Article. Page 82

New springboot + mybatis plus project

New springboot + mybatis plus project First, use idea to create a new SpringBoot [failed to transfer the pictures in the external chain. The source s...
0:05 15 January 2020

MHA High Availability Architecture Deployment Configuration Instance

1. Preface 1.1What's MHA?--An introduction to the principles MHA - Master High Availability, currently a relatively mature solution for MySQL hi...
12:43 14 January 2020

ByteBuddy manipulating Java bytes example: automatically removing spaces on both sides of a string

I learned a little bit about ByteBuddy today. Its official warehouse address is: Official description: Runtime co...
6:07 14 January 2020


C-Indexer Indexer allows an object to be indexed like an array. When you define an indexer for a class, it behaves like a virtual array. You can use ...
5:43 14 January 2020

Wechat applet chart development (eCharts)

1, Description This article mainly records the use of charts in the development of wechat applet. Here is mainly about the use of echarts, and finall...
5:15 14 January 2020

Python basics summary (short notes)

Python is a cross platform computer programming language. It is an object-oriented dynamic type language. Notes include the basic skills of compiling ...
4:53 14 January 2020

Bash & Python processing application translation table for international import Excel into string.xml table

The company's business development must be internationalized. In the process of internationalization, the most headache is to write an internati...
4:13 14 January 2020

js basic functions

1. Array API of javascript: //Defined array var pageIds = new Array(); pageIds.push('A'); //Array length pageIds.length; //shift: Delete th...
2:36 14 January 2020

Using Spring Boot and OAuth to build a secure SPA

Recently, I have been studying in a closed door, but the process is still a little hard. Fortunately, there are also teachers who take the excellent c...
22:21 13 January 2020

Algorithms Ring Chain List II

00141 Ring Chain List Title Description Given a list of chains, determine if there are rings in the list. Instance 1: Input: head = [3,2,0,-4], pos =...
18:51 13 January 2020

Spring boot uses quartz to dynamically add tasks

In the project, the page needs to dynamically add timed tasks and delete tasks. The practice of others is used for reference. Now the design method i...
10:55 13 January 2020

First day of Java Web comprehensive case (information display after registration, verification code, email verification, login, exit and successful login)

1, Building development environment -- tourism projects based on the separation of front and back ends Technology stack needed for the project Backen...
10:48 13 January 2020

Slow code Python? Hands on how to speed up your code by 30%

Yun Qi Hao: https://yqh.aliyun.comThe first-hand cloud information, the selected cloud enterprise case base of different industries, and the best prac...
6:58 13 January 2020

The third day of micro HR: SpringBoot integrates Freemarker

Let's talk about how SpringBoot integrates Freemarker: You need to check web and Freemarker when creating a springboot project After the project...
4:43 13 January 2020

Steps of installing JDK in linux

1. Check the jdk version in the system (some systems have their own jdk) [root@localhost software]# java -version If there is no jdk, there will be n...
4:02 13 January 2020

Spring MVC series execution process

Article directory doDispatch() method getHandler(HttpServletRequest request) getHandlerAdapter(Object handler) processDispatchResult() This series co...
3:39 13 January 2020

The first lesson of big data on the cloud: MaxCompute authorization and appearance operation hidden pit Guide

1, Sub account creation, AK information binding If you are the first time to log in to digital plus platform and use DataWorks with a sub account, you...
2:57 13 January 2020

Using UAV (mobile phone) and Unity3D software to make their own VR panoramic software

*There are many panoramic websites and companies in the market. I will not list them here. I will Baidu VR and Panorama and so on will jump out a lot...
23:39 12 January 2020

Summary of common skills in Salesforce Apex (continuous update)

Preface The blogger is also a Salesforce Apex, who has been working for a long time. I would like to share the useful knowledge and the knowledge I u...
21:35 12 January 2020

Basic script attempt

Try the script for the first time. Go by and correct it! syeteminfo system profile command #!/bin/bash #Descrition:show system information #filename:...
12:44 12 January 2020

Android uses camera to realize the problem of staying in the preview interface after taking photos

camera realizes the code of taking photos: /** * Start taking photos */ public void startCapture() { if (null != camera) { camera.takePicture(null, n...
10:52 12 January 2020

Data structure (C language) course 5: drug sales statistics system of drugstores

Data structure (C language) course 5: drug sales statistics system of drugstores Title Description: You work as a warehouse keeper in an L drug store...
8:07 12 January 2020

ACM winter holiday happy competition question solution

Competition website First of all: due to the sudden death of cfcf, the experience is extremely poor. When cfcf surv...
8:20 11 January 2020

linux high order Nginx reverse proxy

Nginx reverse proxy function Reverse proxy: reverse proxy is also called reverse proxy. It refers to a way to proxy the request of the external netwo...
5:31 11 January 2020

Three traversal methods of binary tree (non recursive)

Binary tree is a kind of data structure. The structure of simple binary tree can be divided into left sub node, right sub node, and a pointer to data...
5:18 11 January 2020

Tomcat access project changed from http to https settings

1. Mr. Cheng's certificate # First switch to the certificate file path: $ cd /app/tomcat-8.5.39/ # Generate certificate file: $ keytool -genkey ...
0:13 11 January 2020

Flink asynchronous contradiction - sharp Async I/O

Dimension table JOIN - a business scenario that cannot be bypassed In the process of Flink flow processing, it is often necessary to interact with ext...
14:23 10 January 2020

kubeadm deployment k8s

The new version of kubeadm has changed some parameters, the installation method has changed, you can refer to the new version installation method [ku...
13:55 10 January 2020

Using vue and bootstrap to write simple user information

Note: 1.v-model = "" for bi-directional data binding of input form logical layer and rendering layer 2.v-on:click='add() 'click m...
11:10 10 January 2020

k8s deployment stateful service zookeeper example

Without considering the configuration file first: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: StatefulSet #####A problem with fixed hostname and stateful service is th...
9:14 10 January 2020