is Hystrix and why do I need him? 1. In the micro-service architecture, services are split into individual servi...
21:46 11 June 2020

springboot-redis spring cache mid-story

1.spring cache parsing 1.1.RedisCache and RedisCache Manager 1.1.1. Structure 1.1.2. Resolution RedisCache uses ...
21:08 11 June 2020

Getting Started with java|Operators

Started at: Introduction to java (3) | Operators Start from scratch!!! The last issue will cover eight basic types of ...
21:06 11 June 2020

web Front End Learning Notes 02-HTML Overview and Basic Knowledge 2

Continue with the previous article web Front End Learning Notes 01-HTML Overview and Basic Knowledge 1 5. Common HTML...
12:35 11 June 2020

leetcode dynamic planning

leetcode dynamic planning Article catalog leetcode dynamic planning LeetCode 70 - Climbing Stairs - easy Recursive t...
4:02 11 June 2020

Several binding methods of Laravel service container

Binding basis Almost all service container binding is done in the service provider.The directory structure is as follows...
3:57 11 June 2020

Learning notes on knowledge points of HttpServlet

Servlet concept step Principle of execution life cycle Servlet 3.0 annotation configuration The architecture...
2:31 11 June 2020

Coloring problem of graphs (bipartite graphs)

Related concepts: The problem of coloring adjacent vertices into different colors is called graph coloring problem. The...
1:05 11 June 2020

Using Kotlin to develop Android application (10) - Navigation of architecture components

Navigation of architecture components Navigat...
0:51 11 June 2020

JPA multi data source distributed transaction processing: two transaction schemes

preface Transaction processing of multiple da...
0:37 11 June 2020

Build distributed project practice based on SpringBoot+Dubbo+Zookeeper+Maven+IDEA

1, Explanation of terms (from Baidu Encyclopedia): Spring Boot is a new framework provided by the Pivotal team, which is...
0:02 11 June 2020

JS series: JS ternary operator

Ternary operator Grammar: conditions? Set up...
23:51 10 June 2020

Dr. monkey class C language learning notes play 3

Select statement <1> if statement if(expression) { . . } else { . . } Condition usage: if so, how about it, otherwise Look at a programming pro...
23:02 10 June 2020

Core concept notes of Laravel: service container

notes Original link:
22:44 10 June 2020

Add a SpringBootAdmin monitoring

0. Preface In the previous chapters, we first...
21:43 10 June 2020

Summary of three cross-domain scenarios in Spring Boot

Article Directory 1. What is cross-domain 2. Solutions 2.1 Problems 3.SpringSecurity 3.1 Mode 1 3.2 Mode 2 4.OAuth2 5...
20:48 10 June 2020

v-model, components, modularization to get started with Vue

I. Use and Principles of v-model 1. Basic use of v-model ...
20:46 10 June 2020

Flutter Actual Warfare] Text Components and Five Cases

Hello, Lao Meng: This is the second in a series of articles about text components, which include text display components...
20:27 10 June 2020

k8s deployment elasticsearch cluster

Environmental preparation The k8s and ceph environments we use are as follows:
13:00 10 June 2020

[WC2016] challenge NPC

Explanation: First of all, all the balls have to be put into the barrel, so each ball is connected to the feasible barre...
2:31 10 June 2020

Hidden scroll bar - > El scroll bar

What is El scrollbar? Element UI, as a set of well-known UI component library of Vue, is almost known by people playing ...
2:13 10 June 2020

Spark streaming reads the database data extracted from Flume by Kafka and saves it in HBase. Hive maps HBase for query

Recently, the company is working on real-time flow processing. The specific requirements are: real-time import of releva...
0:55 10 June 2020

Centos7 builds frp intranet penetration server

brief introduction The purpose of NAT penetration is to enable packets with a specific source IP address and source port...
0:32 10 June 2020

02 day 9-0 basic self study java static method, instance method, static static code block, instance code block

Static methods: methods decorated with static Instance method: method without static decoration Call static method 1, ...
23:54 9 June 2020

Spring cloud: service provision and Feign call

In this article, there are three roles: service provider, service consumer, and the protagonist of the previous article,...
23:28 9 June 2020

JavaFX experiment -- identification of high risk population

During the epidemic, it is easy to add the difficulty of epidemic prevention to the flow of people. Please complete the ...
23:26 9 June 2020

[hard study] Java notes 0.3

Java program flow control Procedure flow control Sequential structure Branching structure if statement switch Stateme...
23:00 9 June 2020