Article. Page 64

Docker Redis 5.0 cluster building

1, Prepare tools Install docker (...
0:14 11 May 2020

ASP.NET Core on K8S in-depth learning (12) Ingress

This article has been added to the Index of.NET Core on K8S Learning Practice Series Articles , you can click to see mor...
22:39 10 May 2020

Angular Routing From Dig to Dig-Router Starter North

1. Overview The fifth note in Angular's pit e...
22:19 10 May 2020

Apache(httpd) source installation

pache is the name of a foundation. httpd is the package we want to install. In the early days it was called apache. Apac...
12:26 10 May 2020

Install Oracle 11.2 silently under Centos7

Dependent packages (including 64 bit and 32-bit packages) ...
11:06 10 May 2020

Analysis of Hadoop YARN ResourceManager crash caused by data limit of ZooKeeper node

This problem makes us encounter again. It happens infrequently, but once it happens, it will cause resource manager serv...
10:38 10 May 2020

Ansible deployment source code nginx

Divide all deployed nginx hosts into nginx groups: vim /e...
10:28 10 May 2020

Observer model of behavior model

1 General Observer pattern, also known as pub...
8:55 10 May 2020

Nacos+Spring Cloud Gateway Dynamic Routing Configuration

Preface Nacos has recently been working on p...
4:07 10 May 2020

SpringMVC Source Learning: Container Initialization + MVC Initialization + Request Distribution Processing + Parameter Resolution + Return Value Resolution + View Resolution

SpringMVC Source Learning: Container Initialization + MVC Initialization + Request Distribution Processing + Parameter R...
1:20 10 May 2020

Several ways of reading and writing spark articles by HBase

1. Overview of how HBase is read and written ...
23:05 9 May 2020

About why the Onsubmit method returns a false form and is still submitted

Today, when I was working on a project, I came across a strange phenomenon. The following HTML code looks normal and has...
12:50 9 May 2020

JS directly downloads pictures and videos instead of opening previews

The attachment list in a project usually needs to provide the function of downloading and deleting. The function itself ...
11:47 9 May 2020

Python notes: drawing nine visual graphics with Pyecharts

First install the module conda install pyecharts perhaps ...
11:31 9 May 2020

Installing elasticsearch in docker

1. Change docker image warehouse # There are a lot of them on the Internet. I also found them on the Internet, or I went...
11:22 9 May 2020

scala and java mixed development package

How to package the mixed development of scala and java? F...
10:19 9 May 2020

Want to know what the future child looks like? Python face fusion tells you

Compared with face changing algorithm, face fusion algorithm is much more flexible. As the name implies, face fusion is the fusion of two faces, and t...
4:46 9 May 2020

Vue + fabric JS to realize simple drawing board

Because the company needs to use the framework of fabric.js, so when learning fabric.js, it has made a demo of such a si...
1:48 9 May 2020

jQuery simple implementation of get() and eq() methods

#jQuery select element -get() gets a specified element from the jQuery object and returns the native dom object. Therefo...
1:20 9 May 2020

Using Grafana and Arthas to automatically grab the thread stack of abnormal Java process

Preface Recently, it is found that the timeou...
22:36 8 May 2020

Android Service Basic Usage, AIDL, Binder Connection Pool Details

This article describes the communication between Service and Activity. It contains the following: ...
12:43 8 May 2020

Self filming tutorial 64 Python Testlink use case import split Excel tool

Case story: in the process of Testlink importing use cases in xml format, there will be a small problem: How to make sur...
11:08 8 May 2020

Web pack compression package vue.js project lazy load quick load page

In the past, we used the command of webpack – color – progress to package the vue.js project directly. There...
10:40 8 May 2020

Java fun sharing: try & finally

Consider the following four test methods, and what do they output? public class Test { public static void main(String\[\...
10:31 8 May 2020

Python 3 automated file batch processing (text, PDF; read, filter, export)

With the concise syntax of Python 3 script language and the rich class library of advanced language, several "scrip...
10:04 8 May 2020

(Reprint) SpringData JPA advanced - JPA one to many, many to many

Link: Primary key generation strategy in JPA   &e...
6:01 8 May 2020

iOS 13 problem solving and apple login, dark mode

This article corresponds to github address iOS 13 problem solving and apple login , if the resource cannot be found or t...
5:44 8 May 2020

Don't understand asynchronous requests and calls in spring boot? Just read this one

1, The use of asynchronous requests in Spring Boot ...
0:06 8 May 2020

Load balancing algorithms commonly used in Distributed Systems

For the students who are doing the development, the load balancing algorithm is no stranger. Today, let's check the load...
22:18 7 May 2020

Thoughts on Additions and Modifications in Mybatis-plus

One finishing touch When we operate on a database, the additions and modifications are twin brothers, and in most case...
20:53 7 May 2020