Article. Page 35

Registry selection and how Spring Cloud implements service discovery

Registration Center CAP principle...
19:40 12 September 2021

leetcode 5869. Maximum product of two palindrome subsequence lengths [shape pressure DP]

Give you a string s. please find two disjoint palindrome subsequences in s to maximize the product of their lengths. Two...
16:02 12 September 2021

Imitation wechat chat fried "shit" effect!! Ah, just play!

Long Long Ago, wechat 8.0 has updated a new function of "frying shit", which is quite new. ...
15:07 12 September 2021

[JavaScript] Introduction to BOM Basics

preface BOM technology is widely used in the Web. It mainly defines the operation of client browsers. BOM has not been s...
15:04 12 September 2021

Flash source code analysis - session implementation principle

1 cookie s and session s http is stateless. For some scenarios, such as shopping websites, adding shopping carts and pay...
3:16 12 September 2021

[Java Foundation Series] 3 - operators and expressions of Java

1. Operator 1.1 arithmetic operators Arithme...
3:14 12 September 2021

JS native methods (String and Promise)

In the actual development, we may use many JavaScript built-in methods, and these methods do bring us a lot of convenien...
23:35 11 September 2021

Sword finger Offer 35. Copy of complex linked list

Sword finger Offer 35. Copy of complex linked list Please implement the copyRandomList function to copy a complex linked...
21:46 11 September 2021

Docker_dockerfile nginx and tomcat

1, Classification of images 1. Three elements of docker 1) , Docker Image is a read-only template. An Image can be used ...
19:58 11 September 2021

C + + - program flow structure No.4

4 program flow structure C/C + + supports thr...
19:49 11 September 2021

Data structure and algorithm_ 02 stack

stack 1. Array implementation of ...
19:28 11 September 2021

Node.js connects to MySql database to realize addition, deletion, modification and query

First, you need to prepare some environments and development tools ...
19:22 11 September 2021

How to write your own package, and then publish and maintain the package?

Environmental preparation Environ...
17:38 11 September 2021

Detailed explanation of if else branch structure of 200 cases 41 for Java beginners

Introduction to the author Author name: Ming Shiyin in programming world Introduction: CSDN blog expert has been engaged...
13:54 11 September 2021

[network security] summary of Spring framework vulnerabilities

Introduction to Spring Spring is a lightweigh...
3:06 11 September 2021

Three days to learn MySQL - MySQL database chapter exercise

MySQL database chapter exercise Lecturer: Son...
21:54 10 September 2021

Learn Mybatis from scratch - Mybatis core configuration

Properties Define attributes and read attribu...
18:09 10 September 2021

Enumeration classes in java

Use of enumeration classes: 1) Class has only...
17:17 10 September 2021

js+canvas+less to realize AI Gobang games_ ☆ the past goes with the wind ☆ blog

1, Foreword Use js+canvas+less to make a simple AI Gobang game. AI players in the game are very powerful and have the fu...
4:36 10 September 2021

Implementation of multi thread file download based on rxjava 2.0 + retrofit2.0

preface I wrote an article before Implementation of file download based on RxJava2.0+Retrofit2.0 (with progress, non ove...
3:29 10 September 2021

[Educational Codeforces Round 113 (Rated for Div. 2)] ABC Solution

[Educational Codeforces Round 113 (Rated for Div. 2)] A Balanced Substring ...
15:09 9 September 2021

RxJava for Android Development Interview, [Job insights]

Exceptions.throwIfFatal(ex); parent.onError(ex); } ...
13:07 9 September 2021

Unity uses IAP to access Apple Store

Use version Unity 2019.4.7 IAP version 2.3.0 Preface take notes to avoid forgetting to learn Unity official document lin...
17:32 8 September 2021

Examples of Cylindrical Flow Around OpenFOAM

Cylindrical flow around a cylinder is one of the most classical examples in fluid mechanics and is favored by many schol...
15:53 8 September 2021

Advanced data of opengl

Note: the original English version is preferred Advanced data of openglCN ...
5:29 8 September 2021

Dynamic programming -- Examples

Problem solving ideas of dynamic planning: There are four steps: 1 create a new one-dimensional array or two-dimensional...
21:10 7 September 2021

Grain College - day 2 - Swagger

1, Swagger2 introduction In the front end and...
18:57 7 September 2021

Leetcode 146. LRU caching mechanism

preface Cache is a technology to improve data...
18:22 7 September 2021