Article. Page 87

Arrays in Scala

1. Introduction to array There are two kinds of arrays in scala: fixed length array and variable length array. fixed length Array: because Array is i...
23:20 3 December 2019

Depth first search DFS template and template questions

Depth first search Depth first search (DFS) is an algorithm for traversing or searching trees or graphs. The nodes of the tree are traversed along th...
23:02 3 December 2019

Using jsonp to realize Baidu association words

The so-called json is a "usage mode" of json, which can be used to solve the problem of cross domain data access of mainstream browsers. Th...
22:55 3 December 2019

JFreeChart drawing + jsp page display implementation statistics

1 development environment: 1. eclipse (replaceable) 2,jfreechart-1.0.19 2 Description: (1) source directory: it's the source directory of jfreech...
22:47 3 December 2019

Encapsulate the table component of element UI, and flexibly configure the header to realize the functions of table editing, button, link, etc.

vue-bxz-table 1. Encapsulate the table component of element UI: Define table height full screen Add foreground paging function. Customize the header a...
22:36 3 December 2019

[big data learning 02] preparation for Hadoop cluster installation

I. connecting virtual machines to the Internet The virtual machine cannot ping the network card. The following settings are required at this time vi ...
21:55 3 December 2019

Analyze the Gaud map api to obtain the provincial and urban areas, and generate the latest three-level linkage sql table

Preface: In the recent project, the three-level information of provincial and urban areas in China has been used, but the information found on the Int...
21:46 3 December 2019

Complete set of installation documents and small skills of Docker related environment

The following environments are Ubuntu 16.04, which mainly install docker, docker compose, docker warehouse, etc. Docker installation Reference resourc...
21:18 3 December 2019

fdisk and parted partition

There are two types of linux partitions I contact: one is using fdisk partition, and the other is parted partition. The former is for MBR mode partiti...
21:12 3 December 2019

Install Oracle11gR2- database silently on oraclelinux 7.6

I. prepare the responseFile file 1. For environment deployment, please refer to the blog: 2. Active and standby responseFile files, and obtain file t...
21:10 3 December 2019

JavaScript series blog

JavaScript series blog (5) Preface This blog study js selector to control css and html, use event (hook function) to handle the specified function aft...
21:04 3 December 2019

Using the blocking mechanism of chan to realize the start, blocking and return controller of the cooperation process

I. use scenarios The background is to read oplog from kafka for incremental processing, but when I want to send a command to block the incremental pro...
20:43 3 December 2019

Analysis of 25 × and × operators

Operator operator #Operator to convert macro parameters to strings during preprocessing #The conversion of is completed in the preprocessing period, s...
20:42 3 December 2019

Troubleshooting for abnormal downtime of nodes in Galera Cluster

background Before Group Replication was released, MySQL official replication had asynchronous and semi synchronous. At that time, most companies would...
20:42 3 December 2019

mac[linux] uses lsyncd to synchronize multiple files of two machines in real time

What is Lsyncd? Lsyncd is a lightweight real-time file backup solution, which is very easy to install and use. It can be used to synchronize files bet...
20:39 3 December 2019

Simple React SSR

0. Preface Server-side rendering is not just needed in the project, but sometimes a server-side rendering is also needed. There are many advantages f...
20:33 3 December 2019

Delphi basic (routine, routine return value)

I. routine: a unique name in Delphi. Routine is a form of encapsulating the code of a specific function: 1. Process 2. FunctionThe difference between ...
19:58 3 December 2019

[tree cover] [learning notes]

thought Tree cover tree, like his name, is a tree cover another tree. Use an outer tree to maintain something like intervals. Then each node of the ou...
19:44 3 December 2019

Weather forecast microservice: build spring cloud microservice from 0

As usual Project github link This project realizes the process of transforming a simple weather forecast system into a spring cloud microservice syste...
19:35 3 December 2019

Replacing scheduled tasks with delay queues

§ 1 RabbitMQ delay queue RabbitMQ delay queue is mainly realized by TTL (Time to Live) and dead letter exchange (Dead Letter Exchanges) of messages. I...
19:32 3 December 2019

Add and query data table with object-oriented idea, JDBC code is super detailed

In this paper, the JDBC program is written with the object-oriented idea, and the java program is used to add the student information to the data tabl...
19:19 3 December 2019

Understanding Slice Symbols

I need a good explanation of the Python slice symbol (the reference is a plus sign). For me, this notation requires some attention. It looks very pow...
18:23 3 December 2019

select2 ajax dynamically fetches data and echoes it

There is a requirement: to assign roles to an employee, you must first obtain the roles that the employee already has, and obtain a list of all roles...
18:08 3 December 2019

Why Python 3 chooses to support non ASCII identifiers

The original text is: PEP 3131 -- Supporting Non-ASCII Identifiers. Python 2 does not support non ASCII identifiers. The full name of PEP is Python En...
18:06 3 December 2019

Learn from me the factory mode of design mode

The Factory mode is widely used. It can be seen everywhere in the JDK underlying source code and major mainstream frameworks. Generally, classes named...
18:00 3 December 2019

From the 25th day to the 27th day, the countdown begins to tick

Code Now we need to make a slightly complicated thing, as follows: HTML. There is a pile of Select to Select the date and time. After selection, the d...
17:54 3 December 2019

FFmpeg code to extract audio and video data

Today, we begin to roll up the code. First, we use the FFmpeg API to extract the audio data of an MP4 file. IDE It should be the first time to do C/C...
17:42 3 December 2019

Custom plug-in of vertical waterfall flow based on jquery

The company's new project has made a plate about pictures. It found some waterfall plug-ins on the Internet that are not very suitable for itself...
17:25 3 December 2019

Summary of ssm integration -- the first step is to build a web project with maven

The content of this paper comes from: Mountain Silicon Valley. It integrates task 2, task 3 and task 4. 1 Desc...
17:23 3 December 2019

Three states of Hibernate object

hibernate has three states: Transient, persistent, detached The following figure shows the state transition of objects in hibernate: Example 1 @Test ...
17:08 3 December 2019