Article. Page 100

Shell script Basics

Bowen catalogueI. Shell script FoundationRedirection and pipeline operation3. Use Shell variable I. Shell script Foundation Shell script in Linux sys...
19:50 4 November 2019

Nginx configuration - virtual host is based on IP, domain name and port (actual combat!)

Nginx virtual host Domain name based virtual host Virtual host based on IP address Port based virtual host 1. Install DNS domain name resolution serv...
19:32 4 November 2019

Layout of tkinter control

There are three ways to layout controls in tkinter: (1) pack layout (2) grid layout (3) place layout Package Layout uses block to organize controls. ...
19:24 4 November 2019

Several benefits of using HooX to manage React state

HooX Is a lightweight React state management tool based on hook. It can be used to manage the global state of React application conveniently, with si...
18:08 4 November 2019

springBoot rapid integration Druid

brief introduction Druid is a database connection pool. Druid is currently the best database connection pool. Druid is a database connection pool dev...
17:04 4 November 2019

On node events module

Module overview In node, events module is one of the core modules. Almost all the common node modules inherit events module For example, net.Server wi...
16:50 4 November 2019

[caption] Luogu P5339 [TJOI2019] singing, dancing, rap and basketball

Original question gate This question zsy is about \ (O(n^2) \), and NTT\(O(n^2\log n) \). My problem is violence, \ (O(\frac) \), enough to pass Consi...
16:14 4 November 2019

Native js implementation of each method

There is an each method in jquery to simplify and facilitate circular operation.Then es produced a forEach method. Although the two methods are simila...
15:59 4 November 2019

How to use lambda expression to kill Java programmers

Summary . The final effect is as follows: cIf(cond1, () -> { //The first if //do action 1 }).cElseIf(() -> cond2, () -> { //else if evaluatin...
15:33 4 November 2019

Jdbc Series VIII: batch processing

when records need to be inserted or updated in batches. The batch update mechanism of Java can be used, which allows multiple statements to be submit...
14:48 4 November 2019

jQuery Chapter 5 example method details built-in queue() dequeue() method

.queue() .dequeue() .clearQueue() -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .queue() Put things in the queue Paramet...
14:27 4 November 2019

redhat6.7 yum network source configuration

The yum source provided by RedHat can only be used after the current system has registered RHN. If there is no registration, when using yum, you will ...
14:02 4 November 2019

Vi. installation and configuration Hive (the sixth operation)

MySQL installation Download MySQL server from the official website (yum installation) wget
13:46 4 November 2019

Three different implementation methods of LVS-DR

1. Implementation of VIP and DIP in the same network segment Network topology Configuration environment Configure RIP1 of Client gateway pointing to ...
13:42 4 November 2019

One server of front and back end separation project is online

I. purchase server Here are some notes When you choose to configure linux system, you'd better choose centos7 + instead of centos6+ To configure ...
13:35 4 November 2019

Linear interpolation animation

Linear interpolation animation DoubleAnimation: attributes of Double type can be used to produce linear interpolation animation effect ColorAnimation...
13:29 4 November 2019

Why does Hashtable ConcurrentHashmap not support key or null value

Both ConcurrentHashmap and Hashtable are key value storage structures, but they have one difference: ConcurrentHashmap and Hashtable do not support ke...
13:21 4 November 2019

P1016 budget simulation greed of travelers

Title Description Mo Mo has purchased a set of N color brushes (some of them may be the same color), which are arranged in a row. You need to answer M...
13:13 4 November 2019

Gorang implementation of topological sorting - DFS algorithm version

Problem Description: there is a series of numbers 1 to 5, which are rearranged and printed according to the following requirements on order. The requi...
12:29 4 November 2019

Hibernate 4 + MySQL demonstration of Chinese naming

Recently, there is an opportunity to verify the feasibility of Chinese naming in a given development environment. The source code of the example is as...
12:20 4 November 2019

Prototype pattern of Java design pattern (creation pattern)

Definition: prototype pattern is to use prototype instances to specify the type of objects to be created, and to create new objects by copying these p...
12:12 4 November 2019

Gorang as the server, C (unity) as the client, Socket communication problems

Server datalen + message ----- > packagedata ----- > network transmission ([] byte) ---- > client ----- > unpackedata ----- > datalen +...
11:53 4 November 2019

Sorting List in Java

scene Bean is defined as follows, with only one age field of type Integer. @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor(staticName = "of") @Data p...
11:38 4 November 2019

POJ 2965 The Pilots Brothers' refrigerator Method 1: I changed it according to 1753. I enumerated directly from 0 to 16. Some redundant code that does not affect ...
11:22 4 November 2019

Display the current process memory usage value in Unity3D by calling CPP DLL under PC

After parsing MIDI, CSharp wants to write a memory occupation display. Generally, when writing CPP programs, it likes to check the memory and prevent ...
11:11 4 November 2019

Thread sharing and collaboration in concurrent programming

For more advanced video learning of Android architecture, please click: article will discuss thread sharing and c...
10:39 4 November 2019

"ZJOI2014" is brilliant

"ZJOI2014" is brilliant In fact, you don't have to build a crystal cube Because, the direction of luminescent crystal should enumerate ...
10:30 4 November 2019

Django Rest framework Serializer serializer-04 model class serializer

Model class serializer If we want to use the Serializer corresponding to Django's model class, DRF provides us with the ModelSerializer model cl...
10:28 4 November 2019

Adding, deleting, modifying and querying cookies in Java

Adding, deleting, modifying and querying cookies in Java Cookie attribute Name: the name of the cookie Value: the value of the cookie maxAge: the expi...
10:18 4 November 2019

Swoole and thinkp5 develop WebSocket online chat communication system

To use Swoole in ThinkPHP, you need to install the think Swoole composer package, provided that the system has installed the Swoole PECL extension* T...
9:58 4 November 2019