Article. Page 99

[NOI2006] network charge

An interesting question for thieves. Think about converting the cost into something. Watch If we define the state of leaf node ,}, the state of non le...
14:33 5 November 2019

Travel by one (Dijkstra)

Problem Description Although Caoer is a road crazy (i.e. he has been in Hangzhou Electric Power for more than a year, and even lost his way in the ca...
14:27 5 November 2019

Spring Boot cache technology (ehcache, SpringData Redis)

Spring boot integrates Ehcache Spring boot integrates spring dataredis I. spring boot integrates Ehcache 1. Import related maven dependencies <pro...
14:18 5 November 2019

Example code of message board function implemented in PHP

The example of this paper shares the realization idea of php message board for your reference. The specific content is as follows: 1. Create a file na...
13:42 5 November 2019

Talk about deadlock analyzer of elastic search

order This paper focuses on the deadlock analyzer of elastic search DeadlockAnalyzer elasticsearch-7.0.1/server/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/monito...
13:37 5 November 2019

PHP method of generating order number

The first way to generate unique order number in PHP PHP code $str = date('Ymd') . str_pad(mt_rand(1, 99999), 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT...
13:35 5 November 2019

Traversal of P3961 graph in Luogu

Source of topic There are many ways to do this problem. I'll just mention one here It's the Archmage. Reverse edge building can be used, sta...
13:03 5 November 2019

The principle and code of avoiding domain name link blocked and blocked by wechat

The domain name link is blocked by wechat, that is, it cannot be opened in wechat environment. You need to click the top right corner to select a bro...
12:55 5 November 2019

Deep optimization of apache working mode, ab stress test, apache directory attribute

ab pressure test Apache has its own stress testing tool ab, which is simple and easy to use. It can simulate various conditions to make a test reques...
12:52 5 November 2019

go process control

if if conditional statements in Go do not need parentheses. A variable can be declared in conditional statements. Any variable declared here can be us...
12:28 5 November 2019

Set generate Dump file on C + + Crash

The Dump file is the memory image of the process, which can save the execution state of the program to the Dump file through the debugger. The Dump f...
12:08 5 November 2019

Mycat distributed database architecture solution -- details of schema.xml

Echo editor, welcome to reprint, reprint please state the source of the article. Welcome to add echo wechat (wechat: t2421499075) for communication an...
11:18 5 November 2019

Using python to call pinpoint interface to realize pin alarm

Use python to call the pinpoint interface to implement the pin alarm. 1. When the application monitored on the pinpoint is called incorrectly and the...
11:08 5 November 2019

Python homework 5 - Zhu Mingquan

Exercise 1: read in the file pmi_days.csv, and complete the following operations:1. Count the days corresponding to the quality level, for example:Exc...
10:34 5 November 2019

Introduction to mybatis Series II - configuration (mybatis source Chapter)

Note: reproduced from Nan Ke Meng In the previous article, "getting started with Mybatis series (I) - Introduction to Mybatis", a Demo was w...
10:01 5 November 2019

HDU2023 average - biaobiao88

Title Link: Average performance Problem Description Suppose that there are n (n < = 50) students in ...
9:55 5 November 2019

A complicated socket program under Windows

In the previous section, I demonstrated the socket program under Linux. In this section, I will take a look at the socket program under Windows. Othe...
9:37 5 November 2019

How to batch insert data in mysql with php

If I have such a table, I want to insert a lot of data into it 1 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `user_info` ( 2 `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMME...
9:16 5 November 2019

Deep analysis of thread pool in java thread series

(it's more convenient to see the source code on the horizontal screen of mobile phone) Note: java source code analysis part is based on java ver...
8:51 5 November 2019

PHP analyzes the dependency injection function of Laravel framework from another perspective

Fundamentally speaking, dependency injection is not to let an object create a dependency, nor let a factory object create an object, but to turn the r...
7:50 5 November 2019

Ranking analysis of application access regions

Application access region ranking Topic content: given Nginx AccessLog (multiple files, estimated to be about 66G) for a period of time, find the five...
6:12 5 November 2019

iOS knowledge combing asynchronous programming - coobjc learning

Asynchronous programming is a hot topic in recent years. Today, we will talk about asynchronous programming and coobjc in iOS platform. First of all, ...
5:18 5 November 2019

Built in methods for basic data types

Basic data type built-in method I. conversion between base numbers Example ''' Binary to decimal 110 Manual calculation: 1 * (2 * * 2) ...
5:00 5 November 2019

How does SpringBoot start?

This article is about the spring boot startup process sorted out by looking at the spring boot source code. The overall direction is to start with sim...
3:20 5 November 2019

Spring cloud responsive microservice series tutorial (Chapter 10): complete code example of responsive RESTful service

This is the tenth chapter of the series of practical spring cloud responsive microservices. This chapter gives a complete code example of responsive R...
22:51 4 November 2019

The problem of a parseInt function found by javascript random number

A few days ago, I wanted to forge some data and used random numbers. I didn't write it myself, so I searched the Internet and found this article:...
22:41 4 November 2019

Solution of Mycat distributed database architecture

Echo editor, welcome to reprint, reprint please state the source of the article. Welcome to add echo wechat (wechat: t2421499075) for communication an...
21:49 4 November 2019

Java GC learning practice

Recently, I often go to the customer's site. If there is a problem on the site, I will send it to the company's leaders (I really don'...
20:09 4 November 2019

Time tuple and time date in Python

I. time tuple (time.struct_time) Time tuple is an important type in python. Through time tuple, we can get information such as month, day, hour, minut...
20:02 4 November 2019

java array definition, usage, and array memory analysis

Preface This paper is mainly from the concept of container to the concept of array to the three definitions of array and the analysis of array memory ...
19:53 4 November 2019