Article. Page 57

Akka typed - typed actor communication mode and protocol

Akka system is a distributed message driven system. Akka applications are composed of a group of actors who are responsi...
2:04 29 May 2020

Case study of intelligent recognition of voice synchronization in wechat applet

catalog 1, Background 2, Introduction to simultaneous interpretation plug-ins 1. Add plug-ins in the background of wec...
2:03 29 May 2020

C ා data operation series - Introduction to 19 FreeSql

0. Preface The author of FreeSql recommended...
1:40 29 May 2020

Realize the target of small and medium-sized vehicle market in logistics scenario

The following content is reprinted from the pasted article "realizing the target of car Marker in logistics scenari...
0:58 29 May 2020

Spring Boot 2.3 gracefully closes the new pose, which is really fragrant!

The latest Spring Boot 2.3 is almost half a month old: h...
23:47 28 May 2020

Nine cross-domain implementation principles (full version)

Preface Front-end and back-end data interacti...
21:03 28 May 2020

Guidelines for using babel-preset-env and stage-x

Introduction to babel babel is divided into t...
20:58 28 May 2020

The implementation of prompt pop-up window based on bootstrap

It's painful to have been developing front-end with bootstrap lately. ...
12:36 28 May 2020

js converts string to double to avoid the loss of multi bit number and calculation precision.

Tidy up, when we write js code, we often have a headache because of the decimal operation. Because it will produce many ...
10:39 28 May 2020

Installation and verification of JWT Auth in laravel (example)

Installation and verification of JWT Auth in laravel 1....
8:48 28 May 2020

Elastic search uses snapshot data migration and disaster recovery

In the face of multi cluster enterprise level complex architecture, it is very important to prepare a set of backup clus...
7:15 28 May 2020

All MySQL installation and deployment methods

catalog 1, Foreword 2, About MySQL installation 3, Deployment planning 3.1 server planning 3.2 database directory plan...
5:00 28 May 2020

corosync v1 + pacemaker high availability cluster deployment resource configuration (VIP+httpd+NFS)

Experimental purpose: to deploy httpd high availability service (+ NFS) using corosync v1 + pacemaker. ...
3:28 28 May 2020

C ා data operation series - 18 plug-ins to make Dapper stronger

0. Preface In the previous article, we talked...
3:00 28 May 2020

Multithreading: (priority, daemons)

1. Priority of thread (1) Concept A thread scheduler is p...
0:58 28 May 2020

Handwriting Promise from scratch

_During interviews, Promise is often asked about; some interviewers go a little further and ask if they know how to impl...
21:58 27 May 2020

Persistent preservation of object flow using very hard-core JAVA serialization

Catalog background The concept of object flow Object Flow Instances Introduce an Organization Chart Define Classes fo...
21:44 27 May 2020

WeChat Applet Development--Download Any File via Cloud Function

WeChat Applet Development--Download Any File via Cloud Function ...
20:53 27 May 2020

C#Collections Shopping Cart

This is an exercise of objects and collections, the creation of objects, some basic functions of collections, such as ad...
12:24 27 May 2020

Centos7 MySQL installation master-slave replication configuration

Installation Dependency yum search libaio # Retrieving related information yum install libaio # Install Dependent Packag...
12:13 27 May 2020

javascript iteration method

every() method Runs the given function for ea...
11:50 27 May 2020

C. how to add, modify and delete Excel Mini chart

The mini chart in Excel table can show us the trend of data change intuitively. This paper introduces how C ා can genera...
11:31 27 May 2020

On the difference between SCPClient class of ganymed-ssh2 version 262 and build210

ganymed-ssh2 is a tool library that uses SSH to connect to the server through java. The previous two versions of pom fil...
10:40 27 May 2020

Deep understanding of system calls

Experiment content: Find a system call whose system call...
9:44 27 May 2020

[12c] DataGuard builds physical standby database (Cloud Control mode)

How to Building physical standby database by RMAN Duplicate , this article will demonstrate how to use Cloud Control to ...
7:50 27 May 2020

A reusable distributed transaction message architecture based on RabbitMQ

premise Distributed transaction is a more dif...
6:21 27 May 2020

Many to many relationship of database in Flask

Most other relationship types can be derived from one to many types. From the point of view of "many", many to...
2:00 27 May 2020

Implementation of hover event in Kivy control

1. Import dependency module from import App from kivy.core.window import Window from kivy.clock import Clock f...
1:18 27 May 2020

MySQL Summary Database Table Constraints - Detailed

Constraints on database tables 1....
20:25 26 May 2020