Article. Page 52

Design Mode 14th Job - Responsibility Chain Mode

Iterator mode - Provides a way to access elements in a collection object sequentially without revealing the object's int...
21:37 9 June 2020

Young Master and Girls Learn JavaIO: Buffer and Buff

brief introduction The little sister and teac...
18:13 9 June 2020

Echarts Secondary Packaging - Line Chart, Column Chart and Pie Chart in One

Visual charts commonly used in common projects, such as line charts, column charts, and pie charts, can be very tiring i...
12:32 9 June 2020

Set up frp intranet penetration server

brief introduction The purpose of NAT penetration is to enable packets with a specific source IP address and source port...
4:41 9 June 2020

Let you easily understand the design pattern ------ Decorator Pattern

catalog What is decorator mode? Decorator structure How to achieve Test Demo test result ending What is agent mode? ...
4:24 9 June 2020

Come on! Learn the hand game protection of reversion

With the development of mobile games, the reverse escape technology of mobile games is becoming more and more mature, es...
4:04 9 June 2020

B1035 inserting and merging ideas (code + detailed explanation)

subject Ideas: Class B questions will not directly test the data structure, and several sorting algorithms will not le...
3:31 9 June 2020

Anbox source code analysis -- anbox rendering principle (source code analysis)

Anbox source code analysis (3) In the previou...
3:27 9 June 2020

No girlfriend come in!! Let's use the singleton mode to write a girlfriend!!

hello, everyone. This is pudding SAMA. The epidemic is over recently. Are you guys going out with your girlfriend? what?...
2:01 9 June 2020

1052 Linked List Sorting (25 points) [static list]

By Jalan Article catalog **By Jalan** Knowledge tool requirements mathematics Data structure and algorithm language...
1:46 9 June 2020

Spring Job? Quartz? XXL-Job? Young people make choices~

Hello, my name is grandma. I'm a little fat man in the subway~ ...
1:27 9 June 2020

Idea builds springboot multi module project and manages dependency uniformly

1 Select File - > New - > project, select gradle java and click next 2. Enter the GroupId and artifactid of the pr...
1:17 9 June 2020

. NET Core integrates log4net and global exception capture

1, Foreword Log4net is a well-known log provider. When. NET Core released 1.0, log4net was already supported. However, t...
0:09 9 June 2020

BitMap implementation principle

In java, an int type takes up 32 bytes. When we use an int array to represent new int[32], the total memory is 32*32bit....
0:07 9 June 2020

Official introduction to Android CameraX

Getting started with CameraX 1. Before you start 2. Create project 1) Project new 2) Add Gradle dependency 3) Create v...
23:25 8 June 2020

Read and write throttling and character flow of files in java

Reading and writing files in java If the abst...
22:49 8 June 2020

Flink Sql on Zeppelin -- environment preparation

Environmental preparation summary Why Sql At present, there are many ways to develop Flink. Generally speaking, stud...
22:13 8 June 2020

Analysis of Java Thread source code

Article catalog brief introduction The difference between process and thread Threads in Java Thread source code analy...
21:36 8 June 2020

MongoDB Quick Start, that's all right!

SpringBoot e-commerce project mall (30k+star) address: ...
21:26 8 June 2020

Redis optimistic lock with golang demo

redis transaction command MULTI: Open a transaction EXEC...
12:23 8 June 2020

Simple configuration of mysql database master-slave synchronization, read-write separation

This paper is learning notes, mainly used to record my learning process. Part of the content for reprint!!!! ...
23:59 7 June 2020

Container technology: Docker private image warehouse harbor

Earlier, we talked about the construction and simple use of docker distribution, a private image warehouse of docker. Pl...
23:55 7 June 2020

nginx installation and deployment

nginx installation 1. Pre install sudo Yum install Yum utils2. Create a / etc in the root directory of the server/ yum.r...
23:47 7 June 2020

Section oriented thinking of spring AOP

Section oriented thinking of spring AOP Three ideas of spring IOC control reverse DI dependency injection AOP (Aspect Or...
23:31 7 June 2020

ELK Docker integrated. net abp log4net use

This paper mainly records the use of ELK to complete the business system log collection, mainly using log4net for data e...
23:27 7 June 2020

Month simulation question: element selector

General idea of the topic I / O thinking This problem is similar to the previous file system simulation problem, b...
23:03 7 June 2020

Section 4 Anonymous Internal Classes

Section 4 Anonymous Internal Classes Anonymo...
21:28 7 June 2020

Host transfers files to KVM virtual machine via FTP

Machine environment: Host: ubuntu16.04 KVM version: QEMU emulator version 2.5.0 (Debian 1:2.5+dfsg-5ubuntu10.16) Virt...
12:48 7 June 2020

Getting started with kubernetes to real-world resource management and Qos

1. Pod Resource Management 1.1 re...
12:29 7 June 2020