Article. Page 80

Sort: bubble sort

Algorithm steps: 1) Compare adjacent elements. If the first is bigger than the second, exchange them. 2) Do the same for each pair of adjacent element...
18:08 31 January 2020

Python 3 conditional control, loop statement

Article directory if statement while Loop Infinite cycle while loop use else statement Simple statement group for statement Use break in for statemen...
17:42 31 January 2020

JS implementation collection class

Set is the basic mathematical knowledge, which is also very common in program application. But there are not many sets checked on the Internet throug...
16:49 31 January 2020

PHP tripartite management tool composer

Composer installation Download and install composer (terminal command) ~$ curl -sS | php or ~$ php -r "readfil...
16:03 31 January 2020

oracle dynamic (Reference) cursor

1. classification: Static cursors: explicit cursors and implicit cursors are called static cursors because before they are used, the definition of cu...
15:38 31 January 2020

The use of ansible roles in automatic operation and maintenance

1. Introduction to roles the playbook s of all hosts 2.1 previous writing 2.2 roles 2.3 test 1. Introduction to roles Based on a known file st...
14:56 31 January 2020

Mysql multi instance configuration

Multi instance configuration of MySQL In a physical machine, multiple test environments are needed, so multiple instances of building database are nee...
14:54 31 January 2020

NAT network address translation

NAT (network address translation)Effect Convert private address to public address for Internet access Saving ip It can hide the internal network and ...
14:50 31 January 2020

Minimum turnaround -- traversal of Graphs

Original Xiaoming and Xiaogang are flying to travel together. They are now located in No. 1 city. Their goal is No. 5 city. However, No. 1 city has no...
14:41 31 January 2020

Using mybatis generator to generate code in spring boot

Please create your springboot project first Add mybatis generator to the project 1. Add plugin in pom <plugin> <groupId>org.mybatis.gener...
14:29 31 January 2020

jQuery -- small rocket back to top case

Small rocket back to top case 1. Scroll the page. When the distance between the page and the top exceeds 1000px, the small rocket will be displayed. E...
14:12 31 January 2020

The realization of the function of OL3 + middle chain home map house searching

Summary Today, let's talk about how to realize the function of finding house by map in the version of OL3 +. Preparation 1. Functional analysis ...
14:08 31 January 2020

Performance comparison of mysql batch operation

1, When operating the database, using the prepared statement will greatly improve the performance advantages of operating the database as follows: 1)...
14:07 31 January 2020

C + + Learning (18) (C language part) pointer 2

Pointer1. Overview of pointers What is the pointer? Pointer is an address is a constant Int int a a is a variable What does the pointer do? Easy to us...
14:06 31 January 2020

Canvas drawing share 1:

1. To create a canvas: <canvas id="canvas" width="500" height="500" style="background:#eee;"></canva...
13:39 31 January 2020

mysql user management and permission setting under centos7

1.Get into mysql Command line, entering root And password [root@localhost ~]# mysql -u root -p Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands...
12:16 31 January 2020

[Python 3 reptile] short comment on Douban's I'm not the God of Medicine

Tools: Python3+Pycharm+Chrome Modules used: (1) Requests: for simple data requests. (2) lxml: faster and stronger parsing library than BeautiSoup. (3)...
11:06 31 January 2020

The 15th expansion of Unity editor: NGUI mass replacement atlas tool

NGUI batch replace atlas tool Tool purpose Because the project needs to realize the skin changing function, i.e. multiple sets of UI atlas, provide t...
10:53 31 January 2020

Oracle EBS file upload and download (I) - call standard API function

Business background An article published before me< Oracle EBS uses CSV to import Oracle Form and BOM import API >When it comes to uploading im...
10:15 31 January 2020

Canvass' carousel draw

Canvass' carousel draw 1. Sorting (1) the rotary table is mainly the product position / / sAngle start radian baseRadian product default radian ...
9:46 31 January 2020

Getting data from python's restful api (flask)

The Advanced Rest Client, an extension program of Google browser, is required for simulation request 1. Code directly 1 from flask import Flask 2 from...
9:43 31 January 2020

The use of ICAP primitives in FPGA -- the implementation of Multiboot function

Use of ICAP primitives First, gossip Introduction of ICAP primitives Introduction of ICAPE2 primitive Code of ICAPE2 primitive Verification Concludin...
4:29 30 January 2020

[Python] Python game--Airplane battle

1. Preface Today is the fourth day of the lunar new year. The Spring Festival when we are comfortable lying down at home is over. We are also startin...
22:00 28 January 2020

Spring - handwritten spring annotation version transaction, seven communication behaviors of spring things

I. annotations 1. What is built-in annotation (1) Add @ SuppressWarnings to the front of the program to remove warnings in javac compilation -- stage ...
21:53 19 January 2020

vue notes-provide & inject (2)

1. Usage: provide: Used in ancestor components; a value is an object or a function that returns an object; inject: Used in descendant components; val...
11:26 19 January 2020

unipush implementation of ios and android push tutorial

Write before: 1.unipush supports many push templates. Friends who are interested in learning about it can Official website View: if you want to push ...
7:44 19 January 2020

Analysis of Baidu Apollo Code: smoothing optimization in Open Space Planner

Hello everyone, I have moved the blog on CSDN to Zhihu. Welcome to pay attention to my column on Zhihu Slow carriage(
7:08 19 January 2020

Rejected our connection request

background When accessing the content platform, the content platform uses iframe to embed ugc's post details page, so that users can preview the...
6:08 19 January 2020

03 elastic log system - filebeat-kafka-logstash-elastic search-kibana-6.8.0 building process

03 elastic log system - filebeat-kafka-logstash-elastic search-kibana-6.8.0 building process 1. introduction 2. Preparations 2.1 software version 2.2...
4:46 19 January 2020

Project 4 product purchase

1: Merchant background - commodity management [commodity list] (in the merchant background, display the commodity list information of the merchant) T...
4:35 19 January 2020