Article. Page 63

How do two threads execute alternately, one even and one odd?

Author: Mona Rudow It is interesting for the landlord to see this topic on the fac...
22:57 11 May 2020

Spring Security has its own firewall!You don't know how secure your system is!

Previously, a small partner said that it would be better to write a Filter intercept request for Spring Security, which ...
22:05 11 May 2020

fudge parameter not found in centos linux ntp.conf configuration

Recently, the server was forced to shut down once and suddenly wanted to get the time synchronization service all togeth...
21:10 11 May 2020

iOS Development Network Chapter One-to-One JSON Resolution

1. What is JSON? 1). JSON is a lightweight data format co...
14:11 11 May 2020

Function instances used by spring boot using Thymeleaf +layui

1.input tag echo Use the th:value tag for back-up, and th...
13:01 11 May 2020

unity requests json data and parses it

When unity3d is communicating with. net over http, the most common thing is to submit the form data request, but the ser...
12:53 11 May 2020

Spring MVC, addition, deletion, modification and query of mybatis

1, Demand Addition, deletion, modification and inspection...
11:45 11 May 2020

Jingdong Taobao magnifier package

Implementation method There are many ways to ...
11:35 11 May 2020

jQuery implements simple on() and trigger() methods

#jQuery events - 1.on() ```js //1. Event type 2.selector 4.handle $('ul').on('click', 'li', function(e){ alert($...
11:28 11 May 2020

Java sets text rotation and skew in PDF

This paper introduces the method of setting text rotation and tilt in PDF document by Java program. When setting text sk...
10:27 11 May 2020

Docker quickly set up master-slave + sentry monitoring

Install Redis Execute command ...
10:06 11 May 2020

Introduction and principle analysis of flagger

brief introduction Flagger It can make the application publishing process running on k8s system fully automatic (unatten...
6:04 11 May 2020

Using bpmn custom platter in vue project

Content overview This series of "using bpmn XXXX in vue project" is divided into seven parts, all of which are...
5:45 11 May 2020

Mysql dual host hot standby and implementation of Mysql dual host and high availability with preserved

There are two ways of mysql hot standby: Hot standby of m...
5:17 11 May 2020

Source code interpretation of SLF4J binding log implementation principle

1, Guide reading When we use the log4j framework, we often use the slf4j API. When running, you often encounter the fol...
4:50 11 May 2020

[experience sharing] the asterisk (*) that Python beginners must know is not understood by 90%

Compared with other programming languages, Python has more diversified operation types. ...
4:12 11 May 2020

Java adapter mode - are you jealous? ... let you remember the adapter pattern with the most vivid examples

Busy! Busy! Busy! I haven't updated the article all the time. Alas, the number of visitors has dropped dramatically! Fan...
4:05 11 May 2020

Synchronized keyword and ReetrantLock synchronization lock learning notes

1, Synchronized 1. Concept synchronized ens...
0:22 11 May 2020

Docker Redis 5.0 cluster building

1, Prepare tools Install docker (...
0:14 11 May 2020

ASP.NET Core on K8S in-depth learning (12) Ingress

This article has been added to the Index of.NET Core on K8S Learning Practice Series Articles , you can click to see mor...
22:39 10 May 2020

Angular Routing From Dig to Dig-Router Starter North

1. Overview The fifth note in Angular's pit e...
22:19 10 May 2020

Apache(httpd) source installation

pache is the name of a foundation. httpd is the package we want to install. In the early days it was called apache. Apac...
12:26 10 May 2020

Install Oracle 11.2 silently under Centos7

Dependent packages (including 64 bit and 32-bit packages) ...
11:06 10 May 2020

Analysis of Hadoop YARN ResourceManager crash caused by data limit of ZooKeeper node

This problem makes us encounter again. It happens infrequently, but once it happens, it will cause resource manager serv...
10:38 10 May 2020

Ansible deployment source code nginx

Divide all deployed nginx hosts into nginx groups: vim /e...
10:28 10 May 2020

Observer model of behavior model

1 General Observer pattern, also known as pub...
8:55 10 May 2020

Nacos+Spring Cloud Gateway Dynamic Routing Configuration

Preface Nacos has recently been working on p...
4:07 10 May 2020

SpringMVC Source Learning: Container Initialization + MVC Initialization + Request Distribution Processing + Parameter Resolution + Return Value Resolution + View Resolution

SpringMVC Source Learning: Container Initialization + MVC Initialization + Request Distribution Processing + Parameter R...
1:20 10 May 2020

Several ways of reading and writing spark articles by HBase

1. Overview of how HBase is read and written ...
23:05 9 May 2020

About why the Onsubmit method returns a false form and is still submitted

Today, when I was working on a project, I came across a strange phenomenon. The following HTML code looks normal and has...
12:50 9 May 2020