Article. Page 67

Be careful with ToLower and ToUpper. Be careful to drag your system down

I don't know when to start. Many programmers like to use ToLower and ToUpper to realize string equality comparison that ...
2:36 5 May 2020

Front modal box assembly

js is an object-oriented function, but it is different from the object-oriented function of c + +. When the object-orien...
1:17 5 May 2020

Chinese encoding of HttpClient request parameters

Catalog problem problem analysis problem First, let's see how we normally use HttpClient to handle POST requests...
1:08 5 May 2020

Data structure and algorithm series XIX (binary search 2)

1. Introduction 1.1. Why study data structure and algorithm? ...
0:51 5 May 2020

Test the query efficiency of mapping Hbase table to Hive table

1, Preparation: 1. Write a program to write 10 million pieces of data into the Hbase table; 2. Map the corresponding Hb...
0:24 5 May 2020

Teacher, are you sure Java annotations will not be executed?

Previously, I shared an article on my blog about comments in Java and wrote a word with oath: "Comments will not be...
0:22 5 May 2020

Java learning notes 48 (DBUtils tool class I)

As can be seen from the example in the previous article, when adding, deleting, modifying and querying, a lot of code is...
0:19 5 May 2020

python advanced features (generator & yield keyword)

generator There are two ways to read generator elements: for loop reading; (the generator is essentially an i...
23:09 4 May 2020

The background color in Winform can be set as a translucent RichTextBox

background There was another problem with the...
22:54 4 May 2020

Conversion between C++ int and string (including source code implementation)

1, int to string I. to string function The standard of c+...
22:26 4 May 2020

Hihocoder Chen 1689: inferring size relation (dichotomy)

Time limit: 20000ms Single point time limit: 2000ms Memory limit: 256MB describe ...
22:08 4 May 2020

One of the four components: service

1, Android Service: The service in Android is a service r...
22:00 4 May 2020

The 27th blog post of Xiao Liu

. . . Don't hang up at the end of the term... Today, I f...
21:40 4 May 2020

Java static synchronization method and non static synchronization method

Question 1: whether static and non static methods have competition state ...
20:36 4 May 2020

Simulation and variable parameters of js publish and subscribe model

1, Application Widely used in asynchronous programming, it is an alternative to callback function. Subscribe to an even...
20:12 4 May 2020

Iterator of behavior pattern

1 General Iterator pattern is one of the most...
20:01 4 May 2020

mui bottom navigation-based webview mode

During my recent app session with MUI, the first page wanted to do a bottom navigation based on webview mode. I found an...
19:32 4 May 2020

vue custom directives

vue can extend instructions by itself Add a v-color to ch...
19:10 4 May 2020

Java learning notes 40 (buffer stream)

Buffer stream: Among the various streams of reading and w...
18:55 4 May 2020

Write before Service (update ui in process)

Today's blog is from the second edition of Guo Shen's First Line of Code ...
18:44 4 May 2020

shell's seq (generates an integer between two numbers), expr generates a random number

1, Generate integers between consecutive numbers (including positive integers and negative integers) ...
17:49 4 May 2020

Intent -- open another Activity -- single pass value

In Android applications, we use the intent mechanism to jump between activities. This example briefly introduces how to...
17:21 4 May 2020

Welcome to ZK etcd config Welcome to ZK etcd config ZK etcd config is a lightweight dynamic attribute c...
17:14 4 May 2020

Detailed explanation of the selector of Hybird App (1)

Learning to develop hybrid app s requires learning some basics. This paper mainly introduces element selector, selector ...
16:36 4 May 2020

Three methods of class instantiation

The ultimate purpose of class instantiation is nothing more than to use the properties or methods of class objects. The ...
15:43 4 May 2020

Aliyun server building Docker

Software installation First install the appro...
15:41 4 May 2020

Getting started with spring -- three ways to create bean s

[*] static engineering method to create bean s [*] instan...
15:26 4 May 2020

Oracle automatic data backup

1, Oracle automatically backs up single table data for one month Mode 1: three step processing (batch file creation, sql...
14:04 4 May 2020

Which is more efficient about the select statement with the maximum id + 1 in the table?

Requirement: take the maximum id value + 1 in the stock table as the next id value. ...
13:08 4 May 2020

An example of Python decorator

Summary The decorator is essentially a Pytho...
12:50 4 May 2020