Article. Page 58

Flutter uses Navigator to make local page jumps

Lao Meng's guide: The Navigator component is not used very often, but it works well in some scenarios, such as local for...
20:06 26 May 2020

One Day Pattern - Observer Mode

1. The concept of observer mode The observer...
13:10 26 May 2020

[LeetCode] 4 sort the linked list

Title: In the O(n log n) time, we use constan...
13:05 26 May 2020

Java fresh e-commerce platform - purchase order and inventory solution in fresh e-commerce (Applet / APP)

Java fresh e-commerce platform - purchase order and inventory solution in fresh e-commerce (Applet / APP) ...
12:00 26 May 2020

Network data reading framework - use of OkHttp

Introduction and usage of OkHttp framework effect OkHtt...
11:29 26 May 2020

HeartBeat (NFS file mount for Web service hot standby)

The two hosts are backup to each other, and the Web service displays the resources on the NFS file system. ...
11:20 26 May 2020

[LeetCode] 20 word Jielong II

subject Given two words (beginWord and endWor...
5:04 26 May 2020

How to improve the quality of iOS code through static analysis

With the expansion of the project, it is more and more unrealistic to rely on human codereview to ensure the quality of ...
4:01 26 May 2020

[open source]. Net orm FreeSql 1.5.0 latest version (serial number: long time no see)

The beginning of nonsense This article is the...
1:03 26 May 2020

Spring boot08: integrating Druid

Crazy God said that the spring boot series is easy to understand. Based on the version 2.2.5 of spring boot, you are wel...
0:58 26 May 2020

Python:sip Compilation and Use

1. Compile sip source code Unzip the sip source and run win32-g++ (win32-g++ means using the mingw...
12:21 25 May 2020

MHA cluster of MySQL highly available articles

1 preparations 1.1 modify host na...
11:21 25 May 2020

Deployment learning of Nginx + Docker multi-stage construction

A website was deployed a few days ago. It turns out that I have been uploading files through ftp after publishing. Sever...
11:01 25 May 2020

Spam classification 2

1. Read # 1. Read data set def read_dataset(): file_path...
10:13 25 May 2020

Custom Spring Boot starter

When we use spring boot to develop applications quickly, we often introduce many libraries that start with spring boot s...
8:53 25 May 2020

PHP PDO mysql abstraction layer

Using PDO constructor to connect database and DSN <?php $dbms = 'mysql'; $dbname = 'test'; $user = 'root'; $pwd = '1...
4:04 25 May 2020

A small example of how to use ThreadLocal in seconds

Problems encountered Recently, a small partne...
3:58 25 May 2020

The running in period of Flink and Hive

There is a lot of feedback from readers. Please refer to the previous article< Hive is finally waiting, Flink >Whe...
3:57 25 May 2020

Talk about spring MVC

preface Only a bare head can make it stronger. The text has been included in my GitHub selected articles. Welcome to St...
22:32 24 May 2020

Lessons Learn JavaIO: Files Write That

brief introduction The little sister asked F ...
18:57 24 May 2020

RT-Thread Chain List Heap Manager for a Series of Practical Algorithms

The previous section describes the basic concept of stack. This article will talk about how stack works.RT-Thread is so ...
14:03 24 May 2020

fio storage performance manometry

1. Environmental Instructions: This demo is a dellr620 physical server with centos7.6 x86_64-bitThe hardware-related inf...
12:20 24 May 2020

Front end lazy loading (easy version)

Front end optimization often optimizes pictures. When there are many pictures on a page, initializing the page and reque...
11:46 24 May 2020

Attention to value transmission of uni components

Table of contents 01. The value transmission of components meets a pit 02. Pass value from parent component to child co...
10:38 24 May 2020

Docker network of container technology

In the previous blog, we mainly talked about the description of docker image and how to make image based on existing ima...
10:06 24 May 2020

A Node online service migration

The original Node service needs to be migrated to a new host, so a new environment and corresponding migration scheme ne...
8:37 24 May 2020

[selfless sharing: ASP.NET Core project combat (Chapter 11) Core cache MemoryCache and Redis

Original text: [selfless sharing: ASP.NET Core project combat (Chapter 11) Core cache MemoryCache and Redis ...
8:16 24 May 2020

Single chain table of Java data structure and algorithm

02. Single chain table of Java data structure and algorithm ...
7:40 24 May 2020

Video learning notes of "basic data types in binary and Java" on

Video address: Introduction: as we all know, computers are stored in binary. Learnin...
5:46 24 May 2020