Article. Page 54

Beauty of Mybatis source code: 2.3. Parse Properties sub element and initialize property configuration

Resolve the Properties sub element and initialize the property configuration > Click to learn the configuration metho...
2:04 5 June 2020

[ABAP] learning summary - common statements and functions

[ABAP] learning summary - common statements and functions -----------------------Pointer------------------------ Pointe...
1:55 5 June 2020

SpringBoot + RabbitMQ (ensure that the message is delivered successfully and consumed 100%)

1, Throw a picture first Note: This article covers many aspects of RabbitMQ, such as: Message sending confirmation m...
0:58 5 June 2020

Java implements 23 design patterns: bridging pattern

Classification of 23 design patterns 1, Overview The Bridge pattern is defined as follows: separating abstractions fr...
0:05 5 June 2020

C language: rookie course classic 100 examples (51-71)

100 cases of C language classics Note: the following answers are not identical with the original Examples 1-50 Ex amp ...
22:27 4 June 2020

ASP.NET Dependency injection in core: service provider implementation uncovering [add missing details]

Original text: ASP.NET Dependency injection in core (5): service provider implementation uncovering [add missing details...
22:10 4 June 2020

global and nonlocal scope instance problems in Python

There are countless online explanations about the scope of global and nonlocal in Python. Let me take an example in prac...
22:06 4 June 2020

. net core service injection without interface

Three life cycles of dependency injection in. net core ...
15:20 4 June 2020

JEECG containerization deployment

There is a Dockerfile in the JEECG code. The basic idea is to take CentOS as the basic image, in which nginx, jdk, MySQL and redis are installed. The...
15:18 4 June 2020

Observability: use Elastic Stack to analyze geospatial data

Previous articles“ Observability: using Elastic Stack to analyze geospatial data (1) ”, I detailed how to im...
14:17 4 June 2020

State machine mode

Article Directory 1. Definition 2. Implementation 2.1 Logical judgment. 2.2 Table Lookup Method 2.3 State Machine Mode...
12:52 4 June 2020

[Python learning notes] hello,python

to configure Version: Python 3.7.6 Tool environment: Anaconda Development tool: PyCharm It's all free. It's good to find...
12:45 4 June 2020

JS Custom Mobile H5 Keyboard

When entering the license plate number, because many of the license plate numbers are mixed with numbers and letters, it...
12:08 4 June 2020

Question D: dyeing car

Question D: Dye Time limit: 1 Sec memory limit: 128 MB Title Description There are several cars on the n × m chessboard. The two cars attack each oth...
11:16 4 June 2020

37th issue - interruption of ARM Linux kernel

Author: Luo Yuzhe, intelligent software research center, Institute of software, Chinese Academy of Sciences ...
11:14 4 June 2020

[Linux] haproxy quickly builds simple load balancing

Install haproxy yum install haproxy haproxy profile configuration Here I attach a written configuration file, and I will explain the points that need...
10:29 4 June 2020

Java implementation of the ninth 2018 Blue Bridge Cup

In this blue bridge cup, from the point of view of the topic, the familiar search questions are obviously reduced, the d...
9:38 4 June 2020

C + + on programming mode

Design pattern What is design pattern Why learn design patterns Where design patterns come from Principles of design ...
9:37 4 June 2020

Data storage (JSON file storage, CSV file storage)

1.2 JSON file storage The full name of JSON is JavaScript Object Notation, that is, JavaScript object markup. It repres...
9:36 4 June 2020

Three methods of generating high strength passwords

Now information disclosure is more and more serious, and a strong password is the first step to prevent the disclosure o...
9:32 4 June 2020

Continuous integration and deployment based on Jenkins and Gitlab

CI/CD Continuous Integration (CI) is a kind of software development practice. In Continuous Integration, developers inte...
8:57 4 June 2020

Beginner's understanding of Java design pattern

The structural pattern of Java design pattern 1. Adapter mode Adapter mode of class 1.1 1.2 adapter mode for objects 1...
8:41 4 June 2020

Beginner IT: Django framework - form component and model form

Article catalog 1, form introduction 1. Function of form component 2. Simple use of form component Database model pre...
8:02 4 June 2020

CGLIB dynamic agent mechanism has been written in all aspects

CGLIB library introduction The agent provides...
4:48 4 June 2020

[The Road to Java Spring Cloud] - Creation using Nacos and Gateway Center

0. Preface In the previous section, we create...
22:42 3 June 2020

Implementation of Data Driven Testing for Python Selenium

The benefits of data-driven mode testing are obvious compared to those of normal mode testing.Using a data-driven model,...
22:32 3 June 2020

You can use Postman or cURL. Come in and see the unique tricks of cURL

Articles have been included in Welcome to Star and Instructions. Welcome to my attention Pub...
22:28 3 June 2020

ORM Framework Series of Wheelmaking Motion~Talk about ORM Framework in my mind

ORM Conceptual Analysis First, comb out the c...
22:04 3 June 2020

String takes up too much memory and I think of all sorts of fantastic ways to compress it

One: Background 1. Storytelling In one of our...
20:47 3 June 2020