Article. Page 81

Mr.Smile: three bug s of volume bar adjustment in Android P and Android 10 Google native settings

Let's look at the problem first First adjust the volume of a call, and then the volume of the ring tone and the volume of the alarm clock will b...
3:53 19 January 2020

OAuth2 protocol and Spring Security OAuth2 integration

The authorization protocol of OAuth 2.0 allows third-party applications to access restricted HTTP resources. As usual, when you use Github and Google...
1:58 19 January 2020

Common functions in MySQL

1. String function length(a) gets the length of string a concat(a,b,c) splices multiple values into a string trim(a) remove the space at the beginnin...
0:42 19 January 2020

Function and usage of Notification

Notification is a notification displayed in the status bar of the mobile phone - the status bar is located at the top of the mobile phone screen, whe...
0:15 19 January 2020

Python-Point Cloud Series--Reproduction of PointNet Papers

Article Directory Introduction to Point Net network structure Rotation transformation matrix Source Parsing (Detailed) Source Download Source directo...
22:00 18 January 2020

Android Beginner Series: what do you want to write? Phase I: ViewPager+fragment interface switch

What to think of and write the first issue: focus on simpler and understandable code to solve the problems encountered by Android Xiaobai viewPager+f...
13:04 18 January 2020

vue koa2 mongodb does the back-end part of the personal blog login registration function from scratch

0. Effect demonstration It's annoying to plug in a video.You can go out and turn right to Youku. Click on me!). 1. Backend Build 1.1 Project Stru...
12:49 18 January 2020

Desktop layout of Android 80go platform

1. File path vendor/go-gms/apps_go/GmsSampleIntegrationGo/res/xml/partner_default_layout.xml 2. Screen division The bottom and middle screens are sep...
12:01 18 January 2020

spring Boot integrated multi data source (with paging)

According to the needs of the project, the front end needs to be provided with data from different databases. Now a variety of data sources are integ...
10:20 18 January 2020

How to send verification code to mobile phone?

How to send verification code to mobile phone? I. Preface Technical name: Ali is greater than SMS verification (one of the ways to send SMS verificat...
7:43 18 January 2020

Make "New Year's Eve Countdown" poster with python. Are you ready for the new year?

Yun Qi Hao: https://yqh.aliyun.comThe first-hand cloud information, the selected cloud enterprise case base of different industries, and the best prac...
4:48 18 January 2020

centos7 installation process and host configuration

This article records the whole process of CentOS 7 64 bit installation on the virtual machine, which I downloaded for my future installation and use ...
4:05 18 January 2020

Implementation of a lightweight RPC framework based on Netty and SpringBoot Client side request response synchronization

premise Pre article: Implementing a lightweight RPC framework based on Netty and SpringBoot protocol Implementing a lightweight RPC framework Server ...
2:32 18 January 2020

python learning notes hands on how to use native urllib to send network requests

example teaching urllib.urlopen(url[,data[,proxies]]) : The default library of network requests in pyth...
1:30 18 January 2020

Git on 4 server - configure server

Let's see how to configure ssh access on the server side. In this case, we will use the authorized_keys method to authenticate the user. At the ...
10:14 17 January 2020

Extend ports generate test reports

1, Download dependency package <dependency> <groupId>com.relevantcodes</groupId> <artifactId>extentreports</artifactId>...
9:33 17 January 2020

Introduction to network socket programming

The following is a Li's understanding of socket programming, hoping to help you; if there are errors, please point out generously; 1: Socket pro...
9:21 17 January 2020

Centos7 uses Yum source to install mongodb version 4.2 database

Centos7 uses Yum source to install mongodb version 4.2 database 1. Modify the support of yum installation source for mongodb Official documents avail...
8:08 17 January 2020

[UE4] UE4 embedded web and communication with Web

UE4 is embedded in the Web and UE4 to Web communication. I use ue4.22.3, and take UE4 embedded in ECharts and communicating with ECharts as an exampl...
6:27 17 January 2020

Quick start to kubernetes series tutorial

Write before Kubernetes involves a lot of concepts, including all kinds of technologies in the cloud eco-community. The cost of learning is relativel...
12:27 16 January 2020 -- Naive Bayes

Preface Naive Bayes classifier is a classifier with low variance and high deviation. It assumes that there is conditional independence between each f...
10:05 16 January 2020

Ubuntu startup script or command

Background In the development process, sometimes some sh scripts, python scripts, commands, etc. need to be executed automatically when the machine i...
9:41 16 January 2020

HTML of Java Web Foundation

Overview of web concept * JavaWeb: *Using Java language to develop Internet based projects *Software architecture: 1. C/S: Client/Server client / ser...
8:57 16 January 2020

SqlServer common commands

Article directory 1, SQL Basics Two, enhance Three, function Four, actual combat 1.SELECT 2.Update 3. table / field 4. Index (add, delete, modify and...
7:32 16 January 2020

Java realizes SMS function through SMS platform

Preface This paper records the use of SMS platform built by China net, which needs to be registered before use. Here, only the use of SMS interface i...
4:27 16 January 2020

Cluster Load Balancing Setup--LVS-DR Cluster Deployment

Article Directory Preface I: How LVS-DR works 1.1: Overview of DR mode 1.2: How to analyze LVS-DR packet flow direction? 3.3: ARP Problems in LVS-DR ...
22:41 15 January 2020

Teach Application Module 3 of Fishing-Operations and Maintenance Platform (Vmware Customization Specification Paper)

###A K8S-like orchestration function enables Vmware to be automatically scaled up and resilient (by triggering resilient expansion through monitoring...
20:32 15 January 2020

Getting Started with the web Front End to Practice: CSS for Raindrop Animation

Casement window Today we are going to achieve the effect of rain drops, but before we achieve the effect of rain drops, we first get out the effect o...
12:33 15 January 2020

Dockerfile theory + practice!!!

Dockerfile overview Dockerfile is the description file of the image file in docker. The straight white point is exactly what the image file is compos...
3:25 15 January 2020

centos install LNMP environment

Article directory Install lnmp project deployment environment Installing the python environment Install mysql Install nginx Install redis redis boot ...
0:24 15 January 2020