Article. Page 61

How can programmers send the most special "I love you" expression in Python before 520

Summary: When it comes to Valentine's day and Chinese Valentine's day, many children and friends will encounter such a c...
4:00 18 May 2020

Graph theory -- ring determination and matrix algorithm

Graph is an important part of classical computer algorithm. It has a wide range of applications from Internet structure ...
3:06 18 May 2020

FP growth algorithm finds frequent itemsets -- building FP Tree

There are two common algorithms for mining frequent itemsets, one is Apriori algorithm The other is FP growth. Apriori m...
2:30 18 May 2020

Leetcode:NO.210 Schedule 2 Topological ordering and enrollment

subject Topic link:
1:43 18 May 2020

Quickly build a complete Selenium framework

Today I will talk about how to build a complete selenium framework. When you learn this article, you can also say that y...
1:26 18 May 2020

Chapter 2 starts with spring boot and spring cloud

Article catalog preface: 1. Parent directory 2.FW-BOOT 3.FW-ClOUD 4.FW-CORE 4.1.core-web 1.WebMvcConfigurer Configura...
23:04 17 May 2020

Spring MVC advanced functional programming

1. Preface Last right Functional interface programming of Spring MVC A simple introduction, so that many students do not...
21:59 17 May 2020

WeChat Applet Internationalization Exploration (with Source Address)

As applets become more and more widely used, international support has become a new requirement. ...
20:37 17 May 2020

js-Flexible and Splittable Responsibility Chain Model

Refer to JavaScript Design Patterns and Development Practices, which has been explored and strongly recommended. ...
20:22 17 May 2020

Data Structure and Algorithms in JavaScript Version--Foundation

This is a sequel to the previous one. Data Structure and Algorithms in JavaScript Version--Basic (1) This article was fi...
20:10 17 May 2020

k8s+jenkins for Automated Deployment and application to k8s cluster

1. The jenkins environment prepares and starts the jenkins service 1) jdk environment configuration [root@centos7 ~]# ll...
13:45 17 May 2020

Day 32 of egg Learning Notes: Integrate pages and static resources into the eggjs project

1. The structure of the static page resource directory is as follows (some login and privilege static pages and static r...
13:40 17 May 2020

12:pnp4nagios Custom Template Drawing for Nagios Monitoring

The article is summarized from the instructions on the official website: In daily...
13:39 17 May 2020

Kafka Core API Producer

Producer sends demos asynchronously stay Above The use of the AdminClient API was introduced, and now we know how to man...
13:35 17 May 2020

Linux command zip command

zip command Zip compression packages are comm...
12:58 17 May 2020

Fixed size label wrapped with img, vertically centered picture when img is not fixed size

There is a need to load an img tag with an indeterminate size in a container, but this picture needs to be vertically ce...
12:33 17 May 2020

KVM virtualization, creation, cloning, QEMU guest agent installation and other practical processes

Due to the needs of the company, I have recently learned KVM. Here is my installation practice. ...
5:57 17 May 2020

FeignClient annotation and parameter problems -- spring cloud microservices

1, Foreword Feign client is a common annotati...
4:59 17 May 2020

Spring boot exception handling in five ways, Junit unit test, hot deployment

First of all, the version of Springboot 2.2.6.release is used here. Since the iteration of Springboot is very fast, pay ...
3:00 17 May 2020

Software Design Mode Learning Responsibility Chain Mode

If there are multiple objects in the system that can process the same request, the responsibility chain pattern can be u...
23:53 16 May 2020

Build / dev/kmem to enumerate all Linux kernel modules (including hidden ones)

Can Linux system have lsmod to enumerate all kernel modules? Isn't procfs fragrant? Why bother enumerating from / dev/km...
23:53 16 May 2020

Docker data management and network communication, port mapping

Bibliography: 1. Data management of docker 1. Data Volume...
22:16 16 May 2020

User and Rights Management for MySQL

In MySQL 5.7.24, information about users and user permissions is stored in the user table of mysql library, which can be...
15:40 16 May 2020

Failure handling of Oracle database startup report ORA-00600 [kkdlcob-objn-exists]

*Author's introduction*****Original Creator: Lose SeriouslyContact number: 18081072613WeChat, QQ:18081072613Reprint to i...
15:17 16 May 2020

Spring Batch Batch Practice for Spring Boot

Practice content Read 100,000 records from a ...
12:48 16 May 2020

Data structure notes: stack, queue

(1) Stack 1. Stack is a LIFO, FIFO data structure. 2. A s...
12:27 16 May 2020

p5.js Collection (1): Cherry Blossoms

Effects. png Work Link https://c...
12:18 16 May 2020

MySQL query duplicate data

Suppose there is a user table, user. The data is as follows: ...
11:25 16 May 2020

switch statement usage in C ා

1 not every case needs to contain break. If the case statement is empty, it can not contain break, and the control flow ...
11:08 16 May 2020

A summary of the actual use of socket

Write in front I have made an application of...
10:58 16 May 2020